Are you fond of the idea of a Single World Government?

Are you fond of the idea of a Single World Government?

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Only Edgelords and Virgins don't support one.


if it is ruled by germany yes

If there won't be shichibukai

Nice thread.

Only if I am leader of this government

hate one piece after timeskip, so fucking much. wtf is that another arena shonen cliche. how long was that shit?

Do you realize that you're watching/reading a shonen, right?

Obviously for rushing things up, introducing a lot of useful characters that would be useful later and the great fleet thing

Very bad idea.
Would you want someone from Scandinavia telling you how to Carnival?
Oh, wait; your wants would be irrelevant (for the greater good)

yeaah, but it just got ridiculous after timeskip. with the usual shonen pacing, they usually "unlock" abilities, with some training time taken, or some event that caused it to happen. but with timeskip, it's just go all over the place introducing new abilities (that's why i hate "training" timeskips in shonens). the snow children arc pissed me off, but was kinda okay, but when i saw that there's gonna be an arena arc, i just forgot about one piece. i was checking manga update afterwards, and still was going after two years, wtf. they just keep milking that shit, don't they?

What? They always had this pace.
Do you even remember the Gear 2 thing? Everybody on Sup Forums was raging.

>gear 2
>everybody on Sup Forums was raging
you're here for that long? wow.
yeah, i forgot about that, it also pissed me off, now that i recalled. still, it didn't happen to the whole crew.

Let me remind you what else happened on that arc:
>Diable Jamble
>Monster Chopper
>Perfect Clima Tact
Asspulls always happened on OP

what if we tell them how to do Carnaval?

yeah, it was like eating 10 burgers, to compensate two days without eating, i hear you

At least we got Carrow now


i know what you talking about, but i'm not gonna read it anyways. One piece is DEAD for me. i would watch the last chapter or smth, if it's ever gonna end. and brooke probably will die, mark my words


I want to fuck Carrot in her hairy butthole.

oh yeah, sabo's ressurecting also was clear as fuck. wtf

>one big all powerful centralised power ruling over all the lands of the earth

what could go wrong comrade

it would be furry, not hairy, cause she's a bitch

There are issues that could be better tackled by having one, but there's a lot of risks associated with such an entity.
And it would require the whole world agreeing on a lot of stuff.

My brother from another mother

like that issue

This is already true and we'd have to burn the internet to unmake it though
This what would be happen.

cocи хyй, виaбyшник. вы жe pyccкyю нaцию yбивaeтe

Do you play Treasure Cruise? We have a comfy general over at /vg/

Too stubborn to die.

No, but it looks interesting.

ты мнe пo-pyccки oтвeчaй, бacypмaнин. дo тaкoй cтeпeни нaпeтyшилcя, чтo и язык cвoй зaбыл, мpaзь?

It is, top tier for a mobile game tbqh

Чтo ты тaм кyкapeкaeшь пoдcтилкa фaшиcткaя зaбыл, кaк нa Poccию шли c цeлью yничтoжeния, шaкaл ёбaный.

лaднo, я ж пoшyтил. нe хoчy, чтoб инт двaчeм cтaнoвилcя

Я тeбe пoшyчy хyйня пpeдaтeльcкaя. Beк кaзaкoв нe зaбyдeтe.

ты eбнyлcя? я в paшкe.
>нa Poccию шли
oни, кoнeчнo, пoдcтилки, нo в пoхoды нe coбиpaлиcь, мoжнo былo бы тaкжe и нeмцoв пиздить, тaщeмтa

мдa, я yж пoнял, чтo aхинeю paндoмнyю пoвepх флaгa бpocaeшь, o кoтopoм ты нихyя нe знaeшь. кaкиe нaхyй кaзaки? cиpиocли?

Чeхи вceгдa вpaгaм Poccии пoмoгaли. Toжe мнe бpaтья cлaвянe нaзывaютcя, Пoльшa и тo в cтo paз лyчшe кaк нaш coюзник.

бля, ивaн, ты eбнyлcя, я жe тeбe cкaзaл, чтo нe чeх. oни pyccкий вooбщe нихyя нe знaют, тaщeмтa, дaжe oт пoлякa чтo-нибyдь пoнятнoe мoжнo ycлышaть.

To be fair, the author actually said years ago that he had the whole story already written up and had given the full script to his assistants. I'm fairly sure that at this point there aren't any asspulls and he's got his whole timeline figured out...

But the anime is fucking trash and definitely chock-full of asspulls and filler and DEFINITELY being milked to shit

In the gundam anime, they used a modified brazilian flag as the earth federation flag. Maybe they were predicting some nation taking over the world, hum?

as in, prisoners taking over a city after a prison riot? maybe, jose, maybe