/ibe/ - España & Portugal

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Quiero comerle la polla a Canales

Fuck Portugal and fuck white people.

gay psh

yo soy depresion cuando dia de descanso ...
Quiero morir .

Tenía que coger un bus a Moncloa y sin querer he cogido el puto bus al Escorial.

trips checkeados
dame un abrazo

Who is this semen demon?




no soy el calvo .


esto esta muerto me voy a dormir

Que tal el día por la península?

Tu Estoy el espanol que estudia en polonia?

Abaixo do Douro, tudo mouro.


Soy el que visita al amigo de erasmus en Polonia.

En que ciudad?



Antes fui a la columna de Segismundo y había una manifestación de los ultranacionalistas con esa bandera.

cuidado no te vayan a zurrar por tener pinta de moro

Me he fijado que la gente me mira. Pero supongo que es más por tener el pelo castaño y largo.

No tengo ni idea de dónde estoy, creo que he cogido el autobús que no era.

Ah ya se dónde estoy.

Por favor no habléis todos a la vez.

>psicologo mañana

Ya nos contarás que tal.

Si es nueva sera joven.

>"Presidente Gaviria es un hijo de puta malparido"

como é que respondes?

I say Andalucia becomes Baetica acerte becomes oleo de comida, ojala becomes si dios quere.

alcarde becomes gobernador de ciudad, all things created by moors are torn down, everything with moorish name is destroyed, any sympathizers with moors deported.

>CHIs say "óleo" not because of "oleum", but because of English "oil"
>"vacumar la carpeta" would be a thing under this guy


Buenos días mis amores
¿Como estáis?
>nunca haré footing en el parking
Los esp*ñoles, señores

Looks like your language got SPAIN'D by our ability to coin bullshit words by adding -ing to them. Take that, eternal Anglo!

Spanish isn't going to be the language spoken here. Sadly because a big portion of the migrants here come from the lower classes of Mexico and Central America the Spanish language gets associated with them and is seen as an inferior language by society.

The reason why chicanos are so self hating is because their parents culture gets shamed as inferior. Spanish is the janitors language by default in the US. After one or two generations your average chicano will deny he or she understands the language and will surprisingly get upset if you were to associate them with such language.

What you speak over there isn't Spanish in the first place. It's garbled mexispeak with some English thrown in.

Lurkea más.

Ya sé que es croata, es por tocar los huevos

qué le diríais a una chica que os dejó de hablar de repente y que ha pasado como una semana o más desde entonces ?

for me all they look the same


Nada, está claro que no quiere saber nada de mí.

>qué le diríais a una chica que os dejó de hablar de repente y que ha pasado como una semana o más desde entonces ?
"¿Quieres una fanta?"

de tí 1000% seguro QUE NO
no, puesto que la conocí x internet y tengo su numero

o "No pedí patatas"


>tfw you will never swear fealty to princesses

when you have money but there's not food

>tfw you will never be a knight defending spanish world

hipnotizas a las gallinas?

Se te olvida el paso fundamental Jorge, debes salir de casa para encontrarte con alguien a quien manipular.

>you will never labor to build up our common spanish race and destiny
>you will never fight to defend and secure ourselves on this earth
>you will never conquer some land for the spanish people

hoy he tenido una cita

We've had austrian and french kings, we can have american knights.

>you will never create such wonders of massive beauty for your people.
>you will never create a castle for all Spaniards

I'm Spanish though.

do you mean mexican or chicano?

No, ethnically Spanish and like family to you.

>You will never make Castile Great Again
>You will never be called Castilian insted of spaniard
>Your people will never be united in one nation



cuál es el límite de bump ? 300 ?

ya desperte

caliente caliente


hoy he jugado videojuegos competitivos
soy de los mejores de españa, estoy en el equipo nacional de este juego
preguntame lo que quieras

el tf2 no tiene futuro ni presente

Im unemployed and my great grandpa was spanish. Is there a genetic link?

por qué lo cambiaron por el G36 en el ejército?

pero es divertido
mucho mas que todo lo demas que he probado
espero que el quake champiñons no defraude

pues yo no entiendo a los que juegan miles de horas, yo no llegue a las 100 y ya me parecia siempre lo mismo

a mi me parece lo contrario, de los pocos shooters con variedad de verdad
100 horas no te llegan para aprender ni 1 clase
seguramente no llegaste a aprender saltos de cohete ni jugar 6v6, pero bueno cada uno tiene sus gustos

los saltos con cohete los hacia en el quake live cuando jugaba, en el tf2 los probe pero el soldier me parecia muy lento y aburrido

>posts a moorish castle

en movimiento si que es lento si pero si manejas los saltos de cohete a mi me parecen mas divertidos.... de pura suerte al TF2 le salio un sistema de movimiento cojonudo. airstrafing, pogos, sincronizar cohetes.... incluso de demoman con las stickies

nOOOO don't tell me it's so!

fucking google fags don't show me the Christian ones/

>aprendiendo a manipular gente
>no me relaciono con nadie porque no salgo de casa
algun dia me sera util psh

Here's a proper Christian castle, and an old one to boot (10th century)

The shape and form of the Alcázar was not known until the reign of King Alfonso VIII (1155–1214), however early documentation mentioned a wooden stockade fence. It can be concluded that prior to Alfonso VIII's reign, the Muslim era structure was no more than a wooden fort built over the old Roman foundations. Alfonso VIII and his wife, Eleanor of England, made this alcázar their principal residence and much work was carried out to erect the beginnings of the stone fortification we see today.
Alcazar, viewed from the south, outside of the city
Armory Room

The Alcázar of Segovia was one of the favorite residences of the monarchs of Castile in the Middle Ages, and a key fortress in the defence of the kingdom. It was during this period that most of the current building was constructed by the Trastámara dynasty.

In 1258, parts of the Alcázar had to be rebuilt by King Alfonso X after a cave-in and soon after the Hall of Kings was built to house Parliament. However, the single largest contributor to the continuing construction of the Alcázar is King John II who built the "New Tower" (John II tower as it is known today).


Any Portubro around here?

Segovia's a nice town, you'd like it




Do u guys know what Segovia means in Portuguese?

lel, do you mean as in esgoviar?

Saragossa also has a dirty meaning.

Why would u call a place "hand job" anyway?

The whole city is basically giving a handjob to our Big Long Aqueduct. It's loaded with symbolism and innuendo.

Pero zaragoza viene de como se llamaba en latín, cesare augusta. No de que sara goce como una perra. Aunque si, se puede malinterpretar. Como el pueblo llamado Guarroman.

I'm moving to Lisboa in a week (never been there before). Any piece of advice will be appreciated, especially from locals.

I'm Spanish btw, been in France for quite a while, but Spanish nonetheless.

In Portugal we got: Venda Das raparigas "girls sell out"
Linda a vellha "hot milf"
Coina "pussy"

es bastante tranquilo
me recuerda a las ciudades gallegas en aspecto
no hay rascacielos ni nada

You said ur moving, you're moving in like actually coming to live here? Or are u coming in sort of vacations?

>I am spanish
You don't..

Le corto el cuello >>>>>

Asi que non resulta de sara ser cachonda? Muy bien, q desilucion

It seems I'll stay there for quite a long time. I'm talking about years, if everything goes fine.

¿Realmente crees que un francés iba a hacerse pasar por español?