Any European conservatives?

any European conservatives?
What is your opinion on neverending trump protests

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afd voter here
all of them are faggots and belong to the gas chamber

>What is your opinion on neverending trump protests
A lot of people in USA behave like children and have a lot of free time, people who actually work instead of wasting their time voted for their favourite candidate and that's why Trump won.
Sadly these big children make a lot of foreigner think most of americans hate Trump with passion which is not true, sjws can be dangerous as Sweden teaches.

autism has became an epidemic

I think it's fucking stupid. The choice was made by the entire country, I think people forget that because they don't realize there are communities outside their own, which might think and feel differently.

Even worse are the protests which are formed by people who aren't American. It's really not your say at all.

All in all, extremely childish behavior (and a lot of it to blame is on the media which at least in Norway has painted an extremely bad image of Trump and given the opinion that "everyone is against him").
Pretty much hit the nail on the head.

Add a brainwashing education which killed the ability of thinking with your own brain and you will have those immigrants lovers.


It just shows how hypocritical the left wing is.

I'm a lefty (I'm voting for the green party or the party for the animals) and I don't understand the protests. None of my ancom friends understand it either. Why aren't they organizing protests for good lefty causes?

A good deal of American liberals hate it too.
Many will sympathize with the feelings, but a good deal look at them as the babies they are.

They are not real protests. They are organized and funded by soros and company.

I agree with that lady
Trump is not my president

There are no "lefties' in the U.S.
Only liberals and their useful idiots.

The thing is that Trump is a liberal though, he's not some sort of neo-nazi or something like keeps getting memed about

Leftism is pretty much synonymous with liberalism nowadays.

Actual socialism has been dead since -68, aka the year the leftists abandoned the working class and started to focus on identity politics for the rich instead.

The side that plays most on calling the other side Hitler or Nazis always loses.

Sad thing is that I prefer a certain democrat candidate that might run in 2020, but she doesn't have a chance if her fucking party keeps it's head shoved up their ass.

>Actual socialism has been dead since -68, aka the year the leftists abandoned the working class and started to focus on identity politics for the rich instead.
I thought that was only in America...

This. Not even the American communist is party is left wing. They're literally Shillary supporters.

Is he a liberal? He just came off to me as a conservative mixed with a 90s style Democrat

he's been (D) his entire life, supported the Clintons and Obama prior to this election, and magically changed his entire world view just in time for 2016

Yeah i think that's what the issue was this election, too much accusing people of being white supremacists or whatever for supporting Trump.

This election cycle was pretty fucking retarded now that I think about it. All the "DR*MPF WILL NEVER WIN" and "He said x, THAT'S IT. HIS CAMPAIGN IS ON SUICIDE WATCH" x 100 was ridiculous

Even though i'm not a conservative, i find these anti-trump protests especially outside the US to be cringy as fuck, i mean seriously, Trump is not your leader so why are you giving a shit? Oh yeah right because they are liberals who are also idpols who want a neo-liberal president who can achieve their selfish needs.

>Trump is not my president
>Protestor is not even American
Why do Europeans do this?

because they are butthurt and selfish neo-liberals

They're paid by an evil jew (redundant, i know) called George Soros.

how do I report this to german police?


>They're paid by an evil jew
you mean't Saudi?

Saudis are the next evolution of Jews

I thought he flopped sometime around 2010-ish? Trump was one of the cheerleaders of the birther movement iirc

>Trump was one of the cheerleaders of the birther movement
A movement started by Hillary Clinton

They're self-centred idiots and they cause tube delays every other week now. Usually these people are out protesting an actual individual issue but this time they're screaming like faggots about someone they don't like winning an election.