Why do Americans hate social democracy?

Why do Americans hate social democracy?

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i think because they have no culture so they dont feel close to other humans in their own country
selfish subhumans

They have a hard time grasping concepts that can't be summarized by a catchy slogan.

Because socialism doesn't work. The only reason yall can function with it is because you have Daddy America spending all his money on military to protect you.

This. Although with Trump it looks like thier socialist fantasy will stop being funded

this is the logo of democratic socialism, not social democracy you fucking beanbag

You seriously, unironically believe that America spends money for NATO out of pure altruism?

they hate everything remotely related to socialism due to cold war propaganda

well sorry, English is not my native language, but you know what i mean

Americans have capitalism "in their blood". Even if many CEOs simply earn too much compared to an average employee, and the class of millionaires is able to secure disproportionate amount of resources, power and wealth, rich people are just getting more and more rich, and the average wages are stagnating they don't see a problem in it, according to Americans companies don't have any social responsibilties, they are just supposed to generate revenue for themselves. And these at the top aren't supposed to share the benefit with the others who often work as much for the general success.

It's fucking funny that in reaction to decreasing/stagnating standards of life Americans elected a businessman who is all for trickle-down economic.

I know right? I simply cant understand how American working class people see this and think it is totally fine

>No culture
>Complains about American culture Americanizing planet

Ahh, the mental gymnastics of inferiority complexes


I've been talking to quite a few Americans and it's actually they can't really grasp what problem WE do have with inequality.

According to them CEOs simply deserve all these money as they create jobs and bring in innovation.

I think we are raised in slightly different systems. Especially for an Eastern European like me, from a country with socialist past, it's bizzare. American capitalism looks just as extreme as communism - just on the opposite of the spectrum. Also it obviously works quite well so Americans will endorse it.

I think for an average man Western Europe is better to live in, America is for the rich definitely.

How are you guys ok with that?

It's interesting because normally you would presume that people actually think that there is MORE inequality than in reality while it's the opposite.

But politicians are the people we specificially elected to make the changes we want for us.
Is that picture advocating against government entirely or what?

not Greece

I think it works really well because it makes their country really attractive to top tier immigrants.
They get to live in a top-tier country, get to use great infrastructure, and pay almost no taxes.
But the flip side of the coin is that USA really fucks over their lower class. I simply cant believe that this can be healthy in the long run.

It's because, despite all this inequality, their middle class still earns as much as in Western Europe.

Because they know how economy works.

It was a facebook troll, you simple minded person. The worse is that you really believe it. You have really a little brain.

Mostly This

So you are saying the pay-gap between worker and CEO in America is not larger than in other western countries?

They've got no idea what it means, they're scared of the word "social". they also prefer stability and think that reforms are risky.

Damn, you have issues. You understand nothing.

It's because our egos aren't invested into being upset when others buy nicer stuff than we do

i am just trying to learn more. can you please say what the real ratio of CEO vs worker is in america?

They're raised into the extreme thought of individuality and "freedom", I won't go too much into detail how delusional they are if they truly see their country as the beacon of these values since that's not the point. Everything that proposes sharing, social equiety or something like that is like poison to them. It's no wonder it's one of the countries with worst social mobility and they're fucking content with it.

Can you really blame them? No Western European country has as many non-whites as they do


Every other Polish user I've talked to on here is a hardcore, far-right ultra-capitalist who thinks infrastructure investment and public education/healthcare is Soviet communism.

Is Poland like that IRL, or does Sup Forums just attract all of your edgelords?

The funny thing is, once they taste some social security, like Obamacare, they are very reluctant to give it away.


oh, so only about 330:1, right?
Guess American workers get treated fair after all

>0 McDonald's in Iceland

Obamacare is shit that fucks over the majority to help the few.

For what it's worth, a lot of Republican voters don't support Republican economic policy (when they're actually informed what it is).

They vote for the GOP almost solely based on social issues (abortion/gays/jesus/etc.)

Have you watched the video?
Can you explain why the interviewed people dont wanna give up on obamacare?

>american infrastructure
Only federally own infrastructure like interstates are good, the rest is garbage

I'd also wager a lot of them have a negative knee-jerk reaction to it because it had "Obama" in the title.

>Poland equality
wow I'm proud

This is another thing that really baffles me.
That the American election is usually about non-issues like gay marriage, abortion and stuff. And really important topics like economy or social security dont get mentioned often

There used to be 1 in Reykyavik, but it wwnt bankrupt in 2009 sonow they have none

>per 1 million inhabitants
there's only 300k people on iceland.

its a non country with the population of a bigger european city

It never works.


>it obviously works quite well so Americans will endorse it.
works quite well at doing what, exactly?
allowing for a class of super-rich?

We do? I didn't know that

Because in the last 30 years the two main political parties have adopted similar liberal economic policies.

The Democrats (our """"""""""left-wing"""""""""" party) take up "social justice" to hide the fact that they shifted massively rightward in the Clinton era.

The Republicans (the openly pro-business party) take up conservative social issues to get rural & blue collar voters (who were historically Democrats) to vote for them, against their own economic interests.

You do what?

Because it leads to disaster and denbts.

I know right!
And i find it really funny that Democrats, the "left-wing" party, actually supports illegal immigrants, who are not only at the mercy of their employer, but also undercut the wages of American working people, causing a race to the bottom

this is amazing and I would very much like to know where it comes from so I could watch the whole interview. Can anyone tell me?

Who except for Germons about to vote for an even worse version of Merkel still support social democracy?

It's the cancer that killed Europe.


There were big protests here a few weeks ago in which a bunch of immigrants stayed home from work.

All of these rich business owners were on T.V. supporting the protests and immigrants for """""humanitarian""""" reasons.

Sad, but amusing.

well, we're all living in a capitalist world now not gommunisd, comrade :^)

Let me guess, you are a Wilders voter

There's a dude on youtube who interviews NK defectors. I forget his name, but search barring youtube shouldn't be hard.

We all are. This "social democracy" need to die. Fast.

Yes, unlike capitalism. Go to bed, weedman.


I bet it must feal really bad, knowing that PVV has no chance of becoming the ruling party

Ah yes. This trick again.
>d-don't vote for him
>he will never become a ruling party

Fuck off.

Germany is 10 years away from having free movement of labour with Turkey

Hey, its democracy and you can vote for whoever you want.
But as far as I know, no other party will make a coalition with PVV, so unless they get 50%, they will stay in opposition

>Implying politicians have principles


Worst thing that happens is that they remain a powerful, looming opposition that tries to hold the ruling coalition to account.

When only one party takes a position on an issue that you care about, and all the other parties have taken the opposite position, what's the use in "strategic voting"?

no debt or disasters here

Yeah, I think this is really bad for a democracy when one party remains so powerful and yet out of government for such a long time.
So other parties have to indentify the issues that make people vote for wilders, and reach out to those people

I unironically think that a socially conservative or moderate version of Bernie Sanders would carry sizable chunks of the country.

Even IRL Bernie was surprisingly popular among a lot of blue collar types I know here in the Rust Belt.

thanks guys

Communist and socialists need to be strung up, throats slit, and die like pigs

I totally agree. Imagine a strong, charismatic leader who actually adresses the problems of the lower class. Such a candidate would win the election in a landslide.

That's literally how Trump won.

The problem is his sincerity and competence.

middle class in America is also very rich


You realize that half of the things you blame Social Democracy for were executed by right wing parties? Kek.

Btw I really like the fact Sup Forums isn't as retarded as our "actual" political board.

On Sup Forums if you make a thread about /socdem/ you'll get ignored at best, normally you get insulted and there is 0 constructive discussion.

Here people atleast don't call each other "cucks" just because they don't belong to their echo chamber.

I agree.
A populist leader like Trump who is actually competent and can create social security for the American worker would have been perfect

the worst disaster was the great depression and the collapse of the soviet union was like 4 times worse in terms of gdp loss

Agreed. This is a surprisingly comfy thread.
