*tips sombrero*
sargon lads
when russia was ruled by the (((80%))) in the 20's, abortion, liberation of women and divorces were legalized
was freddie mercury a nonce?
watching the music video to The Miracle
No he was just a turbobender.
He was gay so I'm gonna say it's pretty likely
watch it suzy
might buy a ps4 desu
Almost as if ...Communism is more progressive....than capitalism...
need her to scratch my prostate with those nails while i spaff on her face
FINALLLY caught up, now im going to bed nite nite xoxo
Seen this twat everywhere. Is he owt to do with the sargon from Sup Forums?
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
rejected by 2 girls this week lads
so this is the power of diagnosed autism
*pulls your strings*
>Cara is 5'8 after years of there being a lie she was 5'11
Isn't 5'8 midget-tier for a supermodel?
He's a libertarian atheist vlogger
work tomorrow
wouldn't mind giving her friend one either to be desu
don't mind assassins creed games but the stealth is fucking shite
happy women's day
5'8 is about average for a woman, midget-tier for a model
thats chanmomo
yeah yeah women's days all well and good but when's men's day???
>5'8 is about average for a woman
Have you, ever been outside?
when you go to war haha
willing to bet you runts aren't reading anything at the moment
just this post
thinking about going for the gosha haircut but don't want to look like a trend hopper
didnt even read this post if were being honest here
directly baited you into making that reply, my beautiful little marionette
*strokes your strings*
i've been reading beaver towers, good stuff
only benders read tbf
I got bored of books when I was like 13
alri lads
tea is pretty cool eh
Hello manlet
should not have
shoudn't have
shannae be opening this link in me browser
I'm 6'6.
You would have
You'd have
english really should have more double contractions
how to get over oneitis
hmm yes
allow me to get on my high horse over my height
truly people respect me more due to my awkward lankiness
I fucking hate this little runt
heights lads? 6'5 here
hello manlet
I'm 5'8 and I've probably shagged more people than all of /brit/ combined
new rule for foreigners posting on /brit/.
You have to let me put my balls in your mouth.
hello manlet
nigga i was 5'8 before secondary school hahahahaha
it's literally impossible
I've been thinking about the same girl since 2013
some runt dog barking next door
might throw a box of chocolates over the fence
*opens my mouth up wide*
had enough of all the JFs on /brit/ innit lads. leafs especially are just the worst
good for you
yea except nobody cares lmao
thinking of a london ligamentolysis procedure
coughed this up lads
Would batter any cunt who called me short IRL
I'm 5'8 and 175lbs of pure muscle
Would knock your fucking teeth in
People always stare at me on public transport and I don't know why
Usually I let them off if it's a brief glance but it's often repeated or lengthy, and when I make eye contact with them they quickly look away
I'm not especially handsome or ugly and kind of lanky so I don't know what it could be
>ahh yes, i will vote against my lower middle class economical self-interest because i disagree with something as superficial as identity politics
willing to bet most of /brit/ would align more closely with Labour economically
doing a basic
The best guide in the darkness is a blind person, so in the age of madness it makes sense to listen to madmen.
t. a russian
You're staring at them too you conceited cunt
>he does the virgin sit
can you imagine being a working class stiff and voting for the neoliberal globalist blairites? LEL
when is the last time you had contact with her face to face and otherwise?
is the ford focus/fiesta european or american
why do people call the retarded mexican hat "sombrero"?
sombrero is just spanish for "hat"
What are you lads doing for St. Patrick's Day?
Having a party at my house like I did for Halloween
>millions of pakis and niggers
>giving up the rebate, just cause
>the Iraq war
>high taxes for a better Britain
>spend spend spend spend spend
>bitch about food banks that 24/7 that affect less than 3000 people in the entire country
Yeah nah m8
>Hitler a good boy, he dindu nuffin
read Lolita lads
Humbert wasn't such a bad lad
They probably want to spark you out. I do and would if I ever saw you out and about.
>Cowboys generalised the word to mean just about any wide broad-brimmed hat.
Believe every word of this desu, but for some reason when you say that people think you side with Hitler haha.
una vela jajajaja
No, I deliberately avoid looking at strangers unless they're staring at me obviously
Also I've found that people are generally more attractive if you don't look at them directly
Laws are not written by God we can change them, the entire refugee convention should be done away with, it was written when there were only 250 million Africans now the African population is over a billion and will be well over 4 billion by 2100.
nonce twat
>millions of pakis and niggers
yeah and look at the massive halt the tories have commanded!
it's almost like migrants are good for the economy or something