An American nigger is happy of the death of the rhino in a French zoo yesterday

An American nigger is happy of the death of the rhino in a French zoo yesterday.

For those who still don't know, a gang of niggers killed Vince, a baby rhino and sawed his horn in a French zoo yesterday.

no seriously how the fuck does an animal get poached in a zoo?

why did they kill the baby rhino? where are the killers from?

Because France is a poor country that can't protect its animals against the niggers and their savage culture France imports en masse.

I don't think he is saying he is happy they killed the baby rhino. can you even comprehend English?

Everything about this is fucking disheartening.

>Killing endangered animals for senile chinks to get a placebo boner
>Niggers are getting audacious enough to fucking hunt at zoos in first world countries
>Niggers are whining that people are outraged about something other then them for twenty minutes

I hope a meteor comes tomorrow and wipes humans from existence.

yellowstone desu

niggers are not happy, death of an animal took the spotlight from them

Why are niggers always torturing animals? It's always either them or the Chinese.

who cares about rhinos, I'd be more peeved if it were an Elephant

France is truly closer to become an african nation. One day we shall call you brothers!

>niggers are retarded
how is this news?

>in a zoo
Bad news for you then, we are always intercepting ivory shipments from africa to be smuggled by land route to Thailand, Vietnam and finally China.

> a horn is worth 40 000€

But why? for voodoo medicine

Yeah, the wildlife trade is worth about US $20billion.

Where does it say black people killed the Rhino?

burgers, netherlands


Low risk high gain.
Even though armed poachers are not treated like terrorists or pirates do.
See This chink is known as the Lizard King of Asia and only get some jail before being released and starting another business.

Ivory used to be a pretty popular material for decoration etc. Some chinks still haven't heard 19th century ended.

Intetestingy, I think mammoth bone is a legal substitute.

You do know how Rhinos became endangered in the first place, right?

It wasn't starving chinese farmers

Malaysia, Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia, and China all import "traditional medicine".

The European ivory trade was still healthy and thriving until the 70's. France didn't officially ban it till the late 80's.

Great meme though!

Try stopping a 20billion dollar trade, our officers get shot, trucked and blackmailed.
Its getting somewhat better with drone patrols but there is simply not enough manpower.

rhino horn isnt ivory.

>first world

Is the most surefire way to kill an animal species to make asians believe the animal will give them boners, big dicks and sons?

Business idea: Rhino farm

rhinos are shit-tier animals and pets.

based turkish truth bombs

>roach thinking.jpg

This won't solve the problem.

>expecting niggers to work for years in order to get a honest living instead of breaking the law and everything around them for quick buck

Business idea: Slave-powered Rhino farming

humans didn't do this though


Shit like this happens in fucking El Salvador. Wtf France?