go for the high score op
So, Sup Forums it's come to this
Joshua Collins
Isaac Campbell
concentrate on yourself. do the things that make you happy, fulfill your needs, broaden your horizons.
we men spend too much time, money, and other less palpable resources on women, who are always a losing investment of any of these things.
you have an open door to a whole new world before you. step over that threshold, Sup Forumsrother, and never look back.
Jacob Morales
I might be cynical, but how am I defeatist? I'm very happy with my life, have plenty of time to do the things I want and feel no need for a long term relationship.
Jason Johnson
>... do people not date anymore?
Most of the time, I should think...?
Jackson Turner
Owen Williams
>trusting 3d women
serves you right, normie
get a 2d waifu
Daniel Morgan
anime and masturbation