As a white cisgender christian male (that is to say the large majority of Star Wars consumers)...

As a white cisgender christian male (that is to say the large majority of Star Wars consumers), I find it difficult to watch a movie that seems to shout "Fuck you, your time is over" during every scenes.

Trailer of the next flick seems even worst in that respect.

Other urls found in this thread:

>As a __________
You have to back.

> you have to back.

Is this /r9k/ or something?

>As a white cisgender christian male
I'll be honest user, we live in a time where literally everyone else hates us. And it's only downhill from here on.

You don't need to watch it. It'll do just fine without you.

>star wars told me to kill jews and blacks
Wow crazy much? Go outside maybe.


Just lke GB is doing.

Leave immediately.






let's be honest, you're only saying your christian because of Sup Forums and havnt been to church in a decade right?

Ira Bell is 5'3. Let that sink in. All these fully armored soldiers are getting the shit kicked out of them by a girl the same size as Jordan jones

Did you know that Star Wars isn't a documentary?

>As a white cisgender christian male (that is to say the large majority of Star Wars consumers), I find it difficult to watch a movie that seems to shout "Fuck you, your time is over" during every scenes.

Jesus christ, is this the type of hyper-critical paranoid worldview that Sup Forums is giving people these days? I'm glad I left. What is your life like, just walking outside and seeing a black person and immediately fearing the end of the entire fucking white race? Goddammn Sup Forums gets so emotional, it's a movie you don't even have to see.

>Its a "user thinks christians are getting their freedoms taken away" episode.

Go pray about it.

I'm a psychologist. You guys wouldn't believe the number of demotivated white males I have to motivate to not kill themselves and do something with their lives because the world keep telling them they are worthless, everything they do is wrong and they need to compensate for things they really have no control over. It's kinda sad, honestly.

What are the fuck does that mean? A persons height is the same in real life as it is in the movies retard. I shouldn't have to point that out.

>it's a cuck gets triggered episode

Yes, so don't give them your money.

Money is the heart of the deal. Ghostbusters made sure they won't make another movie "for women" when the target audience is men.

>I'll be honest user, we live in a time where literally everyone else hates us. And it's only downhill from here on.

No. Only a vocal minority. Stop acting like a cucklord.

As a Chinese transgender sikh I feel the same.

A person's movie height can be anything. That's why RDJ stands an inch or so taller than Gweneth Paltrow in Iron Man and is dwarfed by her in real life.

You must be cute

You should probably just tell them to kill themselves instead.


Nah, it's more about practicality. They're already unmotivated and society has no use for them anyway.

kill yourself faggot

Did you know that Yoda, a physically-insignificant character, having acrobatic lightsaber duels in Episodes II and III against full-size adult men, is almost universally decried by fans as a ludicrous overextension of suspended disbelief?

Does it matter? JJ Abramsteinbergowitz or any other jew will never top the impact and quality of the first trilogy or the love that moviegoers have for it

>nothing to see here!!!! there is no media agenda silly boy :^^^)


Your time is over though.

>media agenda
Oh right because the Jews are trying to push society into degeneracy? Why does pol not realize it's the opposite way around: the young millenial population is the root of all this, blame them. THEY are the ones pushing this PC bullshit and forcing the diversity and tolerance meme. The movie industries then RESPOND to these trends by portraying PC values in the media as a way to pander to their biggest market and make the most money. And I'm a millenial too, I know the people writing and asking studios for this "progressive" shit in movies. It's the Jewish owned companies that and pandering to THEM

>a movie that seems to shout "Fuck you"

How about an industry than has basically said "fuck you, you aren't a protagonist" in about 95% of it's films to anyone not white and rarely male?

Stop getting triggered clown. There's a whole world out there that caters to you.

Yeah we should cast a twink like Luke sky walker to kickass brah

He's right though. Why do we need more unmotivated beta males?

Why the fuck is christianity associated with being the norm
Barely anyone identifies as religious anymore

They are pushing it because the media pushed it on them.


Leave your moms basement once in a while.

>As a christian

Opinion discarded.

something something reddit

something something cuck...

something something opinions...liberal...uhhh...something about charts...

okay I think I covered what replies you should be getting now.

ITT: Autism

>catered to since the creation of films

>handful of movies now branch out to highlight nonwhites

>Chicken Little starts screaming

Why are white people so easy to trigger?

I mean, wow ! how can you possibly believe there is racial baiting and a liberal agenda in Hollywood, I mean, how paranoid must you be Sup Forums. Just turn your brain off.

There are also plenty of white males who don't fall for Jewish tricks and do just fine in life because they listen to themselves and not what blatant liberal cuck media tells them.

But the problem lies in government and how they try to keep those men down through taxing and social programs for illegals, women, and minorities. Their time is running out though.

wtf I'm a redpilled Christian alt-rightist now and hate dirty brown ”""""""""people""""""".

People post this as if its suppose to illicit a sense of wrong doing but I honestly dont see a problem.

because thinking a western show is "too white" is not a problem at all... wow how much more reddit can you be

this this isn't even a race thing, if people hate you for no reason you're supposed to hurt them, not yourself

the force awakens was tolerable with this shit, but it's blatant with rogue one, and if the rumors are true for VIII, than fuck disney's star wars.

few enough white people as it is, and they'll be motivated when war starts

because in reality it's actually jews

>How much more reddit can you be?

You dont have to be a website to be okay with seeing non whites.

just think for a minute, someone saying about a chinese movie in china, that it is too chinese/yellow...

rogue has literally just one white guy in the trailer... as the bad guy

you try to b8 people but it just makes you look autistic

Jew detected

Don't worry white guy, as a non-black I will back you when the race war starts.

i dont get this comic

When did Sup Forums get populated with male feminist BBC loving libcucks?

Are we being "raided"?

I'm literally not bating and how is not minding non whites autistic?


Cuz of americucks and other third world shitholers tbqh

>movie goes out of its way to insult your demographic
>finds it difficult to watch

I guess it's working then. Don't support the rest of the flims; get them to come crawling back to u.

Oh boo hoo you fucking baby. It's a movie.

not an argument
>it's a movie
yes and adults are discussing it

samefagging minority
report and ignore

Where? Which web site?

Cause Luke totally kicked ass in any of the movies right? Have you even seen the original trilogy? You SJW faggots are too much.

It's not even that, they can have female and nigger leads, idgaf, but the story just sucks and so will Rogue One's. Movies nowadays are so overhyped and you white cisgender males take the bait over and over again.

Hush, juden