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Television and Film #722
Television and Film
What the fuck is her problem ?
/bb/ Big Brother 18 General
Did anyone else get these?
Could you be a cameraman if it meant filming shit like this?
Why aren't her cast mates speaking up and defending her?
It's time
How much would you pay for a fully functional RyRybot?
2028 - Deadpool 6 comes out
What are the most bone chillingly freaky documentaries ever in the history of the universe?
Eternal /got/ general
Mfw people say this choreography is stupid
Mad Max 2 re:View
Are you the keymaster
Record scratch
Daddy, do you want to play monopoly?
Has Chef Ramsey ever liked the food?
Rorschach was right in the end
What is your meal of choice when watching film? Pic related
/cia/ general
What are some films about masseuses and the c*cks that date these ladies?
Henry Cavill going to Comic-Con 2016
Is it possible to have a serious discussion about this movie without shitposting?
What's his fucking problem?
ITT: our favorite actors
What was her problem?
MEW thread
What was their best movie?
I'm gonna watch Avatar again. What should I expect?
Now that the dust has settled, how was 300, Sup Forums?
What's next for her career after Brooklyn?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Find a flaw
American Gods
Taking a girl out to the cinema and decided to dress up for the occasion. Did I do good?
Scene takes place in the middle east
Just found this guy on my hard drive
ITt: Great movie posters
Channel Autism General
Just watched this. Should I watch the sequels or are they shit?
How is a cartoon somehow the most real and saddest?
What are some movies where the bad guy turns out to be the good guy?
Find a flaw
ITT: We discuss how Connor's introduction ruined a lot of Angel and fucked up the consistency of his curse...
About time these two get a big break. You guys excited?
"We're some kind of suicide squad"
Ghostbusters' online reception is split down gender lines
Machiavelli Goes to Gotham: Batman v Superman's Ultimate Edition
/bb/ Big Brother 18
It's gonna be terrible
HOW the fuck could Kramer afford a NY apartment, or buy NY groceries, with no income?
Did Tony love Christopher?
Dr. Zhivago
We all agree seasons 1-12 are the golden era
Sup Forums BTFO
Peaky Blinders
ITT: Post your Top 5 TV Series
Rihanna cast as Marion Crane on Bates Motel
90's night club scene
Movies only you like
This is so sad
I AM Out of my mind of edibles
Steve did nothing wrong
Eternal /got/ general
ITT: Characters who are literally you
Doctor Who General - /who/
Jon Leibowitz
What ever happened to Mike Meyers?
Shitposters continued
It's time
This country isn't yours. You don't own it. It never was. There is no real America. You don't own it...
Just saw some movie with Kate Mara in it. Never heard of her before...
Ghostbusters 2016 bombs at box office
______ is kino
Why does anyone listen to Rotten Tomatoes again...
I'm going to be watching Star Trek for the first time and from what i can gather i'll be watching it in this order
Is Mr Robot a channer?
Sub or dub?
What happened?
The American South is highly underrated in terms of cultural output...
Netflix Stranger Things
Fuzzy opaque themes
Breaking Bad ending
Part of the crew. Part of the ship
Would this move have done better if it featured men?
Is Bad Santa Christmaskino?
Haven't watched Enterprise yet
ITT: Sup Forums's girls
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2
What drove Kevin Spacey to agree to act in this?
What would you do if you suddenly became Godzilla? You retain your mind but are unable to speak...
What's this?
ITT: Characters who are literally you
Thoughts on the new ghostbusters?
What does Sup Forums have against this show so much?
ITT: Controversies
The Killing Joke
Is this the greatest film of all time?
Why doesn't she get any good roles?
Official TWD LIVE thread
Opinions on this film?
I'll take Felicity any day over that ugly Daisy
This is it, guys
/got/ general
Honestly, which torrent site should i use now?
Post pretty films
How does Sup Forums watch their movies?
You're a fucking joke, dad
What is this position called
What was his fucking problem?
Joey from Friends
/lbg/ Letterboxd General
Thanks to this motherfucking faggot you'll never ever enjoy a Supersized meal ever again
/bb/ big brother 18
Do people outside of reddit actually see Walter White as this despicable wretched villain? Yeah sure...
Just admit you like this show because it has parallels to "Let Me In"
Jonathan Leibowitz: "America was never yours!"
Does this show ever get good? Why are the ratings so high? I am near end of season 2. So far I don't get the rave
Man, Jon Stewart is REALLY speaking some hard truths to the American people, isn't he? So brave...
10 Cloverfield Lane
What went wrong?
Bojack - Season 3
ITT: Drug documentaries/Shows
Elba thinks he's not a good fit to be the next Bond
What did he mean by this?
Dan Akroyd BTFO Ghostbusters/Leslie Jones haters!
Do you guys want a tour of Adult Swim offices?
Is Mike a manlet?
What did Ko Takeuchi mean by this?
He's a big guy
Trying to watch Stranger Things, but I have no idea what's going on. What the fuck is a Demigorgan?
It's a Jim and Pam act like they are better than everyone else chapter
Characters who weren't meant to be attractive, but were to you anyway
Here alone? ...again?
In this one, Sandler will play a talent manager work in Los Angeles in the 1990s...
/trek/ - Star Trek general
"Harley Quinn" trailer has 3 Million Views in 2 days!!
What Choo Gonna Do?
As opening day approaches, Feig can’t help but think about the stakes of making a $150 million movie...
How such a based guy ended up with those autists?
Find a flaw Sup Forums
What are some obscure...
Eternal /got/ general
Explain money laundering in the film industry to me; pretend I am a cute, but dumb girl
Kate McKinnon didn't have a single funny-bone in her entire body in Ghostbusters...
Why doesn't he have his own late-night talk show?
Was Jerry rich?
What am I in for?
*sips tea*
She has no tits and no muscles so we'll add them to the armor XD
Ok, let's consider Jared Leto's Joker is actually Jason Todd (there are some evidences but we can't be sure)
Did anyone of you guys get to see lord of the rings at the cinema when it first came out ? What was it like...
You know what they say about the CRAZY ones!
Why do I like fake tit bimbo shit in porn, but not IRL?
New Wonder Woman Poster
What's objectively the best rape scene?
Does anyone speak Spanish? I got kind of lost after this part of the episode. Thanks
Misunderstood Masterpieces
*record scratch*
Why was Satan so... nice? And was Gabriel supposed to be a man? I don't get it
Watching this online now
It's over, guys
Are the US elections an elaborate reality TV show.... it has no basis in reality.. r-right?
Muslim here
ITT: Worst casting decisions
I don't know why this is considered an American Christmas classic
Get famous pretending to be a stoner
People who call Stranger Things "empty copy" are the same who idolize Tarantino
Essential Film Food Thread
Is there some hope that he will be back as Bond...
Webm Thread? Why not
Which one of those guys was most likely to ever rape a woman?
Don't mind me, just pirating this baby
What's next for my mommy's career?
It's happening
What do you like to watch with breakfast? Cartoons? Kubrick?
I need help Sup Forums
Who is the best
What the fuck
Find a flaw
What does Sup Forums think of Mallrats
When you die can I give that to my daughter?
Best Captain?
It's a Livia complaining about nothing episode
/who/ - Doctor Who General
New Order - Elegia
British """humour"""
Character asks for coffee
Who should I study to be a great film maker
Batman v Superman - Ultimate cut
Boy looks like a girl
Take famous movie quote - replace 1 word with the word nigger
HOW INSANE was this scene??
What are some essential Cyberpunk core movies/films/flicks/cinemas/kinos?
Guy being made fun of by his peers
Which is the superior nuclearkino?
What's Sup Forums's favourite skit from Chappelle's Show?
Kickass Torrents data seized by Feds. User data being compiled and examined as we speak
What do you guys think about Emma Roberts?
Its sunny lane episode
Leslie Jones returns to Twitter
Enchantress more like fridgantress
Oh the irony
If you could bang an actress in full character costume and makeup, who would you choose?
Is Jackie Chan the GOAT physical actor?
You lads hyped?
I was a little hesitant to give it a try because judging from the cover itself, it looks like a le quirky lady movie
Itt post your ideas for kino
Come on lads this was pretty funny
Does this movie have an agenda against men and boys?
Nine million and seventy-four keks
Is based Tarantino letting us know that he's making Kill Bill 3?
Vietnamese wartime flick
Alright lads, I want some awful and trashy 80's/early 90's B-movie shlock. Genre doesn't matter in particular...
She is literally as 10/10 as it gets
RIP Nostalgia Critic Thread #2: The Preparation Edition
You will NEVER, EVER, EVER get to work in the film industry
Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree this was trash?
Will chloefags ever recover?
Quantum Of Solace wasn't all bad
Am I the only one feeling like Colbert and Stewart are just coming across as more and more resentful of the fact that...
Daily reminder that pic related is the true hero and protagonist of the Harry Potter stories...
Try to click Sup Forums
It's a heavy breathing episode
Are we gonna get anymore Superman solo movies from now on, or is it just gonna be Batfleck and Justice League...
Why don't directors edit their own films ?
It still hurts
Watching foreign movie
Ben and jerry's funky monkey?
ITT terrible comedians
ITT: movies that only work the first time
"The feels you had when Jon Stewart came back for 5 minutes" Thread
What kino would pair well with my dindin?
American Actresses
Discuss bojack
Who is the best character in The Simpsons who isn't in the Simpson family? My vote is for Professor Frink
/bb/ big brother 18
Well, hello beautiful
What's your favorite blacked film?
Good movies don't make money
Bone Tomahawk
How fucked are you Sup Forums?
Great horror
Celebrity board
Who was in the wrong here?
Just got home
It's a David Boreanaz statutory rapes Sarah Michelle Gellar episode
They should just catch their own Pikachu and train it then use it for whatever. Their plans make no sense
Walking home at night
Was this the greatest performance in film history?
Does Sup Forums recommend this ?
What a fucking shit time to be alive
Eternal /got/ general
The Comedy
She is underrated
About to watch this. What am I in for?
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
ITT: pro-life, pro-gun celebrities
I've been seeing a lot of hate for Robert Downey Jr lately, quite a bit of the m-word slur as well
So.. given the success of the movie.. what will be next for her career?
Mr Robot Appreciation Thread
I watch Marvel movies
Why asians don't exist in MCU?
Just started watching this
What's the best cinematic one-on-one duel?
What do you think of her body of work
What's her agent's problem?
That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?
What went wrong?
What an awful life
These are home baked!
Who would be your ideal choice to play Robin to Affleck's Batman?
Ghostbusters 2016 HD-TS x264-DADDY
So basically it's a movie where 90% of the cast acts intelligently and rationally given their situation...
Why was this guy black? everyone else in Asgard was white
Star Trek: Beyond
What did Sup Forums think?
Rey will not have a love interest
What made Tim Burton think this scene was a good idea?
What's the Kid Cuisine of television and film?
If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs
You'll never walk into Suncoast again
Red pill me on Will Arnett's, Sup Forums
Le young adult intellectual antisocial hoodie wearing intj sociopath anonymous hacker man
Is Animation Domination kill?
What do you guys usually eat when you're doing a marathon of a TV show?
The same sexist manbabies criticizing Ghostbusters (which was fantastic by the way) are now crying over Sulu being gay...
Discuss scrubs
British documentary
How will this compare to American History X?
Ned, take my son and claim he's yours. Tell no one the truth...
Find a better cast for the new Ghostbusters film
Why was he an asshole all the time?
Milo's Revenge: Yiannopoulos "In Talks" for Reality TV, Movie After Twitter Ban
Make a Ghostbusters that will break box office records
Why did they only hire ugly people in this show?
What can I do to make sure this show gets a second season?
It's happening
Why aren't actors making a lot of money anymore?
This is what an actual Wonder Woman looks like
They actually have a scene in this WW2 movie where the American commander takes one of the inexperienced soldiers to a...
I watched this movie and thought it was pretty cool and am interested what you guys think of it...
Another soul taken by the succubus
She would get injured in the first game
The incompetence of the American military
What's the film industry like in Canada? should I just move to LA
Eternal /got/ general
What was his fucking problem?
The difference between Justin Lin and Zack Snyder
FUCK YOU, Sup Forums
Kino...Is back
What are some good movies that will make me proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free?
The Defenders trailer
Why are people obsessed with this character?
/bb/ big brother 18
Let´s have a nice preacher thread
Who was in the right here?
What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
Theater Trashing General /TTG/
Am I the only one that really hates Suicide Squad as a concept?
Click on a YouTube video
Can a Cucknisher fan (a fan of The Punisher) explain how 3 different directors couldn't make a single good movie of The...
What are some essential native americans-core movies?
You wanna join us?
Nostalgia Boners
ITT: your go-to comfy films for when you're sick
Right-wing people believe they can grasp art
/bb/ Big Brother 18 general
Post 90's kino
Actors/Actresses that you can't explain why you dislike them
Can we agree Man of Steel is miles better than Batman V Superman?
Arthur did nothing wrong
This is Chris Hansen with ABC News
Back in the 90s
Why does he wear the mask?
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT: Worst stand-up comedians
What do you anons think of the cast of the new Luke Cage miniseries...
I need to laugh. Post the funniest movie/show you know about
Youtube kino
ITT movies that haven't aged well
Hows that screenplay coming along Sup Forums ?
Why didn't Voldemort just store a horcrux in a blackhole
Opinions on this movie?
Who here /that70sshow/?
Power Rangers
Why did The 5th Wave bomb so badly?
Both at their peak
After 12 years of bullshit high school roles...
Tfw going to cinema
Why did you say that name, sir?
What is Arnold's best one-liner?
I just want you to know that if you like any of these shows you are not welcome here
ITT: "Jesus, I can't believe how bad that movie was"
Full of racism
Is Zootopia a good movie to watch of you're bored?
/lbg/ Letterboxd General
When someone asks you for movie recommendations, what is typically the first one that comes to mind?
I second that
Eternal /got/ general
What the fuck was his problem?
It's time to stop
Joey from Friends thread?
Star Trek Beyond
That feel when the 90s fucking sucked
Gal Gadot ruins anything DCEU related
ITT women who resemble your mother
So who do you think will be the first to openly state how much they hated working on Ghostbusters?
Would you do it Sup Forums?
You're a loose cannon...but you get results
Bill Burr to star as Simba in brand new live-action Lion King movie
Who the fuck is this fat nigger and what's the deal with him?
Characters who did LITERALLY nothing wrong
Who /hyped/?
What are some actual stronk women in tv/film?
Is this classic Cartoon network, modern CN, or transitional CN?
Sasha Grey has an IQ way above the level of genius
Boardwalk Empire
So can we agree this is the greatest filmic achievement of the 21st century?
Do you think it'll ever come back?
Can we talk about how much this sucks?
The experiment mixes elements of The Fury, Altered States, Fire Starter
Quentin’s a well-known cinematic foot fetishist – at any point did he try to shoot your feet?
90s animu A E S T H E T I C thread
Mfw inviting a girl over to watch a movie but she just wants to have sex
Shane Black makes mediocre quipshit action movies and I don't know what you people see in him
There are people on this board who don't think that breaking bad is better than the sopranos
Lol didn't even notice that the last 5 times I rewatched the show
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Hey, Sup Forums we just found this freaky alien penis snake
Post underrated characters
How would you end this show?
Are there any people you just fucking hate, people that make you not want to see anything they're in?
Which one has the better line-up: WB/DC, Marvel Studios or Fox/Marvel?
The Predator (2018)
Listen to me Bruce, in order to prevent "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" from escalating into total mayhem...
How can the white man compete?
Lets do this
Why is Rick and Morty disliked by Sup Forums
"Watch out for that vicious bounty hunter Boba Fett, Luke. Did I ever tell you I fought his dad...
I know modern horror is shit and that the Found Footage shit is some of the worst
Can anyone explain me why The Simpsons is so popular in Latin America?
Why aren't 1440p and 4K movies a thing yet?
ITT: God tier child actors
Films only you like
I thought we could do butt stuff tonight
Why was Black Widow paired with Bruce Banner? Based on the previous movies Captain America or Hawkeye made more sense
This is sad :(
Any Harry Potter fans out here? can someone tell me who that guy is?
I am bored Sup Forums dubs decides which movie I watch
What? No way
Film has 2 drummers
Stanley Kubrick
R.I.P. VHS; Last Remaining VCR Manufacturer to Cease Production This Month
That woman, she deserves her revenge and we, we deserve to die
" and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini' "
Wtf i hate singles now
Hollywood Is Increasingly Looking To Sites Like Rotten Tomatoes To Determine Hits And Misses
Good Will Hunting
Sup Forums justifiably shits on TFA, the new Terminator, and the Ghostbusters for being terrible...
To be honest. this looks like it will be the most fun capeshit movie in a while. go ahead. mock me
10 Cloverfield Lane
Wow how amazing! And interesting too, but in this Sup Forums board, what can we do?
Thoughts on Cara Delameme's body of work?
I want to be optimistic but.. even with Lynch directing. what's the Chance the new Twin Peaks would actually be good?
So we're all in agreement that Marvel is /ourguy/ and DC is plebbit, right?
ITT: Actors who've committed crimes
Accidentally watch entire movie
Is this the best film to come out of Russia?
How does Sup Forums weigh in on Michael Moore?
Clearly, you must be blind if you like this movie
Watching tv show
US version of the series planned
The trailer for season 7 comes out tomorrow
Anyone see the new poster for Ghostbusters 2016?
The Dragons on Game of Thrones are really Wyverns. You're all fucking stupid as shit
Vice Principles
School Shooters
If i take that off, will you refry?
Star Wars Rankings
Disney is bringing back old popular Expanded Universe properties and making them canon
Does she have a carreer in movies and tv or she is just a hot body?
Can we talk about how The Five is the greatest movie Chloe has been in?
What did star of television program a Shot at Love Tila Tequila mean by this?
What's your favorite Family Guy joke?
Pixar General
ITT: We cast the new James Bond
I'm crying ;_;
God tier Bond Films
ITT: Times you acted quite devilish
He's redpilled about women
Theater Trashing General /TTG/
Final film???
What CAN she do?
Just got fired
Was Janice the most horrible person on The Sopranos?
RIP Nostalgia Critic Thread #1
Why doesn't anyone talk about Civil War anymore?
So now that Thrawn is canon, does Sup Forums think there's any chance we'll see him in the new trilogy?
ITT: Actors and actresses you're obsessed with
HP Lovecraft anthology series
Is this Dan Aykroyd vodka really that good?
How can I into this place?
Make an adam sandler film starring women
Easily one of the best cape films ever
Would a good Final Fantasy movie be possible? It obviously hasn't happened, but could it be done?
GET IN HERE, new footage!
You will never take Hunter Skankarello out behind the Bada Bing and fuck her brains out
AGT 2016 Thread
Laugh track memes aside, why do people dislike this show?
What movies do you class as Kino?
Is he the biggest hack in the history of cinema??
Have any of you watched her and her boyfriends movie review show? It reminds me of RLM
Suicide Kino
Replace one word in a movie title with "beef." How does the movie change?
Eternal /got/ general
This board is becoming genuinely fucked up
/bb/ Big Brother 18
What does Sup Forums think of yms?
How about the racist sexist phobia soup we've all been drowning in?
Women give so much attention to making their feet look good and constantly expose their feet with open-toed shoes and...
Why is Mac the best Always Sunny character?
Convince me to watch the final season of Mad Men
Why does this have a budget of $144 million? Why was that ever necessary?
Ywn watch a comfy moderately intelligent sitcom that isnt filled with SJW quips ever again
Have you guys seen this series yet? Any opinions? I watched the first episode and it seems pretty decent
Free speach
Undelete this
Who is Mr. Mayhem?
Don't mind me, just pirating this wallet
This is Deputy U.S Marshal Raylan Givens
How the fuck did he adapt to civilisation so well? Surely there's a point of no return where, despite attempts...
ITT we list all reddit-tier tv shows/movies
What was your guys favprite part of from dusk til dawn?
"wait, you have an actual script here"
Whats the movie where the main charachter gets shot but survives because he had a book in his chest pocket?
OKAY what is the final verdict on this fucker, Sup Forums? Funny or not? pls no bully
Essential Viggo-core
Was she the best part of the new Ghostbusters?
Same age. very different careers
In a mere 8 days Hideaki Anno will deliver unto us the Godzilla that the 21st century deserves
Narcos S2 Trailer
Knightmare Joker is in Suicide Squad as a parallel to Knightmare Batman
Canceled Sequels,that should've been made
Find a flaw
Guess who drawthread edition
How many times would you try?
90s kids only
Starbuck appears
Are these guys the new Jackass?
How the hell is Angela Bassett 57 years old?!
"Move, or you will be moved"
Anyone excited for this?
Who would've won this?
All Male Ghostbusters Reboot
Could there be a more authoritative actress?
The comedy
Mad Max:Fury Road
Star trek beyod
You just know!
Got a big enough joint there Rick?
Annnnd now we have crossed into autism
I thought he was rich
What do Americans think of this hideous fat twat?
Hey guys!
Type their names without looking at the keyboard
What are some good movies that will make me proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free?
How are ausfag Sup Forums users feeling about ol' Sonia over here?
Wouldst thou want to live deliciously, Sup Forums?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
What's that movie you watched so many times as a kid you could literally recite every line of script as it happened?
Frightened, harry?
"I didn't like it?"
Remake when?
What Gordon Ramsey show is the best to start with?
Ordinary haircut
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this company?
In all seriousness, can we ban the pedophiles forever?
Welcome... to the Dino Zoo!
Why is Rick and Morty disliked by Sup Forums
Now that the dust has settled, will Sup Forums accept that Raimi's Spider-Man is racist, homophobic trash?
Remake a shitty 80s sci fi comedy movie with women
Why did his career never take off?
Is there a sadder scene than when maximus dies in gladiator?
When critics failed
The whole movie was actually a dream
‘Divergent’ Finale to Skip Theaters, Launch as a TV Movie and Spinoff Series
Complain about the emasculation of Asian males in Hollywood
Looking for films with highly detailed severe human torture. Like crushing the teeth with large tongs...
It can't be
Was it that bad?
What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?
Give me a slowburn atmospheric moody movie to sleep to
She tempted her brother thus causing him to sin and be sent to hell...
How often do you rewatch this?
Is it slowly making it's money back, Sup Forums?
So batman is a hypocrite
Did you see our movie, user?
ITT: Guess movie by its box office performance
It has been 1 year, 2 months, and 7 days since Mad Max: Fury Road was released
Music kino
Anime kino
Now that we know that dinos are related with birds and not reptiles or amphibians can we agree that Carnosaur is more...
Cool as fuck concept
Will our kino finally get better now that millions of thieves have to pay for it?
New Red Dwarf season coming out next September
Disney's "Moana" Trailer
Tfw you just find out the grand idea for a screenplay is being made into a film
Did anyone notice the large amount of sitting around tables that goes on in the new Gojira trailer?
Jesus christ... could you imagine?
I don't even know if I'm supposed to hate Tommy or not...
Wait a sec
How the fuck did Finding Dory not Crack a billion?
Walk into theater
Post actors that only serve as a warning sign the movie is going to be shit
Why do Jews hate Catholics? Serious question
/bb/ Big Brother 18
What happened to the SW7 plinkett review? the trailer came out a long time ago
What's his best movie, Sup Forums?
How come the cop did not arrest him when he visited Wick's house and saw the dead body lying on ground...
What does Sup Forums think about birdman
It's Always Sunny
How the fuck did Walt get away with this. Shit was done in public during broad fucking daylight and there was a witness
Why are we not talking about it?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Can we PLEASE have a Gotham thread?
What if Seinfeld was about muslims instead of jews?
So we all agree this is the best Disney movie of all time right?
Do you like me now user?
She has an inbred pug
Drive thread
Banepost: Get sitewide ban for 3 days and thread deleted
Sup Forums memes made it to TMZ don't you feel special
What are some movies that would actually be better if you remade them with women as the main characters?
Rank them
"We're not keeping you here. You're just staying."
I hardly see any reviews mentioning Chris Hemsworth's performance in Ghostbusters
Rapist supports woman who's husband is a rapist
Does Sup Forums know who killed Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack?
What did he mean by this?
Why is Hollywood so overwhelmingly liberal?
Tfw Ghostbusters beat WARCRAFT's entire domestic total in under a week
Why do the mods keep deleting Stranger Things threads?
Hello. My name is John...
About to watch Green Room, what is some essential punk kino? I loved SLC Punk! but can't think of anything else
Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos
What the fuck is this? Why do people like it?
What's the comfiest episode of Avatar/Korra?
Not even memeing, but this character grew on me. He was really weird at first watch...
Underrated actors
What's her endgame?
Eternal /got/ general
BBC turns down trainees because they are WHITE
Pleb or Patrician
Is there any Vietnam movies that aren't anti American?
Sup Forums you lied to me!
What would you do with invisibility?
What are some movies about standing up for what you believe in?
If you had 1 billion dollars would you still watch movies?
What was his fucking problem?
Writing vs. Visuals
What is the single most underwhelming theatrical experience of your life
You need 500 MILLION for a sequel on a 144 million budget!!
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Oh shit, it's not just a meme
Do we like this?
Is Powder Blue a misunderstood kiŋo? Jessica Biel worked her ass off to make the role believable
Was Melania Trump's speech really plagiarized or was it all a big coincidence?
Tell your wife, tell your husband, tell your mom, your dad, your grandmom, your cousin and her hot friends...
Is this kino?
Better look at the new helmets and figures for 2017's Power Rangers Movie
Movies black people will never understand
Something long and black that makes white girls scream
What was this character's endgame?
Mr. Robot Discussion
This movie can't possibly live up to the original trilogy. They're gonna ruin it
Was this outfit breakfast appropriate?
What have you done?
What's next for Mike's career?
Let's have another
What the fuck was his problem?
Let's settle this once and for all
Try watching movie
Who's hype for the sequel?
@ Star Trek Beyond Premiere AMA
Is brynn rumfallo the new maddie ziegler?
She's such a fucking whore
So there is a new Wizard of Oz show
Can someone please explain to me what the ending was supposed to mean?
ITT: Sequels that surpass the original
Miranda Kerr just got engaged to billionaire founder of snapchat. How she do it bros
Why the fuck isn't the new movie about klingons
Better Call Saul - Cancelled
ITT: We cast the new James Bond
Why the fuck does this make me laugh uncontrolably?
ITT: pleb opinions
T-th-they're n-not t-too s-small, a-are they user?
What did he mean by this?
My girlfriend and i are looking to watch a tv show. what would you suggest? i've probably already seen it
Pure, unfiltered, kino
Tyrant Thread
What was his fucking problem?
You guys went too far this time
Who would cast in a Lolita remake?
Mr Robot
/bb/ big brother 18
What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?
Why did no one seem to give a shit when she died? I thought that was the most tragic thing in the show...
This chicks based as fuck
Is Game of Thrones banned form Sup Forums? what happend to free speech?
Yfw when you realize the cookies are homebaked
What is the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
Already at 75 MILLION
That's it. Marvel is over. Done
Should I bother with season 3?
I've been watching The Wire and been absolutely loving it, until this week when I hit season 5...
The Magnificent Seven
Who is the better Smithers?
Hollywood Now Worries About Viewer Scores, Not Reviews
Manbabies BTFO
Using public trackers
Today is a sad day, friends
What is this
Would you have banged?
They're rebooting johnny bravo
Who's your commercialfu?
*****Star Wars nostalgia thread*******
Are you ready?
Pick a director
/bb/ big brother 18
Ghostbusters (2016)
Who here is seeing Suicide Squad solely because of Harley Quinn?
What do I tell her about capeshit Sup Forums?
Failed Filmmaker General
Eternal /got/ general
What's a movie that really talks feminism? Or at least a real feminist character that matters...
Daily reminder that in a mere nine days we will witness the rebirth of Kaijukino by the hands of the master Hideaki...
He is a huge asshole with a chip on his shoulders. Why does everyone give him a free pass?
What's the saddest/most depressing/thought-provoking movie you've seen...
Gavin Mcinnes BTFO Ghostbusters (2016)
SNL & Leslie Jones
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Why wasn't she cast as the Leslie Jones character instead?
That's a cute outfit
The movie that fortold the rise of Donald Trump
How can people prefer Dark Matter over Killjoys, It barely has any sci-fi going for it...
Is virtual space the same as a safe space but for celebrities?
I didn't know refrigerators could float
Where were you in 1999?
Watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
Why does the feminist version of Ghostbusters take a female character who was eccentric and nerdy and turn the male...
Seriously how was this scene so good when compared to the rest of this dull nonsense?
Do you still feel bad for her?
Godzilla: Resurgence
Literally /our guy/
I'm a genius!
The villain of the last movie you saw tries to kill you
Singers who you think would make good actors/actresses ITT
ITT we post our claim to fame
RIP in peace
Does Sup Forums respect this guys ?
Final Divergent movie gets dumped to TV; no theatrical run
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Lake Bell as an actress/director?
ITT we discuss why Arya is the hottest character on GOT
It was great. I am absolutely baffled right now...
ITT: Shows that started off great but took a nosedive in the last few episodes
What was Jesse thinking? Come on, he isn't a bad actor, why did he do such a piss poor job here?
"I Am Jazz" general discussion
How can Hollywood keep getting away with pumping out garbage like this?
The Joker texts you this
You have 10 seconds to name a better choice for Bond
What are some movies where the world actually ends in the end?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...