Who the fuck is this fat nigger and what's the deal with him?
It's all in Elliot's head, right?
Who the fuck is this fat nigger and what's the deal with him?
It's all in Elliot's head, right?
>hating on based craig robinson
newfaggots OUT
That's Reg Mackworthy, fucktard
If his dad talks to him only when he is there then why would they show this guy with a family and that guy in the van. That would be 4 people who can see him. He's real.
I was watching this and it got me wondering: "Is this realistic?"
What's with the nigger hackers in this show? First the one from the first season that got killed now and then this guy? Niggers are barely able to navigate throughout the simple imageboard such as Sup Forums, but hacking now? And seeing how they can barely spell, I don't see them being able to hack? Unless for hacking you aren't supposed to be precise, cool, calm and collected and all that stuff.
literally who
This surrealism bullshit is getting out of hand.
3 episodes in and literally nothing happened
Lol niggas are dumb
wow he was in a bunch of shitty seth rogen/judd apatow productions
big deal you fucking teenager