Other urls found in this thread:

why not copy paste some info insteaad of just sending us a link no one will go to

can't wait for the law and order ep

Based Dan destroying all the dumb Sup Forumscucks

Dan's been drinking far too much of his own vodka

Has there been a Law and Order episode about sexism in film or just video games?

>Is actually referring to the people that scared Leslie Jones off Twitter.

Understandable, I guess.


Truly, the hypocrisy of the SJW knows no limits.

>They call it "Cisbusters". Think it's part of some Jewish conspiracy to destroy straight white males

Yes lets listen to THIS guy

Oh SJWs. You don't even know how batshit your new Champion is.

>it's an out of touch actor bandwagons a cause episode

>OP tries to make it sound like he's shitting on people who didn't want to go see that shitty fucking movie
>is actually about Milo and his goobergutter rejects from 8gag

You goddamn shills just don't give up.

Isn't he an obese white man?

Dude has been hitting too much of his Crystal Skull.

More crazy

Wouldn't be surprised if he is going to say "Aliens don't want nothing to do with us because of all these Ghostbuster haters on Twitter"

No you got it all backwards. The CIS white males make an indie ultra violent porno flick called "TriggerBusters" and kidnap women for the movie in a van that just sort of looks like the Ectomobile. Maybe they all wear Bill Murray masks too.

Actually he'd probably say "Aliens don't want anything to do with us because of how we treat people of a different skin color. Just imagine how crazy and psychotic and bigoted they would be towards sentient life that's of a different species."

No wonder he is so angry about all of this.
Everyone thinks he is crazy and if only we liked the Ghostbusters movie. Then aliens would come down and we would all know he was right.

Poor crazy bastard.

It's a "watch [kinda famous cunt] DESTROY people who we don't like and who are also racist/homophobic/bigoted/you name it" episode...


Because OP is a lazy fuck.

>Generic fat looser remarks, and then proceeds to name drop the AN and KKK out of nowhere
That went 0-60 real fast.

>Aryan Nation is harassing dumb black women on twitter instead of selling meth
How old is Dan? Because he seems really out of touch

>lazy as fuck

That's a weird way of spelling "shilling her own article and hoping that at least a couple of gullible morons will be fooled into giving her clicks".

It reminds me of how Lucas claimed that Red Tails flopped not because of poor writing and acting, but because of racism.

Are these recent photos of Ackroyd? He looks fucking good for his age if they are.

>insignificant gnats
Is this his subtle way of calling Jones a gorilla?

that cunt milo ruined gamergate and now just does the same shit to everything else with his alt right Sup Forums dipshits.

>tfw white men are blamed for literally everything

Why do they persecute me so?
Seriously, these are the types that look at Muslims blowing people up and saying "You can't blame all muslims".

>You don't want to see pixels?
>It's a comedy about technology
>What are you some kind of flat earther, climate change denier?

Is that Jack Black?

>What's wrong
>They Busted(tm) me

The article should read
>Person with financial investment in product, defends product. Critics utterly destroyed by PR release

>yfw they comically throw buckets of ectoplasm on unespecting women from an Ectomobile

>Aykroyd also suggested that those sending Jones the abusive messages are likely to be Republicans who support new presidential nominee Donald Trump, possibly even for the wrong reasons.

>"I'm afraid to say that contingency will be voting for the Republican ticket," he added.

>"Maybe in the false belief that these people share their views. I don't think that Trump/Pence are as racist as the people who attacked Leslie Jones, I really don't."

Old fat has been really wants to be relevant.

>no one will believe you!
>who you gonna call?

Why do people use words like "DESTROYED" in clickbait headlines? I'm sick of that retarded shit, it's like I'm watching Gundam Wing on Toonami again.

">Old fat has been really wants to be relevant."

That describes not only Dumb Donald, but many of his "celebrity" endorsers

It's just...

I don't know if it's a lady thing or a race thing.

I don't.

It's impossible.

Who knows...

">" Old fat has been really wants to be relevant.

That's Donald Trump you're describing.


being this retarded...

didn't read, either.

>Old fat has been really wants to be relevant

That describes Donald Trump perfectly.

If you didn't read, why're you so hostile, Trump-sniffer?

">What did he mean by this"?

All you have to do is select the words you want to greentext and click his post number. How could you fuck this up twice, man?

The "retards" are the ones planning on voting for Dumb Donald this fall because the Ghostbusters flick featured a black woman they find unattractive.

Hard to play the race card, really, considering Leslie jones is the least garbage new Ghostbuster

They'll go back to ladies when a few more people see it. This is just to recruit the black community and black apologists

>All you have to do is select the words you want to greentext and click his post number. How could you fuck this up twice, man?

Yeah, of course, you losers go out of your way to be smug about the smallest of things, instead of focusing on you collective stupidty in supporting Donald Trump and bashing Ackroyd.

Dat Breivik salute.

>white men are blamed for literally everything
And yet they keep wanting our tax dollars.

>kkk! Aryan nation! Donald trump!
>fat white losers!

Real nice dan

You idiots think more about this shit than the wider public. Your personal issues are global concerns. As if the Youtube bitches getting plugged on this site for championing the Ghostbuster-bashing aren't pandering to you doofuses.

Oh, that's what Trump's doing, too, by the way.

When he loses in November, he's got some ghostwritten books to sell you about getting rich quick like he did.

That hes a shill whose only been posting on Sup Forums for a couple of days

What percentage of your "tax dollars" has anyone taken from you chan doofuses?

Oh, I'm a "shill" now!

No, bitch, I'm just a regular person that actually enjoyed frequenting chan before you Nazi dingalings came and ruined the fucking thing with the constant recruitment threads in the form of cuck and child porn, you insignificant fat white loser scrubs.

is he making it about racism to divert attention from the fact it's a really shitty movie?

The tax dollars that I pay every April. The IRS doesn't accept NEETbux senpai.

I was a Bernie supporter now I'm back to Jill Stein though

Seriously, I'd like to know how much of you tax dollars are being taken from you all by the niggers?

>insignificant gnats

If these people are so insignificant, why you care so much, Dan?

Dumb asshole, I asked for a "PERCENTAGE" not a decsription!

NUMBERS, in other words.

And not them made-up ones you dorks liek to use to justify your self-righteousness.

No more deflecting, moron.

How much was your rebate, fool, since you pay into the system so much.

I'll know you're lying as soon as you give actual numbers.

What did Milo actually get banned for? What did he actually say or do?

This is so sad... watching someone you used to enjoy on the screen morally bankrupt himself to shill a fucking movie used to sell toys and products and attack people who don't like the movie.

A real fucking shame.

You should have died you fucking lunatic, not Harold.

So, when Sanders lost, you decided to stay stupid and waste your vote again.

Might as well vote for Trump.

He's the actual representative of angry white men.

Oh, don't lie and say you aren't one.

Only whites give a shit about Ms. Stein, the anti-Warren.

who was that guy. this older actor who worked on a piece of shit movie with a younger actor. the younger actor was quick to shit on the movie but the older actor was just doing his job of shilling it. he talked about it once. saying something about burning bridges and making sure people know youre unprofessional.

so i dont fault this fat dumb faggot for defending the movie. its what his generation did. even if the movie was trash, they dont trash it. i do however fault him for going the sjw route of defending, meaning he just called the opposition bad names that would please the people who would want to watch this movie. this also burns bridges, with people as they will no longer respect you for shitting on them and attacking them personally

What's "sad" is you posturing like you wouldn't take a payday and talk up your politcal beliefs on an entertainment program.

Bitch, you're on Sup Forums doing that shit for free.

Shut the fuck up with that fake smug attitude and suck both Ackroyd and Trump's dick, you simpleton.

>Dan Aykroyd gets through an entire interview without talking about alien assimilation

This is either fake or they've gotten to him, he is no longer one of us.

Can't even recall what the fuck you're upset about besides his expressing his point of view, which just so happens to put you sensitive nininnies on blast.

If he started in on the "SJWs" you bitches would be calling for him to be Trump's running mate.

Man, fuck you hypocrites!

I'm voting for Trump this fall because I don't want another war criminal and puppet for the banking cartel and foreign interests in the White House. But that's just me.

Everytime I hear a popular celeb meme on Trump I just want to vote for him more.

Gets on his high horse for some harmless internet trolls.

Ignores violent hate filled criminal democrat paid protestors that physically assault innocent people ane destroy property irl.

Yes, it's republicans that are the problem.

I want LESLIE to curl out a massive steaming turd onto a globe of planet Earth. With the shit balancing on top of the Earth (steaming) she then masterbates me over it until I ejaculate all over the Earth and the shit. I call it "salting the Earth"

>birth of a cell
thats already a fucking cell. its just dividing

Sorry, OP. I've learned not to click any conclusory headlines. The rest of the column usually sucks.


>Expecting some facebook tier "Isn't nature the Universe amazing" image to be scientifically correct

>you're on Sup Forums doing that shit for free.
What's Clinton 2016 giving you to post here? Nine bucks an hour?

Crystal Head, user. Don't wanna get sued by Disney since they own the rights to Indiana Jones.

Now that this place is owned by the glorious yamato Americans should be rangebanned.
Fuck off and take all this shit with you.

Dan's great but it's no secret how delusional he is. The guy clearly let his frustration get the best of him, which is evident in how quickly he backpeddles about Trump/Pence not sharing the same beliefs as some of their contingent.

Dipshit, Trump already implicated himself in your precious "war crimes" before his ass won the first "Super Tuesday" back in March, and he's kissed the ass of Vlad because he paid him a backhanded compliment he barely understood.

You're voting for Trump because you're a moron, and your smug posture betray an obliviousness to your own stupidity.

Stay mad at Ackroyd for solving the mystery of both the Ghostbusters 2016 backlash and the Trump candidacy.

Yeah I'm sick of this shit
>some irrelevant has-been drunk fucking worthless slut rants about the government

How much kibble is Trump paying you to be a sweet bitch mad at Dan Ackroyd?

Again, I'm sure the Hillary campaign barely pays you ignoramuses any mind. I'm just an individual disturbed by the Nazi ragamuffins making this site more of a cesspool than it usually is, fucking moron. Stop attempting to be cynical at my expense, you fucking goofus. You're here whining about Dan Ackroyd. This shit ain't political; it's moral, since you idiots are claiming co-ownership for a concept that was partly his brainchild because you watched a 30 year old movie. Damn you, and your inflated sense of purpose.

Where was the vodka?

>"I would say you're probably looking at obese, white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or members of the Aryan Nation, and there are millions of them."

Sounds a lot like average Sup Forums shitposter.

Dan, please just stick to the supernatural shenanigans. Come on, let's talk about the reptilians. Don't you want to talk about the reptilians? Maybe big foot? Anything but this, come on man.

Dan is just buttmad because his movie flopped and hasn't even made back 1/2 of what it cost.

I actually forgot about this movie already. Weird how bad movies just seem to pass unnoticed. It got released, critics gave it an unusually high score, people forgot and it didn't make enough money.

Shit movies will be shit, famalams.

Too bad you doofuses are outnumbered. Trump has peaked already, while two-quarters of the Democratic voting base didn't even show up for the primaries, yet Hillary still beat Trump in individual voting numbers by over 1 million and a quarter. Fuckers, you're letting the media play with your heads. He'll end up with Romney numbers by the end of this (46% to 48%), and Hillary will beat him by 3 to 5 points (51% to 53%). Stop letting the corporate media fill your heads up with soup.

>a group makes fun of someone for being a fat monkey
>i-i know what i'll do! i'll call them fat losers!
what a retard

Well, we know you're from reddit, with your precise inability to greentext.

>im just a normal guy
>let me rant about trump
>i wont talk about hillary though

kys yourself

>drops a political endorsement for Hilary in

I always knew he was a shill

Same shit went down with Batman v Superman.

That movie dragged a lot of others down with it. It spoiled the mood for "event" style blockbusters because it was so underwhelming. The only thing left are the cartoon movies parents take their kids and their friends to see.

Ghostbusters isn't going to be a drag. It was just a very mediocre comedy and a poor remake.

>Still obsessing about the greentext faux pas

Bitch, I'll let Donald speak for me.

Sup Forums and Sup Forumscucks on suicide watch.

Based Dan

>"kys yourself"

GSYOD yourself, Trump-sniffer.

>reddit wont leave

Hey, bitch, where'd you go?

Did you scramble to indulge the SHOCKING REVELATION that Trump is a scam artist to your inbred mother and father?

Never forget that he went on FOX to say he supported Hillary in order to prove his political bona fides to Republican ignoramuses prone to watching that channel. And now the stupid asses are cheering him as he gets ready to lose to Hillary in November.


Build the wall Paco.

Someone put a dick in this idiot's mouth.

Fucking moron, I'm not from reddit.

Again, stop being cynical. This is not a conspiracy, you fucking dork. I frequent chan more than reddit, which I barely go to, since you fuckers took that joint over back in 2009. Chan used to be a haven, but it caught the whiny white bitch virus, and now there's wall-to-wall posts of anger at society for not letting you fuck little girls and kill the boyfriends of starlets. Oh, and the niggers. Always, about the fucking niggers. You assholes are OBSESSED!

Instead of shooting up another school or shopping mall, simply put that AR-15 to your temples, pull the trigger, do the world a favor and feed the worms with your carcasses.