Why was Satan so... nice? And was Gabriel supposed to be a man? I don't get it

Why was Satan so... nice? And was Gabriel supposed to be a man? I don't get it

Gabriel is an angel. not a man or woman.
If you consider that portrayal of the devil to be nice they you have something wrong with your brain.

>Tilda Swinton will never stick her feet in your face and make you worship them

I'm not too well versed in judeo-christian mythology but isn't lucifer supposed to be a deceiver and sweet talker?

Be less pathetic



Satan is supposed to be the most alluring trickster in all of everything
he's charismatic as fuck so you'll fall

Satan is not some boogeyman.
Satan killed less than a dozen people throughout the entirety of Bible.
Satan is not going to give you eternity of torture simply for not believing in him.
Satan is not going to drown the entirety of Earth's population, because he loves people the way they are.
Satan never forces you to do his will (looking at you, big G), as he knows it's in human nature to follow him.
He entices, proposes and bargains. Not a cartoon villain, but rather a book villain.

I actually really liked this film. I'm a fan of Keanu, so that might have to do with it.

t. 16 year old Fedoralord who can't tell the difference between Lucifer and Satan