Why are some of the greatest movies in a genre so panned initially?
Space Odyssey, Drive, and Antichrist come to mind.
I almost believed you guys.
After all the comic war threads I saw for months and months, I was honestly under the impression that this would be a huge let down. I don't know if it helps that I've only seen the directors cut, but I can't see the problem with this film. Beautifully framed, tense, and captivating.
Was it Disney? Was it the crossposters?...true Sup Forums film enthusiasts know Sup Forums can't into art, Sup Forums is full of children, and Sup Forums is literally memes.
I still think it was Disney partially, but the theatrical cut was meh, the Ultimate edition is great
Connor Peterson
Agree. Thought it would be terrible, but saw the director's cut at home and was deeply impressed. A little hokey at times, but all in all very good.
Asher Nguyen
I hide every BvS thread now
Jeremiah Butler
>all those Evans posters
Where are they now? They've been awfully quiet since the Bluray release.
Grayson Collins
>Beautifully framed, tense, and captivating.
You're the joke OP. I really hope all (You)s you will get will compensate for the time lost watching that utter garbage flick and for making these threads.
Josiah Bennett
>evans poster >taste
choose one
Matthew Martinez
everyone saw the movie, realized it was shit, realized people were just trolling by pretending to like it.
its over.
Camden Smith
Hey right on time!
Parker Fisher
I've never heard any objective arguments against it tho. Just
>hey it's shit I don't like it >you better not like it!
Which was funny because it felt like a Tour de Force for me.