The incompetence of the American military

>The incompetence of the American military
>Blind Japanese samurai and a Japanese otaku 2chan poster
>Stupid concepts like quislings and feral children
>Rich people now shovel poo and poor people now run society (cause all rich people are useless and never earned their way and all poor people aren't lazy and on welfare)
>Israel is best rael
>Is North Korea in a tunnel just hiding out or are they all zombies???????? It's like some kinda Schrodinger's cat of asians, so cool!
>"Muh dogs even though I hated them but now I attack people that do and now I'm in a special K9 unit durrrrrrr"

Oh no, how dare... HOW DARE Brad Pitt ruin such a *snicker* "classic" book?

Other urls found in this thread:


yay this thread again

Mark Hammil reads the battle of yonkers in the audio book and

>An oral history of the zombie war
>is a book

Movie was shit either way so who cares

>Told by teachers constantly that Native Americans have an oral history.
>Never explain how they created audio books.

Fucking bullshit.

>Battle of Yonkers
>Tanks not using HE rounds
>artillery somehow being ineffective
>attack helicopters not working
>soldiers shooting on full retard

Never raged so hard at something fictional.

The whole deal with the zombos in this are that the only thing that kills them is brain scrambling.

Artillery and attack helicopters aren't really headshot type weapons, they're "blow a leg off, or put half a pound of metal fragments through a guy's torso" Which just leaves a half crippled zombony dragging itself through the grass and whathave you.

The roller bladeing axe murderer, the sppooky voice no one believes is real, the celeb safe house, that shit is dumb. Especially the safe house. "hey, let's live stream our stocked, secured compound to the world" That shit annoyed the fuck out of me. Someone portraying the military as something less than an elite well trained fighting force? Entirely plausible.

the nip climbing down the apartment building was great.

The book is actually pretty fucking good

My favorite chapter is the battle of New Jersey when the military decide to use a MOAB against the infected

Should brazzers do a parody of the second one and call it world war zz?

>Artillery and attack helicopters aren't really headshot type weapons, they're "blow a leg off, or put half a pound of metal fragments
This is completely incorrect. The pressure produced by 105mm, 155mm and other artillery weapons are enough to turn organs into jelly. The pressure alone should've crushed anything in the area. Fragments are a secondary effect in this situation. Artillery are aerial denial weapons that are largely responsible for the most casualties in any war. Brooks did not do his research in regard military tactics or weapons.

The same goes for attack helicopters. Do you know what explosive 20mm and 30mm rounds do to organic matter? The wounds are worse than limb loss because they dismember. The same goes for the secondary weapons on the tanks. Mostly designed to destroy lightly armored vehicles or unarmored vehicles.

>ineffective weapon
>fires only fully automatic
>jams all the time
>AK-47 ideal weapon
>remakes M14 battle rifle but is an AK
Brooks is retarded.

ignoring the slav fetishist, artillery wouldn't do shit to the zombies in the book They ignore shrapnel, and the whole pressure thing is moot, because it doesn't work on them. They walk around on the bottom of the ocean and through a thermobaric explosion. What's a much smaller boom gonna do? Nothing.

Same goes for the choppers. In this fictional universe, the only things that stop the zomzoms are full brain disintegration. They do not care about getting their arm, leg and chest blown apart. They need to have the head crushed/brain splattered. Or burnt. Atomics didn't work as well as they wanted. The only reason Yonkers went the way it did is because this fictional universe did not contain the normal "oh zombies, shoot them in the head" that this one does. Sure, millions of people don't have zombie survival guide drilled into them by rote, but if you ask a friend how they kill a zombie, they've probably seen a couple movies, or read a book/comic/etc. Head shots, holy water, burning, the usual stuff. The guys at yonkers? No fucking clue. No one had a god damn clue, even though evidently this shit had happened thousands of times throughout history.

It's got some cool stuff in it but it is a pretty shit book.

>The book makes a point of saying how stupid the safe house livestream was
>user has so much aspergers he can't believe a book would feature a scenario where people don't behave 100% logically all the time

Or you could just say shit is retarded.

>>Stupid concepts like quislings
Explain that one to me. I don't the reference to what happened.

I suggest reading this instead it gets a lot more small details correct for surviving like the fact unleaded gas has an expiration date.

>They do not care about getting their arm, leg and chest blown apart

you fucking idiot. how can a zombie bite you if they cant move in the first place.

also zombie movies and books are dumb. if the characters will be completely safe if they just ride a boat. zombies can't swim

>it's a /k/ autism episode

if they're still sitting there, comping away they might eventually bite something, and it's time for more zombies. How the fuck am i going to game this shit out for you.

>if the characters will be completely safe if they just ride a boat. zombies can't swim
Dead bodies float, and if the boat has an anchor chain. . .

Plus, you can't live on a boat indefinitely. You'd need shit from dry land and we're back at the zombies eating your face shit.

Oh I know what quisling is. I'm talking about in the book. how the hell did that happen and I bet it's fucking stupid.

People lost their minds when the undead started rising and somehow they figured they must be zombies too.

it's exactly what you would expect.

Quisling was a Norwegian dude who thought he was doing the right thing and really tried to be a good person, but he fucked it all up by thinking the right thing was to side with Hitler.

So now his legacy is his name being synonymous with traitor.

Dude, it's not autism. This shit does not make sense.

Why would a depopulated and money strapped government make a semi-auto only battle rifle? We have hundreds of models already that are battle tested and approved. You have storage facilities filled with M-14s and their variants. Also, 5.56 is more than qualified for the job. AR's would have no trouble with Zombies. This meme "jam" shit is completely false. It's like people think the only model for the M-16 is the A1.

Artillery pressure would crush the squishy zombie brain into jelly. It's just so jarring to the rest of the book. I understand it's a type of satire but this shit makes no sense at all.

>don't worry erryting gon be awrite

>have gun that auto, triple auto, semi auto, and bolt action
>give gun to frightened armies
>they all use auto on zombies and waste ammo

had to give them semi only guns to save ammo

only a retard will get bit by an immobile zombie

>Dead bodies float, and if the boat has an anchor chain. .

float but can't swim. only retards get boarded by zombies floating in the water. and it's not as if bodies are water are small too, have you ever seen a big lake or a sea?

>Plus, you can't live on a boat indefinitely.
you don't have to, you just need to pass time until the zombies' leg muscles decay. a month's worth of supply is all you need.

I take it you didn't read the book, because they don't really decay, at all.

This wouldn't be a thing if you had read the book.

>Fantasy monsters

Son, their legs will last exactly as long as the author says they will because it is a book

>Don't decay
This is why zombies are gay as fuck. What bullshit meme magic is this trash

Zombies are not constant they are always changing setting to setting.

You literally can't set issued M16/M4s to full auto. There is no full auto function. The most you can switch to is 3 round burst, and you're drilled to never use that anyway. The military trains using semi auto. The only machine guns are squad weapons, which if you fired in bursts you could use to clear entire crowds even if you could only shoot them in the head due to how insanely fucking accurate they are. The SAW can hit shit from like 3,000 yards away.

Then that person's theory would work for zombies. All other bullshit zombie laws that clearly break babby tier physics are fucking dumb.

>dead body
>doesn't decay


that's why im calling zombie books/movies dumb. fiction requires some semblance of logic especially if it wants to be realistic, you know like world war z

Is literally the only exception everything but the zombies are presented in a realistic manner

Look, gladiator autisitcus, we get it, you don't have the ability to suspend your disbelief.

>give gun to frightened armies
>slow, unarmed targets in the open
>full auto

Contrary to what you think, the majority of professional armies do not use full auto unless providing cover fire. Many countries now do not provide rifles with fully automatic selection because the squad automatic rifleman fulfills this role.

Most of this shit defies logic. A professional military or even militia would not be this retarded to get out flanked by walking corpses with the IQ of a grapegruit. The worse offense is the running out of ammo excuse. This is the United States military. We have the best military logistics on the planet. Especially at home it would easy to resupply forces.

marines are trained to fight humans. when zombies come? they don't have training to fight zombies so they're fighting like civilians

the zombies might as well be ghosts since nothing bothers them.

Yeah shooting crowds of unarmed, slow moving retards is way too tough for one of the best trained service branches on the planet. We'd need to leave it to the otaku samurai kid.

I hate the autist who is reposting this shit daily

Marines who can drop a towel head at 400 yards with a headshot at a rate that they often get investigated for war crimes to see if they are executing prisoners are somehow unable to shoot slowly shuffling zombie.

The only reason the zombie apocalypse ever works in these scenarios is because everybody suddenly becomes retarded.

This isn't true. Every army in the world gives selective fire rifles. It isn't the 1950s anymore.

I won't speak to the movie, haven't even seen it, but as far as the book goes, it is the best science fiction story since I, robot.

And they are very similar. Both present something familiar to us in a new light and explores the far reaching consequences and eventualities of it. Both of them even follow the format of short vignettes that jump around from place to place.

and i hate the idiots who like zombie genre

they'd be scared as fuck. this isn't a video game

No they wouldn't. They'd fucking love that shit. Hell half of them would get a chub just from the opportunity and a lot of them would wind up in the brig for trying to fuck the bodies when they were done.

I'm not a trained Marine you retard.

The story that stuck out most to me was that family with the mom being the pov.

>she folding clothes or some shit
>hear about break ins lately
>someone breaks into their house
>the dad is fighting a fucking zombie
>dad tells mom to get the kid and take off
>without even a second thought she grabs the kid, runs out of the house to I believe tons of zombies walking around the neighborhood with the door wide open and drives off with her kid
>she left her husband alone without ever looking back
>thinks back if he survived months later when she's in a camp

Like fuck...does that really happen? In super emergency moments it's basically every person for themselves or what?

This is the most accurate thing I've read in the thread.

Jarheads are fucking nuts. They're bred to be fucking nuts. 11b guys are the nuttiest of the fucking bunch. They'd go apeshit with all the fun they'd get to have gunning down live targets that have no rights to worry about.

Brooks is a Commiefornia Jew that has never fired a weapon. Of course he's going to fuck up technical weapon specs.

Shame because his dad is a fucking badass motherfucker.

No, it's just that parent's will almost universally choose their child over each other.

You're programmed to give much more of a shit about your child than your spouse.