They should just catch their own Pikachu and train it then use it for whatever. Their plans make no sense

They should just catch their own Pikachu and train it then use it for whatever. Their plans make no sense

Ash's Pikachu is some rare apex Pikachu or something seeing as it can go toe to toe with stronger Pokemon and even legendaries. Are they still trying to catch that yellow faggot in the newer anime?

they are retarded

Yeah, its annoying even seeing them at this point though

Imagine if Ashs Pikachu had evolved...

In later editions of the game this actually makes a lot more sense. He is the ubermensch of pikachu, probably has ridiculous base stats that have only endlessly improved over so much time and effort.

I think they do what they do because they genuinely love their work.

I always assumed they wanted Ash's pikachu because it has absurdly high stats for its level and they want to breed it.

>still trying to catch Pikachu after almost 20 years
Well that's just sad, they must have died and gone to some sort of personalized hell where Ash, Misty, and Brock are just demons that torment them.

Its actually only been 6 years, Ash is 16 now, and Misty and Brock arent around anymore, Ash travels with new people every new reigon

>recently watched first 5 seasons
>see season 14 episode from this year
>ash travels with some blonde faggot nerd and his little sister as well as some ugly bitch
>shitty 3d animation and autistic seizure inducing battles

No, Ash is still 10, canonically.