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squirrel squad edition

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>mfw he thinks Jonsa is happening

This shit walks into the tavern with his big swingin' dick and smacks your lady on her arse.

What do you do?

>me on the left

Did anyone else notice the scene in the show where Bran sneaks over to the weirwood and logs in by himself felt like a 19th century fairy tale?

I have a feeling that's straight from the books- it feels very literary. It feels very old-fashioned, like he's Goldlilocks sneaking into the house, or Pan from Pan's Labyrnth sneaking the food into the monster's house.

>Anyone who knows European folktales (fairytales) will be familiar with the story structure being used here in which a hero (often a young princess) must complete a series of tasks (usually three) to win a prize. A familiar element of this is a dire warning to avoid some particular action (most often eating). Invariably the hero fails to heed such warnings, and it can be argued that del Toro is simply following the rules in having Ofelia do the same.[3]

I love when the writing is very classical. I get such a strong Hans Christian Anderson, Andrew Lang, Brothers Grimm, James George Frazer, Joseph Campbell, Bruno Bettelheim feel from Bran's fairy tale mistake.

I also am reminded of some of Tolkien and Chesterton's rules for "fairy stories" in their writings.

I hope they revive Stannis by episode 2 of next season for his redemption arc.

Somebody really should force Sophie to read the books before she makes another dumb statement in public.

...and no "everyone who disagrees with me is a jonsafag" autist, I am not a jonsafag

Why does the waif try so hard to be like smirkfu?

Are they squirrels or aliens?


Who will be the Villain next season? Euron?