What went wrong?

What went wrong?

What do you mean? He didn't feel like acting anymore so he does voice roles for video game series he loves. Plus he's married and has a family with a woman he loves and generally does things he enjoys.

Go to bed Freddie

He knew when to fold.

Get fuck ton of money and marry buffy, and probably got to fuck her dressed as daphne. What else could you want to accomplish after that

Dumbass ruined Mass Effect

>He's still married to Sarah Michelle

Good for them

Not being a good actor

Dad died when he was young. Made some decent movies, or atleast decent for the people who like that sort of thing.

Married a likewise minded woman. Seems like a pretty ok guy in my book

That's on Mac Walters and Casey Hudson.

>married to best 90s waifu
>went wrong

his best job was when he was a babysitter on friends. bye skadandy

And don't forget he fucks SMG everynight. livin' the fream

His father killed himself.

You say that like its a good thing

mfw he streams on twitch

C'mon user.

She peaked for about 5 minutes with Cruel Intentions.

So weird that he streams.

he used up all his Benevolent Universe points in three years

>never munching on Sarah Michelle's naked butt at 5 am in the morning

>worth 19 million dollars
>is married to SMG
>voices a main character in a popular Star Wars show

Life must be so hard for him :(

nah, she's a lovely mommy

Doesn't he have a massive drug problem?

It's weird when celebrity gossip is accepted on other sites and not on Sup Forums

I like it when things work out for celebrities and their relationships. It makes me feel happy. Is that sad?


I liked him on 24, and I actually didn't mind his character in Mass Effect 3.

That's one of the worst wall hittings i have ever seen

24 was actually one of the reasons he stopped acting for a while. He thought Kiefer Sutherland was a piece of shit. He also had to do certain scenes without shoes to make up for the fact that Sutherland is a midget


Oh dude, weak. Hate him now.

WTF, i hate freddie now

wtf, i hate Snake now?

>Fucked and married her in her prime
>Gets to grow old with her

Better life than most