Theater Trashing General /TTG/

Welcome to Theater Trashing General /TTG/.

Primarily for the purpose of being a better trasher on the theater.

>Clean it up edition.

flacons and penis einsections and single policies

am i funny yet op





>go to food court
>order large curry from A Taste of India
>beef vindaloo fucking nummies
>brown stringbean behind the counter says "I hope you enjoy"
>fucking immigrants stealing jobs
>walk up to the cinema
>order my tickets, choosing my seat specifically to be at least 1 chair away from anyone else so I can relax
>walts past ticket checker
>"Hey I need to check your ticket"
>laugh and apologize "you win this time kid"
>he looks at my steaming hot vindaloo
>"You can't take that in sir"
>laugh again "haha okay you got me this time kid"
>turn around and put the rectangular box under my shirt
>it feels really hot on my tummy
>walk to the room where they have the movie in at
>lights have already dimmed but I find the right row
>sit down in my specifically chosen seat
>what the fuck
>why am I so hot
>my dick feels so hot and wet oh my god
>realize curry tipped under my shirt and pants
>spicy vindaloo sauce is fucking everywhere, on my dick, my upper arms, the seat, the floor
>movie is starting
>don't want to sit through 3 hours and 7 minutes all sticky and hungry
>start shoveling vindaloos chunks out of my boxers and into my mouth
>it's too hot and I spit it all over the seat infront of me
>fuck it
>keep eating, I try licking vindaloo off my arms but it just makes it worse
>I now have curry on my nose, mouth and shoulders
>finish all the beef chunks I can salvage and enjoy the rest of the movie, keeping myself full with a bag of Maltesers
>lights come on
>everyone stares at me
>I only now know the full extent of my feasting
>there is brown stains over the whole area, it's sloppy and chunky and I have it all over me
>cross my arms to look like I don't care and leave

Should've gotten the staff to clean it up. It's their job.

So let me get this straight. Vindaloos????

Fuck you

*turns full large popcorn upside down*
Oh whoops, clumsy me. Guess I better go get another free refill.

>sneak candy into the theatre
>leave wrappers under the cup in the cupholder

I'm so naughty