Was he always this bad?
Was he always this bad?
Other urls found in this thread:
You seem triggered.
He's yelling at the American people telling them they don't own their country, the elite do. That's pretty bad.
Does this gif trigger you?
The goyim have been getting mighty uppity lately. I think it's about time they learned their place... Hehehe
He's not wrong.
If the uneducated are going to act stupid, then they will need to learn there place once in a while.
It's common sense.
I like how the audience is all applauding and he's talking shit about them. If anything he seems triggered. Kind of sad.
So acting stupid means voting against what the elites want? Why even have the pretense of democracy? Sorry, but I think your misplaced feelings of superiority are laughable.
lmao did your mom get your iphone with a military discount too user?
Didn't meant to strike a nerve summerfriend. You must be a blast at reddit meetups.
Sure is anti-American Leibowitz's in here
Nah, I'm just shocked whenever I stumble upon a real, unironic bootlicker.
You seem to side with the elite (((friend)))
>Believing the elites don't have both sides bought and under control
More embarrassing than knowingly voting for globalism desu senpai
The elites were not happy about Brexit, m80, however you want to slice it.
MI5 hijacked the BNP party
Nigel stepped down
Brits celebrated too soon, Brexit will be a cucked failure unfortunately.
Trump on the otherhand is a nationalist. He will get JFK'd if we don't pray for him though
when did Sup Forums become a Sup Forums runoff? This shit has been nonstop, we just want to talk about movies and tv you faggot.
>whaaa why are people talking about things I don't like
Close the tab and go to another thread you disgusting reddit faggot
Hopefully it'll end with the election season. Sup Forums is like furfags and ponyfags who have to bring their shit everywhere they go.
Its just redditors from Sup Forums and reddit too scared to post on Sup Forums and upset their garbage threads fall of in less than 20 minutes
And back to r*ddit you go.
>Sup Forums is my playground to shit up any board I want
I think I just realized why there have been so many Sup Forumstards, it's summer. At least school will be back in session soon
>Sup Forums is like furfags and ponyfags who have to bring their shit everywhere they go.
Nah it's that people on Sup Forums are allowed to espouse personal views without the threat of being down voting into oblivion or having some liberal kike mod shadow ban you. I know this concept hard to grasp for a cancerous reddit like you
try a site you can say your boring accepted opinions without consequences
i think facebook would welcome you
Who is that quote from? It sure as shit isn't Trump.
>implying you "alt-right" faggots aren't the biggest redditors around
where's the part where she fucks her boyfriend's best friend while he's deployed?
Jon Stewart is based. If he triggers shitposters from Sup Forums, so much the better.
>go to reddit
>go to facebook
is that all you got?
>boo hoo you're not edgy and contrarian enough to be on my favorite underground website
cry more faggot
You weren't here when /new/ was shut down and news threads were put up because they are aired on tv.
spoiled little shit Trump2016
You are the one licking mine.
Get educated.
>cry more faggot
You are actually the one crying like faggot. user was simply giving a friendly suggestion. Do you even proofread what you write?
Not him, but you are a joke. Your sad attempt to make a stinging remark with that last sentence is exciting to me.
Sort of like watching a crippled monkey reaching at a banana tree.
Sounds like someone wasn't here before the reddit invasion
what month of 2015 did you start browsing Sup Forums, meme parasite?
>thread ends
>better post it again!
leave Sup Forumsermin
Go back to your precious little hugbox you fucking cuck faggot sjw niggerjew
OPEN YOUR EYES and look at what is happening around the world
WW3 is coming
Sup Forums is trying to warn you
Sup Forums is actually always right
>that image
ITS 2016
>freedom of speech means you can post anything on any board
oh sweet, I was looking for a chance to post all of my anthro pony porn
you sure can spot the influx of redditism huh?
almost as if you came from... no, that cant be
you sound angry, Sup Forumsfag
are you a wee bit triggered?
Is it Sup Forums to feel bad for him for being out of touch with modern politics?
>he hasn't been following the election
Yes that is a very real quote and this election is a battle between Nationalism (will of the people) vs Globalism (will of the (((elite)))).
You are in for a big surprise in the next few years.
Oh, when globalism continues to win? You're delusional if you think Trump will win, the guy is a dope.
>being into ponies
>not being into femboys
Fuck, you have awful taste.
(((They))) sure do love to hate on the armed forces
You guys really are scum
How much do you get paid?
as a huge fan of stewart from his glory days in 2003-2005 that hurts a bit
it's like the "recluse look" joke is actually colbert and producers mocking him like they're pol, not just the intended joke
doesn't matter what it is, keep it coming
only way to redeem this thread
Never feel sorry for one of the enemy you cuck
with as much reposted alt-right trash that gets reposted daily I'm willing to ask you the same thing
Not everyone is a greedy parasite on humanity
yep, some are just useful idiots
So...you do it for free?
Im gonna tell netanyahu to fire you stupid fucks
You're talking to different people you know that right?
its been years since an image has instilled a sense of legit horror in me
>he does it for free
Not surprising that Sup Forums is full of jews
>when did Sup Forums become a Sup Forums runoff
Well before you started coming here you fucking newfaggot
It didn't
its just Sup Forumsedditors
I bet I've been here longer than you.
Actually, wait a second....
You know, this site is for adults over the age of 18. Underage phoneposters not welcome.
I cannot wait for summer to be over so you can return to...hm, I'm betting you're in high school, not middle school, since your opinions aren't so much edgy as obnoxiously self-congratulatory and arrogant. So yes, please kindly fuck off.
Who is this sexy little slut?
All real 4channers follow the Path Of Light:
1. Sup Forums
2. Sup Forums
3. Sup Forums
4. Sup Forums
5. /k/ becomes a kind of necessity once you learn Sup Forums but some skip this
6. /x/
7. Pic related
All other boards are specialties and porn
Looks like the path to autism to me.
Sure dude I will totally listen to you and Im over 18 lel
Btw who's excited for these 2 (((films)))
Imperium Patronus
>Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Nose
>Harry Potter and the GasChamber of Secrets
>Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Auschwitz
>Harry Potter and the Goebbels of fire
>Harry Potter and the Order of the Fascists
>Harry Potter and the Half-Blooded Populist
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Holocaust
Muh Holohoax
>Not surprising that Sup Forums is full of jews
Sup Forums has a lot of marketing shills from hollywood trying to shill their jew movies/shows so yeah this place is gonna be full of kikes and kike a likes
Sad little low-class scum can't afford an iPhone.
>posts anime
>talks about autism
>laughing wealthy goyim.jpg
How much would it suck to be a ugly parasitic jew and yet still be a poorfag?
You guys should kill yourselves already ew
Don't you mean file.jpg
>path of light
That looks like the guild of calamitous intent
Sup Forumsslam is a board of peace!
Anime is an innocent hobby, but browsing Sup Forums makes you spam shit threads all over every other board.
there is nothing wrong with globalism or a one world government for that matter
Read what is being said
Pay attention to what is going on in the world
This is not spam, it is the last warning you shall recieve before it is too late.
>The Earth and it's sinners shall be consumed by fire until all is purged and then (((God's Chosen People))) will rise from the ashes.
Abrahamic religions and semitic parasites:
iphone is for poor people
everyone knows this my nigga
Anime is friends with Sup Forums.
you go now.
Imagine all the panicked phonecalls and texts that transpired between zionist globalist elite during the RNC that finally resulted in them pulling out their big gun , the friendly millennial american every man John "Stewart" to reassure the white guilt ridden audience of the late show that Trump was Literally Hitler and a Joke and not to worry about anything.
What if these guys are in charge?
The question is wether the government will serve the people and stop the elite (Nationalism) or if government will serve the elite and enslave the people(Globalism).
Guess you're a kike
It's bait.
Both are coming out this year
The kikes are going 110%
Anime is an inanimate object. I bet you're one of those people who go
when referring to a board as well.
But they announced they were going on before the rnc even happened
Great detective work
I never ask for military discount senpai. If it's offered I'll flash my ID
That is pretty much exactly the opposite of what he's doing though
Seeing Sup Forums shitposters get triggered is hilarious
There is when it involves the total dissolution of the middle class, impoverishing everyone, and a new ISIS attack every week.