tried watching this
it's not offensive or groundbreaking
it's just a lot of aimless banter that goes nowhere most of the time
and it's just boring
why did they bother releasing this, and why did it cost so much to make this Lifetime tv movie
tried watching this
it's not offensive or groundbreaking
it's just a lot of aimless banter that goes nowhere most of the time
and it's just boring
why did they bother releasing this, and why did it cost so much to make this Lifetime tv movie
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So you hate women, huh?
It felt like a bunch os SNL sketches stitched together with cgi ghosts. Literally nobody wanted this movie.
Hi, Feig. I didn't like the movie.
sorta, but it also felt like they were going for a different kind of chatty quirky indie movie and then decided nevermind
the movie is actually depressing and tiresome to watch
I feel under the absolute best circumstances for this franchise that the sequel, if there actually is one and Sony isn't bluffing, is that this is the Batman Begins of the series. Before any of you try to defend BB as """kino""" it was garbage. Not as bad as this movie but still not a very good film. Now that they have the pointless origin story crap out of the way they could take what they've learned from this mess and maybe make a really good movie in about two years.
Or they could just fuck it all up again, or not make a sequel at all because they're tired of burning money.
Wait where did you watch it? Need to know for research and analysis, OP.
are u fucking blind. OPEN UR EYES U SPAZ
The screenplay as it is acted out looks like a group of pre-teens doing improv relying on exposition "Now were doing this here. Let's go over here. Now we have to do this. Now we need to go here and do this. Now let's save the day. Great we won."
What a mess. What a complete shit show. What a complete overestimation of how clever and successful the whole thing was going to be.
yep, very accurate
I was surprised by how they managed to tick almost all the boxes of what makes a poor comedy movie: they have performances which range from phoned in (McCarthy, Wiig, Hemsworth) to profoundly irritating mugging (McCkinnon, Jones); the rest of the characters could barely be decribed as cameos they felt so irrelevant. In the filmmaking department, I've rarely seen anything quite so inept, with little to no blocking, low energy, no pacing, terrible dialogue, bland digital cinematography, mediocre effects etc etc the list goes on.
Its a real sign of our times that this shitty corporate product was made into some kind of an event film by hack journalists, and twitter warriors are trying to portray it as a corporate battle. Compare this to something like The Wild Bunch, or almost any event film from the seventies (and most event films from the eighties for that matter), and it really does put it into perspective how much we the public have been had at the hands of rainbow nationality suits of Sony.
* I meant to say that people are making it into some kind of culture battle.
That would imply anyone would watch this obnoxious characters in another movie.
Wiig a cute. CUTE.
I want Kate McKinnon to ride my dick.
She's Goop tier, as in why do people find this bland bitch attractive.
Because it's fun and will probably make some money.