HOW the fuck could Kramer afford a NY apartment, or buy NY groceries, with no income?

HOW the fuck could Kramer afford a NY apartment, or buy NY groceries, with no income?

It was never explained, fucking plothole

He falls ass backwards into money.

He was a drug deal, like the real Kramer

>bizarre "friends" we never see
>erratic behavior
>crazy hair and clothes
>close friends with a US Postal Worker
>always makes friends with foreigners

Isn't it obvious? He's secretly a druglord

He's a small time pot dealer in a rent controlled apartment that may or may not contain a chicken.

>And with Darren's help, we'll get that chicken!

He was on a 12 year strike as a bagelmaker. You haven't watched all of Seinfeld, it was even the fucking Festivus episode.

Best character.

Good question. I ask it myself all the time when I'm watching. What bugs me the most though is, why the fuck is Jerry friends with this retard? He gains nothing from their relationship but somehow he's cool with letting him use his apartment like a brother.

The Betrayal provides the origin of their friendship. Watch that.

>It's a show about nothing!

It's a show about where a comedian gets his ideas. Hanging around sad (George), angry (Elaine) and clueless (Kramer) people provide material.

> what is rent control

He's also got all sorts of odd jobs and weird connections throughout the series, they also do mention it in the series when they say "he falls ass backwards into money".

He's also won multiple high profile lawsuits

he got free food, he was always eating and stealing Jerry's food


very obvious

The same way everyone else in NYC makes a living (having rich parents)

he sold crack

Yo fly's open

His mom handed out towels in washrooms.


Did you even watch Mad About You? Paul gave him the apartment, he paid no rent. And food is free on Jerrys.


>Jerry is rich
>lives in the same building of a NEET and a postal worker

Never understood that.

different sized apartments, at least with Newman. Kramer probably had a similar layout since he was across the hall, but Newmans looked smaller for sure.

>implying newman isn't rich

Jerry is particular as fuck, he has friends, stores and the coffee shop all nearby. Someone with borderline OCD like Jerry wouldn't move unless they had to.

If the show went on, there would probably be an episode where Jerry struggles not living in a prison schedule.

wasn't there an episode where someone asked Kramer If he had change for a five and he said no all I got are 100s?

the dude probably has some sort of trust fund that he'd burn through by the end of the month. therefore he can both be rich and poor

Jerry's rich. Not like it matters.

Kramer owns the apartment building. He inherited it from his mother.

He's mother's still alive tho

Kramer is based on a real-life weirdo he's great great friends with.

I think as a kid I never really understood that Jerry the character was a comedian. I thought those clips of Jerry doing standup was him out of character.

>Did he use the word 'man'? When he left, did he say 'I'm splitting'?

A lot of rich people dont live "rich" lives. Like a millionaire who drives a company bentley but drives a honda in his personal life.

he's a jew

He rents it from paul

So Mr. Tomasulu likes to play dirt.. well there's nothing dirtier... than a giant ball of oil

>gains nothing from their friendship
That's not how friends are supposed to work, user.

what the fuck are you talking about

Kramer amuses Jerry. He's based off of Larry David's neighbour, who came up with insane schemes, loved fruit etc.

Jerry genuinely cares about the guy. He's so fucking rich in the show I doubt him stealing his food etc. would bother him.

Something like that

Jerry had an opportunity to move to a much larger and nicer apartment in season two that cost twice as much but decided against it. He could move if he wanted but he's too neurotic.