Don't mind me, just pirating this baby

Don't mind me, just pirating this baby.

Tv will literally try and defend this and sound retarded in the process.

it's not the original baby

Typical for stock photos to play into the liberal leftist dogma agenda of making the kidnapper a white male when in reality it would be a nigger or a brown shit skin from a 3rd world country who'd kidnap a baby

Don't mind me, just pirating this shopping cart.

>stealing a bunch of brown paper bags

Don't mind me, I'm just literally STEALING this painting

Not with my dreamtime chain link fence blocking you.

Don't mind me, I'm just STEALING your car


Don't mind me, just pirating this white bois clothes.

Don't mind me, just pirating

I like that simile.

>It's a pirating thread
>Everyone is in ninja costumes


Don't me, I'm just pirating from pirates.

>Pirates are butthurt

LMAOing at your life faggots, time to pay for shit or go without

make me faggot. The world is a jungle, there's no wrong or right. If I can get something cheaper with no consequences, I'm doing it. Fuck you. "Intellectual copyrights" are bullshit.

>"Intellectual copyrights" are bullshit.
Mantra of people who never created anything of value in their lives.

You wouldn't shoot a policeman, then steal that policeman's helmet, then go to the toilet in his helmet, then send the helmet to his grieving widow, then steal it again!

businesses do not have the right to exist, they must earn this right by being competent

there is no moral element to business transactions

copyright is an arbitrary legal concept, designed to preserve the profitability of content creators, though it generally has no impact at all

the technology for information to be copied infinitely and freely (the internet) is a business problem that must be solved by the content creator, not the legal system

the legal system's role is the protect the people of a nation from shakedown artists and unnecessary regulation

>A movie's profits = A baby

Kike logic, everyone.

Man, these anti piracy ads are getting real mean

Fuck off you kike motherfucker. I will never pay for movies or tv shows.

Don't mind me, just pirating this play of the game

kidnapping is a white colar crime

Wow you can efficiently clone human babies now? Hurry and tell the media OP.