How often do you rewatch this?
How often do you rewatch this?
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seen it about 4 times in 6 years.
Never. Can't rewatch something you haven't seen.
about once a week
Why haven't you watched it? Too entry level or not capeshit enough, lad?
Probably about once or twice every year for about 10 years. First saw it when I was 15 and hated it. Can't remember when I next saw it but I loved it.
Once every 5 years
Tried to do a first viewing but was kinda tired and fell asleep. Movie was 2deep4me.
Couldn't say. I've probably seen it 4 times in its entirety and more when I've turned it on part way through or watched part of it on TV and had to do something else.
Enh. I dunno. No real interest I guess? It has a shitty ending?
About once a year. Sometimes twice.
>It has a shitty ending?
It has a shitty ending, indeed. What confused you about what I said?
Because it doesn't, it's the best part alongside HAL being terminated and the primates learning to use tools as weapons.
The ending sucks
Does the movie end differently than the book?
>tfw i've still not seen it even though it's been sitting on my computer for fucking years
>think its a Nietzsche allegory
goddamn retard
>put almost nothing in your film
>autists will spend decades trying to "get it"
>14 year olds ripping a top-10 movie of all time
Yep, it's a Sup Forums thread
Give it another go when you're in the right frame of mind! The hype is justified, and it's also a landmark film from a film-history perspective. Definitely worth seeing at least once.
Nietsche what?
Or more likely
that kind of ending, really kubrick, 200+ iq and then this shit, its like i made the ending myself. but then again what kind of alternatives do you have....
you've never watched it so you're not allowed an opinion on the ending.
once after 2 years or so
very much so
First part has aged hilariously horribly.
Second/third part is GOAT.
Ending is ayylmao2deep4u.
I've watched it once and have no interest in seeing it again.
it was a master piece for it's time but nowadays it's nothing but an overrated gimmick that overstays its welcome.
I liked it but I didn't get it.
Saw it once last year. Saw it about 3 times in 2012. Saw it 4 or 5 times in 2009.
Have watched it well over 15 times total.
Usually the scenes of Dr. Bowman traveling through the vortex puts me to sleep, but then awaken when he drops the glass.
you didnt even get the creepy part about the ending you dumb fuck. get a physics lession
This scene usually has me craving pecan pie.
What was it? Black hole?
no he was a prisoner of the higher dimension aliens, they designed the room for him which is why the aesthetics are completely clashing. he experience time as a physical dimension so hes in a fourth or fifth dimensional spacetime being observed by the aliens til he dies
Just saw this in IMAX at the Air and Space Smithsonian. It was my first viewing and I loved the movie, but the ending left me wanting much more. Seemed like a cop-out.
the beginning is better than the end
seen it four times. I'm not a film maker, so I don't need to study it in and out. I will probably never watch it again unless someone else hasn't seen it and wants to (just like the last 2 times)
He was a prisoner? I didn't see him as a prisoner.
I took it as he was gaining awareness from a higher advanced intelligence, similar to uploading knowledge of the construct of the universe, and when he awoke he on his own free will does all that he knows how to do which is being human living as a human eat, etc.
Since we don't know what all other forms of life there are, I was left to assume that Bowman is being all that he knows to occupy time, being human.
Then it isn't until he is reborn that he sees the universe differently, a child born onto the universe with knowledge of the universe.
I love cinema.
I've taken classes and watched tons of movies of every genre but I haven't watched this.
I don't know if it's because I'm afraid it won't be the masterpiece everyone says it is or some other reason I'm not aware of.
Saw it once at a local theater in 70mm. I don't need to see it again.
maybe you didnt get it. time is shown by the editing of David seeing himself in the future and then jumping frames of reference. he is in the aliens world where time is a physical dimension to them and is at their mercy
he wasnt gaining anything he was their prisoner, not in a bad way but the aliens were keeping him there until his deathbed. he jut moseys around the room and eats and his life is accelerated and distorted because time is
you should just watch it
more an experiment than a prisoner in my opinion
I made a special trip to Toronto to see it in 2006 and I haven't seen it since nor do I have any desire to ever see it again.
>he wasnt gaining
That's not how I saw it. His travel through the wormhole, or whatever it is that is the uploading of information to his brain. That's why he's having convulsions when the pod appears in the room.
The information was a huge overload.
Everything about the ending scenes are him living as he normally would with time itself having no limits, all of it sort of seeming linear to us, but showing that time is no longer a constant.
He lives as he would have alone.
Most of it an example of how we as humans do not know what to do other than survive.
Every 48 hours.
i've always had a strong dislike for this film ever since my best friend in highschool showed it to me. he couldn't explain the first thing about it but he was sure it's the best movie that has ever been created because everyone know it is.
i watched it again about 10 years ago when i was really starting to get in to film and still think the third act is overrated as fuck. one of the most notable films ever and the fan base are a bunch of Kubrick circlejerking pseudo intellectual faggots who just saw babys first meaningful film
Watched it half a year ago cause I hear it was the best movie and didn't want to see it before I was ready.
It's certainly one of the best, if not the best, but I haven't seen it since. I've been meaning to, but I've been waiting largely to show someone else with me
Any opinions on this analysis?
(It's rather lengthy, to put it mildly.)
yes thats what i mean by prisoner though, as they created the room and he cant interact with them or anything else.
interesting and makes sense. i always thought he was having a convulsion because of the spacetravel just fucking his shit up as it was otherworldly.
your other part makes sense too
find ONE special effect that looks face as shit in that movie
just ONE
it's from a time where they spent time building their sets
the apes nowadays would just be cgi
>no CGI
>still looks better than literally every sci fi movie out there
I don't watch it at all, mr Reddit
Where the fuck, I wish Australia did this
how often do you rewatch this?
All the time.
I kind of want to watch it but apparently Lem didn't like it.
>First part has aged hilariously horribly.
watch it on your deathbed
the final shot would be a pretty great thing to be the last thing you see.
It should've been HAL entering the wormhole not David. by killing HAL he interrupts the final step
I always fast forward through that 10 minute WindowsMediaPlayer-tier light show that happens right before the final act.
It took me a while to get that, but that's what it seems. He was given complete understanding for the construct of the universe uploaded directly to his brain like a computer, but for us we see it visually in different mathematical shapes that demonstrate the complexity of the universe inorganically, and organically.
The actual fabric of the complete make up the entire universe, and existence itself. The entire mechanical construct of the universe.
Not nearly as much as I rewatch Stalker
The stuff at the beginning when he's on Earth always turns me off. Stalker sucks you into it's atmosphere within the first frame, even before he's in the Zone.
Again though, I have to be in a certain mood to watch all of these. Things like 2001 and Blade Runner are great classics to just marvel at, but they're not really movies you can watch in a group.
It all makes sense now.
Clockwork Orange is better.
Haven't seen Dr. Strangelove yet but I'm gonna real soon.
have you seen eyes wide shut
Nah. I assume I should?
watched it first in 2008. kinda hated it. saw it again a few years later, started coming around.. have seen it two more times in the last two years and i appreciate it more even though there are some elements that still rub me the wrong way or don't rub me at all.
its great but its ever so slightly overrated. top tier technical though.
>those godly miniatures and practical effects
>that fucking framing
wew lad.
barry lyndon is better tho imo
If you kid just pay attention the first time you watch a movie instead of twitting on facebook on your phone all the fucking time then maybe you wouldn't have to rewatch movies.
Yeah, top-tier Kubrick
Yes its possibly his best
>there's Brazillian normies on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW making posts like this
aCO is not better, neither is Eyes Wide Shut.
>its a "guy who always gets it right the first time and refuses to revisit and reevaluate his opinions to reintegrate what he knows as he learns more" episode
please fucking kill yourself. im not even joking.
Id rank it
1. Eyes Wide Shut
2. 2001
3. Full Metal Jacket
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Dr. Strangelove
6. Paths of Glory
7. Barry Lyndon
i forgot the shining......
put that fifth
About once every two years or so. I'm due for one soon.
Eyes wide shut is the biggest pseudo jerk one with the whole illuminati thing. But the film itself is really good
This was the only science fiction film ever made.
Despite being a big Kubrick fan I've never seen 2001. I've been saving it for an acid trip and I haven't been able to get any for awhile
I rewatched a bit of Barry Lyndon on it and it was fucking beautiful
Watched once. Never watched again. Don't understand all the fuss.
1. Eyes Wide Shut
2. 2001
3. Dr. Strangelove
4. A Clockwork Orange
5. Barry Lyndon
6. Full Metal Jacket
7. Paths of Glory
1. Dr. Strangelove
2. The Shining
3. Barry Lyndon
4. 2001
5. Eyes Wide Shut
6. Full Metal Jacket
7. Lolita
why is doctor strangelove so low? are you a flouridation shill or something?
Yes actually. If you don't believe this then you are pretty ignorant tbqh familia
Is there ANYTHING that handles sci-fi as good as 2001 or even gets close to it? I recently saw Contact, I expected it to be good since it was written by Sagan and all but it was still miles behind.
Made me scared of my door as a kid. I would wake up at night and see my door frame and it looked like a monolith.
was sagan involved with the screenplay? I felt like they totally gutted the movie
Under The Skin
I think Sagan wrote the original but yeah it was probably gutted, I doubt things like the whole love/religion angle and the final trial were in the original.
I'd say Primer is a good sci-fi that handles things pretty great, even if it doesn't make complete sense the way things spiral out of control and understanding compensates for that.
great story ruined by a jewberg hollywood screenwriter imo