It's a Livia complaining about nothing episode

>it's a Livia complaining about nothing episode

>it's Tony fucks something up because he's a greedy angry fuck episode

I don't like that kind of talk, now just stop it, it upsets me.

>It's a GABAGOOL episode

>it's a retirement community episode



>its a the godfather episode

it's a CGI Livia episode

>it's a Tony very angrily eats gabagool episode

>it's after a role of lifetime I've been busy episode

fuck man, literally looks the same

I'm pretty sure it's from 2007
The funniest things about the cast are that Christopher's actor is only 5 years younger than Gandolfini and the fat fuck is the only one who died IRL so far even though a good half of the cast are 70+

>it's a Richie openly defies Tony episode

Watch it Chrissy

>Christopher's actor is only 5 years younger than Gandolfini
what the fuck

I understand Livia now more than ever. I sit at home all day, browsing these shit threads and I find myself thinking

>I wish the Lord would take me now.

and feeling little pity for others. Perhaps Livia browsed a board like Sup Forums in her time and it destroyed the kindness and self-preservation naturally found in every human being.

>this is actually true

>stupid idiot tries to fit in too hard


>It's a Anthony Jr gets a spics name tattooed on his arm then tries to drowned himself in a hilarious way episode

pine barrens was overrated famo

why? because of meme lords? get over yourself

>you will never know how The Sopranos would've turned out if Livia's actress lived and if 9/11 never occured

He can go shit in his hat for all I care

His apartment looked like shit.


>lee wacky KGB russian
>"he's an interior decorator XD" *cue canned laughter*
>lee ragey woman throwing food at Tony
>shitty banter between Christopher and Paulie

it's just overall low quality
nice bait but get over YOURself

this, Boca and Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood are the superior filler episodes

go watch GIRLS you nigger. no one wants you here.

my nigga.
special shout out to the happy wanderer too.

there's a website that starts with red and ends in dit, i heard you have a notification there why don't you check famo