>US version of the series planned
Can't wait for the yanks to ruin yet another good TV series.
>US version of the series planned
Can't wait for the yanks to ruin yet another good TV series.
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What? Why?
Why does this even need an adaption? its like the twilight zone
Black Mirror had exactly one good episode and (not by any coincidence) it was the one episode that the castrated nu-male Charlie Cucker didn't write.
As it stands this show is just left leaning fedoracore.
Its not even in a foreign language. US studios are just void of creativity and adverse to risk taking.
>Black Mirror had exactly one good episode
You are absolutely incorrect. It had two eh episodes, two good episodes, and two great episodes
t. american who doesn't understand british television
isn't the US version just the new season consisting of new episodes that's being made for netflix?
Yeah, it's not a "US version" more episodes from same creative team and studio. One would think OP would google it before posting.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
the UK one is shit.
You think its a cool idea but its actually just Charlie fuckhead Brooker pushing his left wing political views
Sorry that you've had so much propaganda shovelled down you throat that you have become accustomed to the taste.
Every Cucker project is filled to the brim with mixed race relationships. He wants his white viewership to destroy their bloodlines just he he did.
Brooker is writing the scripts for 12 episodes of series 3 for netflix
The US release is a completely independent thing.
Stop samefagging, yank.
UK shows never directly push a political agenda, thats why they're so good compared to the crap that comes out of your country.
You mean the one episode where the nigga gets cucked for having affection towards a white bitch?
>UK shows never directly push a political agenda
Absolutely hilarious. I struggle to think of a single modern UK show without rampant leftism. Your entire media is hellbent on convincing your nation to hand their country over to the muslims.
And no UK show had accomplished anything near a great American drama like The Sopranos.
Im the first one. not samefagging and Im from north west
I'm the second and I'm also from the north west.
White Christmas
White Bear
The Entire History of You
Be Right Back
15 Million Merits
The National Anthem
I have no idea what you're trying to say. There will be 12 new episodes released internationally through Netflix instead of Channel 4 UK. That's it. Same production team as I said.
>15 Million Merits
>The National Anthem
Can u even auto-breathe u fucking retard.
The Entire History Of You
The rest
>Ultimate Sup Forums tier fedora sewage
The Waldo Moment
15 Million Merits
huh... really make you think
Be Right Back was kino tier simply for Hayley Atwell's rack
The Entire History of You is surprisingly anti-feminist from a cuck like Brooker.
it'll be 13 episodes long with an overarching story
pretty sure his wife wrote that one
Because he didn't write that episode.
>they actually went and cast that guy from the bt advert in one of the episodes
>with an overarching story
>I have no idea what you're trying to say.
I'm saying that there is going to be a US adaptation of the series, independent of the fact that the series is producing a 12 episode series 3, however, there is no confirmation over what is actually going to end up happening.
>Hayley Atwell's rack
>pretty sure his wife wrote that one
Nope. His wife wrote 15 Million Merits which is one of the very worst episodes of this shit show. The one good episode was written by Jesse Armstrong who worked on Peep show and The Thick Of It.
Yeah because a story about blackmailing a prime minister into fucking a pig is such a great way to start a series. Luckily the person who suggested the series to me told me to skip the first episode and go back to it later.
Yanks really don't understand good television, do they?
Just an idea floated 2 and a half years ago, before the Netflix deal, but not mentioned since? Family, come on.
>His wife wrote 15 Million Merits which is one of the very worst episodes of this shit show
worst opinion in this thread. its objectively the best one.
We are responsible for 99% of the good television that exists in the world. We're also responsible for about 90% of the worst television.
Haha you're right who am I kidding? No one actually expected a US remake of a british show to actually be good.
it was second best after entire history
worst was either that fucking pig fucking story or the waldo one
holy shit i never knew that was her, might rewatch it
And you are objectively an adult video game player. That episode is one of the most fedoracore works across all of media. Pure Sup Forumseddit.
Why are normies so offended by the first episode's premise? it's honestly not that bad, the episode is a solid thriller. And the threat is ridiculous, yes, that's what the terrorist wanted, to see how low can people go.
>And you are objectively an adult video game player
christ, no need for empty insults. Youre dead wrong again.
It doesnt have the sci-fi trappings they expect I guess? It offends their paternalistic view of Daddy Government.
>no sci-fi trappings
>whole episode is based on social media
You tried I guess. Next time consider Googling the topic on which you'll be starting a thread. Something you read almost three years ago may not suffice, as a lot can change in that time.
>thinking people dislike it because of that
deluded, it was a childish and crass idea.
If you watched and enjoyed the work of an adult video game player then your sensibilities are in line with adult video game players thus making you for all intents and purposes an adult video game player, or at the very least an enabler of the adult video game player sensibilities ie. an enabler of white cultural genocide.
It's just a legitimately bad episode and starting a new series off with that is retarded.
>childish and crass
My good man, how easily offended must your constitution be.
>White Christmas better than National Anthem, Entire History of You, or Be Right Back
>White bear better than anything that is not Waldo
I only agree with 15 Million.
Holy shit shut the fuck up, there are articles from 2015 that still talk about a US release.
opinion isn't fact you know. Heres prove. I think youre a moron, doesn't mean you are. Just means I think you are.
*farts* meme meme goo goo ga ga
You're doing great.
there's a difference between offending and childish.
Some of us take politics seriously and leftist bestiality sodomy isnt exactly what we'd call "humor."
To be honest British tv shows are mostly shit and extremely overrated by edgy contrarian Americans and beta britcucks
The two of you have pretty shit taste.
It's a fact that video games contribute to white infantilization.
It's a fact that white infantilization contributes to the white cultural genocide.
It's a fact that enabling somebody who enables video games is indirectly enabling white genocide.
I don't believe in the "opinions" meme.
>Says things that arent true
>Haha dude use google :)
not fair
>>Says things that arent true
Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?
Alex Jones pls
You said things that aren't true, I stated the currently best know situation at hand.
>Why are normies so offended by the first episode's premise?
I don't think anyone was offended by the retarded premise user.
It's primary school level bullshit.
Having to fuck a relative or something would have been 2offensive4TV
The episode feels weak to me because it felt sort of directionless.
Like it's trying to make a point about the public perception of the royals, how low people will go if pressured by the public, how social media can make us feel removed from situations enough to view said low acts.
Didn't feel very tight.
15 million merits is a little more generic but damn it has a clean focus and deliverers a very clear message.
Plus the speech at the end was tight but you won't be able to discuss that on Sup Forums because "lol niggerz"
>"lol niggerz"
Except that's actually a far more mature and educated attitude than whatever your cuck lies you have been raised on in your media and schooling
>>US version of the series planned
How the fuck is that episode anti-feminist?
Because a girl cheats on man?
Stop trying to talk about it all of the fucking time, this isn't twitter user.
Its trying to make a point about social media, hence why the simple twitter upload of the actor planing to stage a fake recording changing the situation from "its ok if you let her die" to "now you have to do it because people are unhappy on the internet".
Sorry you're too fucking stupid to understand a simple plotline that is consistently brought up through the whole episode (youtube, facebook, twitter are mentioned constantly).
The actual person the episode is based on did it for free and the pig was just its severed head.
The Entire History of You
15 Million Merits
The National Anthem
Be Right Back
White Bear
White X-Mas
>>Meh, but no talented writer like Brooker will always crank out a hit-tier
>Asks for source
>Try reading the thread
>My opinion is far more mature and educated than yours
Thanks Reddit
I posted links to the most recent, high profile updates. You referenced aborted plans from almost three years ago. Dude, come on.
anyone that doesn't have "15 million merits" among his top 3 episodes and doesn't regard it as one of the greatest achievements of télévision in history is a fucking turbopleb retard
Doesn't change the fact that the current situation goes against your statements.
Jesus Christ man, ok now what's that supposed to mean?
anyone else expecting the us version to be sjw as fugg?
We know it's you samefagging because of your plebe taste
Hopefully it lasts longer than nine fucking episodes between three seasons.
There are some good British shows, but fuck this is annoying as shit. Come up with more ideas, faggots.
Ok, so none?
The funny part is that what you're saying is exacly what a turbo pleb would think.
American adaptations are almost always worse, this is shitty news honestly
Are you serious? The main message was that one shouldn't obsess so much about their lives even if they are right because it leads to self-destruction. It's heavily implied that the main character would have been far better off had he not obsessed so much and discovered his wife fucked another guy and his child wasn't actually his.
yeah it was called twilight zone
quality over quantity
What the fuck I thought Booker was doing more episodes
>people watch this and legitimately use it to rationalize giving up in life and not achieving greatness for themselves
Use whatever metaphor you want, that nigga's life was much better when he got a bigger box.
Nice in theory but shame that UK shows also fall short on the quality part.
I'd rather have quality and quantity.
Me too.
Black Mirror threads perfectly encapsulate how fucking retarded 99% of Sup Forums users are.
>ur opinion a shit, mine is better
>no u
Why do you faggots even bother? You could at least try and discuss the show or the ideas and dilemmas it presents.
You got to be kidding me there was two good episodes, one is the one about the black guy in the bike trying to hit on that chick who later on sells out, then he sells out, then it ends also that one where the guy has to fuck a pig in national tv.
Both masterpieces.
For entertainment only of course, no actual lesson was learned from this.
But then again if i wanned to learn shit i'd watch a documentary.
what's the point?
Yeah, it's a sad state of affairs.
>one is the one about the black guy in the bike trying to hit on that chick who later on sells out,
There were some giant turds of episodes in Black Mirror but you just named one of the very worst ones. The Entire History Of You is the only one that is acceptable to like. The rest is the infantile rantings of an edgy teenager who happens to be a massive cuckold.
>discuss the show or the ideas and dilemmas it presents
>the ideas and dilemmas
let us have intellectual discussion over this
Literally who asked for an US remake? I'd rather see new episodes from the creators again.
Well, it already happened so this isn't a matter of thinking.