Man, Jon Stewart is REALLY speaking some hard truths to the American people, isn't he? So brave. I especially like how he's not even trying to be funny here, just honest:
Man, Jon Stewart is REALLY speaking some hard truths to the American people, isn't he? So brave...
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I can't help but think that Donald got lucky that John isn't there to make him look like the fraud that he is on daily basis. It would be a shit show, but Trump would be doing even worse amongst young people. I almost feel betrayed that he decided to leave now when all I crave is to watch people mop the floor with Donald's ego.
Yeah, he was legitimately pissed at the end. He fought for a long time to get bills passed to help the 9/11 first responders. And the fact that Republicans shot the bill down and now are trying to be the party that supports cops is the worst kind of hypocrisy. That's a personal beef for him, it's not even a BLM thing
>You don't own America
Means nothing. Jews own it? What does he mean?
I hadn't realized how much I've missed the old lug.
I hate the pandering jokes and hyper-smug liberal nonsense but he's pretty fkn right toward the end.
It isn't directed at Trump supporters, it's directed at callous politicians ruining this country. Both Dems and Repubs.
why don't you watch the video and you might understand
I'm not clicking on any fucking link
So what he is saying the jews, bankers, and other financial institutions actually own America?
That's literally what trump has said
>You don't own America
Either the kikes are slipping or they're testing the social climate to see if they reveal their power level
Trump isn't the republican establishment, there's no hypocrisy at all in him being the Blue Lives Matter candidate.