What's the film industry like in Canada? should I just move to LA

what's the film industry like in Canada? should I just move to LA

Most films are made in Quebec and Ontario. Ignoring the frogs memes, the french canadian films are actually quite good.

>Leave your smaller industry for a much more competitive and cutthroat one with waaay more people trying to make it

Stay in Canada, senpai.

Isn't just about every show set in an American city filmed in Vancouver these days?

It's been that for a while, it's cheap to shoot there.

It's cheaper.

Are Canadians even trying to make it big? When it's not an American, its either a Brit or an Aussie. You would think it would be easier for Canadians since they live right next to us.

I'd say it would be harder for Canadians. Because they're so close to a massive behemoth of the entertainment industry. They just get overshadowed. Plus 99% of US shows are also broadcasted in Canada.

Uh. Hongcouver. Alliance Atlantis.

Canada and America should just merge and become one big-ass country. They're basically the same place.

Canadian films are okay with seeing 10 year old bare girl tits

Get out of Canada if you want to work in the film industry. It is highly bureaucratic and elitist.

No, the industry is smaller in Canada because of the laws that protect the old talent and makes it harder for newer talent to make it in, becoming a stagnant piece of shit. Have you ever seen Canadian television?

how easy is it for a canadian to move to LA

Admitedly, not very easy. The good thing is that because of the relationship between the USA and Canada, Canadians can stay longer using a standard travel visa compared to other nationals.

I would go there periodically to make connections and come back. If you want a long term deal then find a job or string of jobs that can give you a work visa. Which is also hard, not many smaller companies will bother getting a work visa for every international talent they find.

Stay in Canada. If u serious look up Union reg for each province. Ontario is big on seniority so u'll b making shit money for a lot of years. Provinces like Manitoba are more equal opportunity.

Canada has robust tax credit system which is why every cw superhero show is shot in Vancouver. Suicide squad was shot in Toronto. Revenant was shot in BC.

Do ur research

Forgot to add.

DO NOT stay longer than you are allowed. Not even by a day. The penalty is quite serious. I have an acquaintance that stayed in the USA 15 days longer than she should have, now she cannot go the USA for 10 years.

I'm Australian and I'm sure while our industry is smaller, it does have many avenues and things in place for younger talents to flourish (back when I was breaking in, not so much).

You'd know far better than me about what it's like over there so maybe LA is a good option. Either way, you're going to have to cut your teeth somewhere and a smaller industry where you can get more of a spotlight/more one-on-one mentoring, etc when you do break in is never a bad thing.

Think of this way: I can now go to LA and have a bunch of credits to my name on actually broadcast shows, on network television (and would probably work for less) to where I could have a much higher chance of slotting into some entry-level role over there. Meanwhile one of my close friends who skipped off to LA (since he had a means to) is still sort of living that American dream fantasy of breaking it big with only small extra roles and is still studying at some production school.

Obviously you've said it's hard for newer people to break in Canada, but what I'm suggesting is that any sort of work in that field is better than nothing, and in LA there's no shortage of people who can be picked so based on numbers maybe it's good to stick there and plug away. It's all a risk either way.

You will just be back since all the americans film there because the dollar is worth squat.


I'm going to be working in Toronto film industry in 2 years, because apparently that's where "Hollywood North" is. I fucking hate that and would rather be in LA because that's where the real industry is but I'm not an American citizen. My goal is to work hard and get a visa sponsored before 5 years. It's fucking bullshit and a roadblock. I'm in US right now on vacation and would love to just fucking stay.

>Disgusting foreigner who wants to come over and leech off our industry and is mad he can't



I obey the laws. I'm not staying like a spic.