Why did no one seem to give a shit when she died? I thought that was the most tragic thing in the show...

Why did no one seem to give a shit when she died? I thought that was the most tragic thing in the show, and they play it off like "Oh Well let's go play dungeons and dragons".

And what was the Sheriff doing with those people at the end? I'm confused. is this supposed to be a one season thing or a continuing series?

shes not dead genius. its why hop left the eggo waffles in the crate.

It was a month later, dude. And Mike was still clearly mourning her, keeping that little pillow fort she slept in maintained.

None of the other characters knew that. And what was Hop doing with those guys in that car?

spoilers you fucking NIGGER

Because the last 2 episodes were shit.

I don't get it.
Why make the good guy stronger than the monster.
She basically pinned the monster for 1 minute while she turned around and talked and then she just killed it instantly.

Why did they not just throw the girl at the monster earlier?

Also CGI was pure shit, they didn't deal with the monster properly, your can see him to well constantly and it basically only kills two persons during the show, one which had 30 seconds of showtime and another that nobody have a fuck about.

Also the whole flesh interface thing was ignored and not developed, they basically just took the least spooky aspects of the whole theme and ran with it.

>spooky netherworld portal in tree
>"I'm gonna crawl in there."

Why did no one give a shit about Ruby.

>or a continuing series
It better fucking not be.
Twin Peaks was ruined by trying to be ongoing.
X-Files overstayed its welcome by about 4 or 5 years.
And look what happened to True Detective.