Walk into theater

>walk into theater
>receive penis inspection at the door
>it aint me starts playing
>$343.50 for ticket and snacks + tip
>request the singles section
>sit down
>start clapping
>get shot

ahhh i love American cinema

Doesn't flow well. Sorry man, poorly constructed joke scenario, 4/10 is the best I can give you.

woah what a realistic representation about a movie-going experience in the United States of America that is just unreal that it seems surreal but it is real


Too messy, I'm gonna give you a 5

OP, you can't just mash all the epic memes together into one greentext and expect it to be funny. I mean, I appreciate the vigilance, you really do seem to have your finger on the pulse of Sup Forums goofs and gaffs, just try harder next time ok?


A real human bean took time to post this.

way too many memes. 3/10

Hello Redit!