Hey guys!
Hey guys!
I only know his character from On Cinema, and think he's 10/10. Neil hamburger is painfully unfunny though.
greg is spot on though. when I first saw on cinema I thought tim just found some pathetic loser off the street and was messing with him
>Neil hamburger is painfully unfunny though
that's the point...
>on cinema oscar special 2
>the reveal of gregg dressed as a hobbit
every fucking time
>that Bond tribute in the one Oscar special
LOL he doesn't get it
>It's a TIm gets drunk and abuses the Hobbitheads episode
Yeah, but him not being funny isnt funny to me. Idk, ive never understood the appeal.
Neil is fucking hilarious you rapist!
Hey guys Eric Wareheim creator of this thread here.
I just wanted to let you all know that we're stepping up our Sup Forums outreach program because- yes, you guessed it- we're coming out with Season 6 of the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! at the end of August!
Tell your friends, tell your family- we're retooling the show with all new female comedy performers too!
Get excited :D
Season 8 when?
The girl hobbithead was qtp2t tbҺ fαm
The on cinema oscar specials prove Tim is truly nothing short of comedy genius. I just wish more people would appreciate his art and his dedication to the lore of on cinema.
>What do you call a senior citizen who can't refrain from exposing their genitalia in public?
You cocksucker, those are some great jokes.
On Cinema is a lot funnier and more consistent than Awesome Show. As good as Awesome Show was, there's too many "lol kuh-RAZY editing xD" bits.
I hope there will be more Dekkar songs in the future, I unironically enjoy Empty Bottle.
>dat captcha
Oh do shut up you bore
Bore bore bore bore
Bore dad
Papa bore
BOREdy head
>tfw long time deckerhead but can't watch it because no adult swim
>mfw Tim released 100% genuine and sincere music and it's awful
I take that back. It's not awful. Just mediocre
Hey look, it's the real Eric Wareheim. Hey Eric, what the fuck were you thinking here?
And it's not genuine or sincere, he's playing another character.
It was a mistake coming here.
You guys are always so feisty with us...
Put those little teeth of yours away next time and maybe you'll get what you want, smarty pants.
I don't think it's another character, he has been pretty straight forward in the interviews promoting it.
I unironically like this one but it's from his first album.
Download it in a torrent ya dummy
>tfw no Axiom bff
>it's an "MDE but not funny" thread
delete this
MDE is MDE but not funny.
But MDE has never been funny. What's worse, you just pretend to like that shit because you take their irony at face value like the inbred retard you are.
Oh, this one is nice, I might give that album a chance.
btw, Rock and Roll Gary episodes of Poundcast are really good, for people who might have missed them.
I'd totally buy a victorville film archive shirt
>it's a leftists get triggered thread
oh shit im a #HillaryMissile now #ImWithHer
good god. I like MDE but never do this again. They are nowhere near the same league as Tim and Gregg
1: 2
2. 3
3. 1
4. 4
>It's a "neocon thinks MDE is speaking to him personally" thread
Get this: you're too stupid to be watching Sam Hyde. Let that sink in for a minute.
Which was the one with James Dean's reveal? That was the absolute best.
2 was OSCER/charlie chaplin/FFFEATIN GUMMBO meltdown
>I got kicked out of college
Great job!
*There's* a lonely man.
3 is the best easily. 4 is up there. The return of Tom Cruise Jr., tribute to Bond, Tim drunkenly throwing sandwhiches at fans and beating the shit out of Mark, the Oscar Medley, James Dean being James Dean. All brilliant.
There are people who think is not the best living actor right now.
working for my stem phd actually ;^) stay mad kiddo
what did he mean by this?
>working for my stem phd actually ;^)
Then why did you post that pic? I think you're losing your shit.
>people who are in actual academia cant be opposed to modern liberal dogma
why are liberals so braindead, Sup Forums?
Why did the red hot chili peppers go under the bridge?
**Well, they heard there was a plate of shit there for them to jerk off onto**
>get excited for on cinema/decker
>decide to check tim's twitter to see what's up
>immediately lose all interest after seeing all the liberal cuck shit
I never thought he'd be so cringey vocal about his beliefs, whatever they were
Well, that argument sure came straight from LEFT field. Am I right, fellas?
>I never thought he'd be so cringey vocal about his beliefs, whatever they were
You seem to be fine being vocal about your views. Why should it be any different for him?
Did you also think Tim was just being himself on On Cinema?
it's the character he's playing but i dont doubt he's a liberal blowhard or at least has to pretend to be because of the hollywood kike company he keeps
Listen to the album where Neill Hamburger introduces Tenacious D for 20 minutes.
Anti comedy is the new thing. I don't care for it either.