Why does anyone listen to Rotten Tomatoes again? It's nothing but SJW critics who give a 0/5 score for anything that doesn't follow their agenda.
Why does anyone listen to Rotten Tomatoes again...
yet another person who doesn't understand how Rotten Tomatoes works.
5% of the critics liked it. It says nothing about the grade, dummy.
to be fair most that gave grades gave it 0 or 0.5, with a few 1s.
>watching propaganda
>giving a shit about ratings
two wrong moves OP
>election coming up
>democrats are favorite
>suddenly a "documentary" comes out, attacking democrat favorite with right-wing conspiracy theories and political agenda
has this happened before?
oh yeah
Even SJWs don't support Hillary. So you are probably making a moot point.
>It's nothing but SJW critics who give a 0/5 score for anything that doesn't follow their agenda.
>questions why people use a website that doesn't follow their agenda
Trump voters, everybody...
Leftists don't like Hilary either, and the movie probably isn't any good in an objective sense. Those partisan rags rarely are.
>watching propaganda
you are blind to how much liberal propaganda you are actually watching