Top fucking kek
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She, shailene or however you spell her name's a pretty cool chick
this is one step above direct to video
wow, I guess the YA book series movie fad is over
We know, thank god.
Not nice man, Maze Runner series are decent with Dylan, probably cause the main character is male though. Female YA stories=Shit.
>Trying to make a TV series out of this shit
So they want to waste even more money? Good, I hope they burn every last cent.
>Maze Runner series are decent
Get fucked mate, your opinion is less than worthless. At least Divergent's over-arching plot makes some sense.
I don't know, I dropped Divergent in the first 10 minutes because of her mumbling, Kim Kardashian-like retard voice trying to narrate. Could be a good person though
Bitter female detected. Go back to the kitchen.
That's one fresh zinger. You know Sup Forums is an 18+ website, right? I think you should go.
>Spinoff Series
Great, that's all we needed.