Why are we not talking about it?
Why are we not talking about it?
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the underage retards who care about spaceshit are too busy shitposting about ghostbusters
we are, fuck off now.
Just saw it a few hours ago. Solid 8/10. Would recommend. The chemistry between Bones and Spock was the highlight of the movie.
we only shitpost about bad shot like bvs and Ghostbusters, we ignore masterpieces like star trek beyond and marvel civil war because what is there to say about literal perfection
It looks pretty bad like the first two.
There I talked about it.
no one payed me to
I have never watched the original series and only seen JJ's 2 other films (inb4 pleb) and am intrigued with who this creature is?
Was it a part of the original series or did JJ just create it for this movie?
Looks like something from Knights of the Old Republic
it was better than ghostbusters, but that's like saying electropads are better than waterboarding.