Can we get a Boardwalk Empire thread going? I recently started watching it and now i cant seem to stop. It just has something to it that i cant seem to find in anything else on TV right now.
I want to know what Sup Forums thinks of it. Love it or hate it? why? favorite characters? anything Boardwalk Empire related is welcome
Carson Watson
How far in are you? Let me warn you, sooner or later it will let you down, I can't think of a show with more wasted potential
Jordan Baker
it starts off really well i think but gets pretty boring as it goes on. i still watched all of it mostly for the top teir costume design and set dwsign etc. good atmpsphere some interesting characters but the story is meh. acting is ok also
Landon Nelson
Well im only on season 1 ep 8. Its pretty decent thus far, i like the half faced sniper a lot.
Thomas Jones
ignore these fags. it's only a let down until the final season because HBO forced them to wind it down. I guess s4 isn't that great but it's still not bad
Jonathan Parker
Last season is really disappointing. I wasn't a fan of the flashbacks and so much shit got skipped so they could close the series in one season.
Ethan Perry
it kinda sets out to waste it's potential though. Since its trying to be realistic, none of the characters can survive the show's run, therefore none of them can do anything interesting.
Easton Fisher
ending came out of left field desu, last season didn't really live up to some of the others.
not even nucky knew it was tommy. kind of a dumb ending when you think about it
Nicholas Cruz
I actually liked season 5 a good bit, but overall there are too many half baked ideas and arbitrarily killed characters to really keep caring after season 2. After that season it's just a free fall of murders and meandering stories until the next murder
That's one way to look at it
Caleb Robinson
i really enjoy the 1920s, anyone know of another show set in this era?
Thomas Wilson
Has some great moments, but gets pretty inconsistent.
Michael Shannon and Shea Whigham are great, and Stephen Graham and Vincent Piazza need a spinoff.
Luis Nguyen
my favorite rouges gallery of any crime drama - jillian, even though gyp and dr narcisse were abit too comical I thought they were cool keep at it, while there is a dip in quality from s2, i'm glad it doesn't just go off the deep end like other shows
Juan Kelly
Anyone who enjoyed this show should watch The Knick though, fucking fantastic show.
Sebastian Hall
Levi Hernandez
name of the show?
Mason Adams
Started off good. Became shit in S3.
I didn't really care for the setting and time period. But that's completely personal
Jonathan Cook
*mumbles incoherently*
Matthew Rodriguez
Peaky Blinders
Hudson Thomas
it's a good show. don't listen to the jimmyfags, don't let them ruin it for you.
Hunter Perry
>Jimmyfags still mad after all these years
Jason Murphy
>only character with a complete and compelling arc >somehow it's a meme to think the show was better before it splintered into a dozen slow, repetitive plots all ending in meaningless deaths
Ian Morales
>the Jimmyfags won >the Jimmyfags fucking won >the writers gave into the shitty Jimmyfags who didn't even like the show anyway >and they STILL have the audacity to shit on the show WHAT MORE DO YOU FAGGOTS WANT?! THEY GAVE YOU EVERYTHING WITH THAT ENDING! EVERY, THING! GOD DAMN YOU!
Nolan Ramirez
it's a shame we had to watch Michael Pitt try to act though
Still haven't watched the show because Emmy's spoiled it in their massive spoiler compilation they ran last year :^(
Parker Kelly
>Michael Shannon is in it I didn't know this, guess I'll have to watch now
Nathaniel Green
The Sopranos did all the sudden shocking death stuff better, because it all adds to the "it's a big nothing" theme of the whole show. BE just killed off any character they couldn't think of a plot for, or when they couldn't find an ending to an episode. By the fourth season I had a hard time really feeling for most of them since I was expecting death at every turn. Same problem with GoT, though it has much less interesting characters to begin with
Henry Ward
this show basically broke him into mainstream. he was great in it.
Parker Myers
Noah Allen
I'm glad that you consider Boardwalk's characters better than Game of Thrones' characters, but many of the deaths in the series were either a long time coming, or built up naturally. Chalky's death? Totally fucking tasteful and brilliant. One of the best ways to do a TV death I could think of. Same with Jimmy's death. That was heartbreaking to this day. And Harrow's death too. I loved how he failed at the end. It shows how empty his life ultimately was no matter how hard he tried to change it.
Joseph Lewis
It would've mattered if he could've saved Tommy.
Asher Adams
Jimmy's death made Tommy pursue Nucky for revenge. It literally tied into Nucky's ultimate fate. Not worthless at all in the grand scheme of things.
Aaron Taylor
>tfw jimmyfags were right >it never really got as good as the first two seasons >5th season was a shit show most notably because rothstein was killed in some time skip
Jose Wood
that was really bad, but I blame TW and HBO for doing this. There was supposed to be a season in between this that took place in 1928 that would go into AR's demise.
Benjamin Davis
Those are more the exceptions than the rule to me. Nucky's butler, bodyguard and lady friend in s4-5 are the ones that stick out to me as being the biggest eye rollers, where death was a plot device and nothing more
I should add that the other problem is that every character that couldn't be killed off, the historical ones, are never the driving force of the plot. So you're stuck with half the plots never really going anywhere and taking years to build to anything, and the other half were slated to die every finale or as a "shocking" death beforehand. It makes for a very emotionless viewing experience.
Owen Nguyen
Was it autism?
Henry Walker
Lincoln Long
Eddie was sacrificed to build up Knox as a legitimate threat, and let's be honest here: They kept Mr. Kessler around for three whole seasons and did virtually nothing with the guy. He was great as an addition to Nucky but you ultimately have to do SOMETHING with characters like that. Same with Owen Slater. He was cool as Nucky's right-hand man but there wasn't much to him other than he fucked Margaret a lot. They had to crack that egg to make Nucky seem like he was in real deep shit, and lo and behold the next episode after Owen's death is the most intense episode of the series (pic related).
Look, the show was a little death heavy, but I take umbrage to you saying this led to an emotionless viewing experience. I was incredibly invested in this show the whole way through BECAUSE I knew many these characters were dead men walking. I'm glad the show delivered. This type of execution was far superior to what Game of Thrones has become.
Robert Cruz
oops I meant this pic related. God damn my filenaming.