CUT! Yeah, that looks good. Fuck it

CUT! Yeah, that looks good. Fuck it.

Other urls found in this thread:

did she dies

This movie sucked so hard.

How could he even follow that plane scene with so much trash and think people wouldn't notice?



not as bad, not even close. It was cheesy but Sup Forums autists misenterpreted it

How do you give a blowjob that doesn't suck?

The Dark Knight Rises is an elaborate, nigh three hours long, blowjob.


really makes you think

What's the correct interpretation? What the fuck could that mean?

Are there stories of production on this movie being rushed?

Everything after Batman gets back to Gotham is just full on embarrassing.


But she's proven wrong after that conversation. Is Sup Forums too retarded to understand Nolan flicks ?

Nolan was having a laugh. He found Cuntillard's performance as Talia so hitlerious that he kept it in.

Is Chris Nolan a master of getting the worst performances of all time out of Oscar winning actors and actresses?

These people have Oscars. Even if Oscars are worthless it means that they somewhat know how to act. Marion in particular is in fact a great actress who has displayed this in almost every film she's ever been in. This leads me to believe that she MUST be aware that this take and performance was total trash.

I think Nolan is honestly just clueless and outside of Memento (which is a meme movie anyway), I don't think he is capable of writing stories about actual humans and actual characters. Even Inception, which was supposed to be a story about Cobb and his family at the core ended up just being a heartless tech wankery with an intentionally confusing narrative

this here Mann was a cunt

>tfw just saw an old facebook post of mine today where I said it was a great movie and inadvertently said "Bravo Nolan"

The same thing happens in the 24 Live Another Day finale, when Audrey dies.

"Cough cough and die."

This whole movie was the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen. It blows my mind that there are people who actually liked it.

Anne Hathaway is disgusting

look and that huge fucking face stretched like a bad mask and that disgusting short hair

I know that feeling. When I was 14 I used to say shit like "having 1 cell tower would be strategically unwise" I was a fool who would actually answer when asked if I would rather fuck a sheep or a cow. fortunately I became a shut in and was too shy to post on the internet so most of my idiocy is undocumented

Yeah. Also this.

But they didn't notice.

I hate stories that use setting as a cover for their moral fagging or "metaphors"

big 24 fan here


you were 14 when interstella was out?

urgh i'm to old for this shit


Believe it or not, people keep being born every day. That didn't stop after you were born.

You were also not the first person to be born. You were young once, too, watching things. Despite older people existing.

Shut the fuck up kid and go play black ops 3

What movie is this from

>Nolan: Perfect. That's a wrap everyone.

>perfectly logical statement about life
>childish attempt at insult and at a sub-culture

Why did you even get mad?
Who is the child?

This post changed my life.
This is why we're 4bros.

The Plane Scene (post post ironically) > The Prestige > Inception > TDK > Interstellar > BB > Dog shit > the rest of TDKR

Debate me.

ya forgot insomnia and memememeto


I haven't seen either of them, so I can't comment

Fuck love

You didn't watch Insomnia with Robin Williams and Al Pacino? The fuck is wrong witchu

Chris is known for letting his characters be bold. He trusts them with his vision.

But Christ, I remember in the theatre I felt a pain in my chest after this scene happened.

My movie watching post college has been limited to once a week because my wife can't binge media so I have to take my time on it now.



Indigestion from the crab legs I'm sure.

>implying any of us can actually watch the plane scene without having to pause to gasp for air from laughing every 5 seconds

On the bright side, I've gotten her way into Star Trek and we're powering through TNG now. I haven't told her anything either, so she's freaking out at all the big episodes like Best of Both Worlds and stuff

None of that makes up for the fact that you're a fucking cuck dude.

uh how so?

I do not think you know what that means.

That's ironic watching, which is a step below normal watching. You still have a ways to go yet.

>Normal viewing
You are uninitiated, watching for the first time in theaters

>Ironic viewing
You're laughing at how absurd it is, how could Nolan possibly be this stupid?

>Post Ironic viewing
You have moved past irony and into the fire, which now rises inside you. You're studying the scene for hidden clues, meanings, anything so you can get more

>Post post Ironic viewing
You have now ascended to the wreckage, brother. You now watch the plane scene in all its glory, for the masterpiece it truly is. You quote along with it unironically and know every inflection, every detail by heart

>you kiss girls? wow how gay

I mean, I could always watch more movies by myself. But I enjoy spending time with her and we enjoy discussing the movie throughout the week.

oh yeah fuck people for having faces not everybody likes

what did they mean by this?

There are scenes worse than the plane scene in the movie.

What was that story where she took a fat ogre shit in the Interstellar space suit??

I said her acting was shite in this particular moment when it first came out and nobody agreed, fuck you


Holy god D&D do battle scenes better than Nolan with a gorillion dollars

but those scenes weren't on youtube for a year before the movie came out, complete with people desperately trying to argue they weren't garbage.


>But she's proven wrong after that conversation. Is Sup Forums too retarded to understand Nolan flicks ?

>shes proven wrong
nope. Coop not following love directly caused the deaths of the rest of the crew and edmunds. For if they hadn't fucked around on miller's planet for 20 years, edmunds would've still been alive.

Then shes proven right again by cooper's realization in the tesseract.

So the movie is literally trying to say that love is a fundamental force in the universe.

This is worse than Beard Guy from Interstellar

>Oh no, someones watch reflected light unto my person
>I must now backflip and perish

RIP Masketta

really makes you think

more like a tale of two shitties or sumpin

>Go Go Go


Fucking instant kino moment. Just brillant.