Literally a Game of Thrones ripoff. Just look at the main character. Total rip off of Jon Snow. Lawsuit when?

Literally a Game of Thrones ripoff. Just look at the main character. Total rip off of Jon Snow. Lawsuit when?

Bernard Cornwell is a million times better of a writer than GRRM.

What show?

The Last Kingdom

Is it any good?

You shitty me? The show is literally BETTER THAN BARLEY.

wich shaw faggot.

You create a thread, hope for a discussion, but you and your mom are too lazy to even mention name of the show. Kill yourself you lazy goddamned motherfucking asslicking faggot.


It's like a mixture of Vikings and Conan.

>Bernard Cornwel
Literally who?

>he doesn't know who wrote Sharpe's Rifles
>he's never watched the best Sean Bean TV show
>he's a pleb

Wow, you really got lost. Reddit is far from here.

Sounds like I might have to check it out. What's the rating level like? Tits, swearing and gore, or more toned down?

>Inb4 edgy teenager, I'm just asking

It airs on BBC and BBCA, so think basic cable. Some light swearing, gore but no full nudity.

You see his ginger wife's tits but that's it.

No he's not.

Yes, he is.


If you haven't seen Sharpe go watch them now.

Televison is for plebs, by definition. It is designed for the lowest common denominator. Also, this board, along with Sup Forums, are closer to reddit than Sup Forums. Get some fucking perspective you insufferable normalfag.

No though.

Yes, actually.

Sup Forums is for morons.

These are compelling arguments.

Not true btw

Indisputably true, t.b.h.

Sure, having history doing 90% of the work for you is masterful writing senpai

What did I just fucking say?!

But isn't Game of Thrones just the historical War of the Roses mixed with Lord of the Rings?

That you agree with me, forever.

Game of Thrones has a budget.

Nah it just takes inspiration from some historical events, and has nothing to do with LoTR. It has it's own lore.

That's not even his weakness. His books are completely generic and boring. You can criticize GRRM for not being "literature" but at least his books are fun.

>and has nothing to do with LoTR

user, please.

Cornwell is a decent but straightforward writer, producing stuff for history nerds.

GRRM actually did something original in the genre he wrote.

What do you see in common with LOTR?

Stop replying to a fucking troll asshat.





Not really. The Accursed Kings is the original SoI&F

>muh meme

>"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins"
that sounds exactly like GRRM lines.