Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos

>Razorfist says that nobody hated the prequels until RedLetterMedia made the Plinkett videos

Do you agree with this sentiment?

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I knew that they weren't good movies, but the Plinkett reviews made me hate them.

Not at all. I know people who hated them LONG before Plinkett.

he was just too young to hate them back then.

also fuck razorfist

I like when internet review guys have goofy costumes for their videos

>Razorfist says

What is he, like 12? Nobody liked them on release. Fuck, that's even part of Plinkett's videos.

that's not close to true i remember people mocking it almost immediately it was just popular with kids.

kek who? why is he dressed like some dyke?

He's a bitter fanboy trying to justify the time he wasted on those shitty prequels.

I like razorfist but a lot of the time he can be the biggest contrarian cunt on the planet.

>unironically likes Razorfist

holy shit dude.

guy is like 30 something

The guy has a weird hateboner for Kojima, that's for sure.

He's the most blatant contrarian ever. And it was accepted that everyone other than the most hardcore star wars fanboys and babies hated them

I watched a couple of his videos he has some good points ( we both love dare devil and crime noir) but he comes off as a huge douche. He had the gaul to criticize Red dead redemption and fallout for having soundtracks that didn't include heavy metal. He also seems to have incredibly thin skin as in the comment section of most of his videos he singles out people who disagree with him.

I'm too much of a comic fag, every time I hear about this guy I think of this old Marvel character, Razorfist. Who had giant razors instead of fists.

Before you ask, yes, of course there was a story about how he went to the bathroom without chopping his dick off.

Why does Razorfist keep spamming threads about himself?

um, no.
I would hope you don't agree with everything a content maker says. are you a functioning adult or a regressive child in search of yet another security blanket?

because what I would say is that when people say they hate the prequels, what they're really saying is "Attack of the Clones sure did suck ass"
because it really is a miserable shit piece of a film. the other two are nowhere near as painful.

Nope. Check Reddit. Check Sup Forums. We really love Lucas. Deal with it you little skidmark.

I enjoy his Metal Mythos videos, it's like a guilty pleasure.

>He had the gaul to criticize Red dead redemption and fallout for having soundtracks that didn't include heavy metal.

LIDF detected

>the gaul to criticize Red dead redemption and fallout for having soundtracks that didn't include heavy metal.
That sounds incredibly autistic without being cringey. Link please.

>it's another Nega-Spoony thread

At least he actually puts out content unlike Spoony ..because he's been stealing Noah's life essence?

He just hates japan in general, and Kojima is just a emblematic face for him to despise. Typical Alt-right mankid.

I'm not sure if he even calls his own videos "reviews" but his "reviews" are just long winded tirades about how he doesn't like something and about how much he hates people that like it and how they have shit taste.

Not to mention he is a hypocritical beast. I like how he gives games like duke nukem the bill of health when not taking itself seriously, but literally goes into "no fun allowed" frenzy when reviewing MGR. He bitches about Japs stealing from French Sci-Fi & other places yet gives George Lucas a pass for stealing from French Sci-Fi & samurai flicks?

His FF7 "review" is just mostly him bitching about anime aesthetics/fans.

He also bitched about the new doom having that slightly techno metal instead of gay hair metal

>without being cringey
u srs?

Here it is, the part where he suggests they play ace of spades is in the end of the review if i recall correctly.

Plenty of people didn't like EP1 but didn't outright hate it. Everyone hated Jar Jar though.

but Jar Jar is the key to all of it!

He is genuinely one of the most confusing people that I've ever seen.

It's true. People didn't actively hate the prequels until the plinkett reviews. Even people who were disappointed didn't passionately and collectively hate them like normies do today. The Plinkett reviews made my peers refuse to watch or even proudly claim to not own any prequel movies. It's a really easy way for people to claim they have good taste and are true fans.

Most of these same people think TFA is the best thing since ever because Abrams shoved a nostalgic thing from the OT into a scene every 5 minutes. "It's like omg the Millennium Falcon, he totally understands true fans like me"

Nobody cared about them until he put on that mask

He's got a point, kojima is a massively overrated shit



Not for the reasons he would tell you. Kojima's only crime in razorcuck's eyes is "stealing" from Escape from L.A.

>tfw the game engine he made with the money will only be used for PES and pachinko machines

no, there were people shitting on the prequels (and george lucas in general) for years

i never looked fondly on them except for the fact that i found humor in my mom falling asleep during episode 1 in the theater when i was a child

80 million for a released game that was powered by a new in-house game engine is quite the steal. That's chump change in today's video game development practices.

Good, fuck him. Hope that Pachinko he sees at the hotels remind him of his failures.

The scrapped concept art shows how much of a retard he is.
>Refuses to do multiple distinctive settings and locations because he wanted the game to be open world so it's basically one or two settings with no content.

>Threw out 40 songs written for his game
Fuck him

>corporate apologist cuck general
Well I guess I am on Sup Forums afterall...

>Refuses to do multiple distinctive settings and locations because he wanted the game to be open world so it's basically one or two settings with no content.
Most MGS games are set in a single location. MGS4 had multiple locales and it wasn't good. The problem was that the open world (especially africa) was so fucking dull

No it's not. When you make a game engine, you have an alternate team working simultaneously and also prior to the game development.
He did none of that and had all of his employees working on it directly.

>corporate cuck
I waited 5 years, and I get an unfinished game that ends after chapter 2 which is just same missions with difficulty.

And then he had the nerve of asking for 2 more years.

Game was Duke Nukem Forever-tier.
Big Boss was supposed to be roaming Africa and viewing the landscapes.
Instead what we got was brown and bloom rock simulator.

Look up the concept art.
Also are you forgetting Snake eater and Piece walker all of the sudden having very distinctive settings, on top of mountains, inside jungle, heavy fortresses, ruins, crazy settings and so on?

I appreciate him for at least making people more aware of the Shadow with couple of his videos.

I hate how plinkett made everyone hate Star Trek: First Contact.

First Contact was fucking great. I mean, I understand his criticisms, but his review was for comedic purposes.Yet people take it as absolute gospel.

>thread about shitty movies and some autist defending them
>turns into Koji kids defending their idol

I find his videos entertaining. Whether I agree with his opinions is irrelevant because I'm not looking for confirmation bias in the first place.

Have you seen the movie?
Alec Baldwin does some of his best work,parts of the movie are funny as hell.

He looks familiar

Yes, I was surprised how good that movie was. To be fair I also enjoyed Darkman, though. I wonder how Shadow would've been changed had they cast Liam Neeson instead of Alec Baldwin.

all RLM was simply give people the words/ideas to use to describe why they hated the prequels.

by the way, my personal stance on the prequels:

phantom = alright....ish
clones = enh.
revenge prior to having watched the clone wars series = pretty good
revenge after watching the clone wars series and thus the order 66 scene and Obi Wan & Anakin's relationship having more meaning to me = love it. it's a Star Wars movie that deserves to be considered in the company of the original trilogy and fuck YES it's better than the force awakens.

I hated first two from the premiere. Third is okay and probably would be good with better pacing. I actually spent like 6 hours in ticket queue for to get tickets for premiere of episode I. Literally not worth even ticket price or burning your fucking skin badly.

Given that this is probably razorfist self promotion. You have decent taste in music and movies, but for fucks sake do at least some analysis in your movie recaps... those aren't reviews. If you can do it with discographies of bands like Queen.. movies shouldn't be any different.

>question, why is this part of the engine, that contains the flesh eating gas, even puncturable

didn't he do an entire retrospective thing on breath of fire?

I'll stick to the real king of Prequel appreciation thanks

A LOT of people were hyped for and were defending the Star Wars prequels when they came out.

They're not the worst movies ever. They just felt like they were written by a child.

who the fuck is razorfist and why should i care what they have to say?

Just another numale Spoony and The Amazing Atheist propped up.

>some fucking nerd that even looks like a nerd
>dresses up like that as a grown man
>thinks he is cool and looks cool

fucking cringe

an obnoxious youtube reviewer with an embarrassing edgy metalhead gimmick

I hated it by the time I was out of the theatre.

RLM is some obscure youtube channel 99,9% of people watching movies never heard of

Is this edgy faggot literally retarded?

Actually he just gave the newest guilty gear a positive review

the plinkett reviews are actually somewhat famous, you bet your ass JJ Abrams saw them and took them into account when he made TFA. Simon Pegg is one of his closest friends and Pegg was one of the biggest celebrity shills for the reviews when they came out.

To be fair Pegg was in this before the Plinket reviews


these threads are the only way we are going to discuss Spaced right ;__;

>you bet your ass JJ Abrams saw them and took them into account
More like paid into their bank account

>I hate sand, younglings, high ground etc.

The problem isn't so much that he hates Kojima, but rather he makes up bullshit or conveniently omits certain facts when criticizing. Like how he (wrongly) claimed that Kojima's lawyers took down that HG101 interview with the feminist translator who worked on MGS2, when the actual people on the site says it was because she published various development documents (not just MGS-related, but from various other Konami games too) that she had access to that were under NDA.

>I waited 5 years, and I get an unfinished game that ends after chapter 2 which is just same missions with difficulty.
Most of the main story is wrapped up in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 is mostly just post-story missions like the Zadornov search missions in Peace Walker. Not having Kingdom of the Flies sucks though and the epilogue being just a replay of the tutorial was pretty lazy too.
>And then he had the nerve of asking for 2 more years.
[citation needed]
>Game was Duke Nukem Forever-tier.
Not even close. MGSV didn't took a whole decade to be made. They announced it in 2012 and it came out in 2015.

>calls himself "razorfist"
>wears black leather jacket and gloves
>long greasy hair
>bullet belt
>metal band t-shirt

and you people unironically say "I watch this edgy manchild"? what the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums nowadays