What did everyone think of Louis' Documentary; Transgender Kids

What did everyone think of Louis' Documentary; Transgender Kids.

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The disgusting parents should be lined up and shot

Does Louis think it's cool to look like a fucking psychopath in every picture?

got a streaming link famm?

It's pretty sad that these children are basically having their lives fundamentally changed because their parents are assholes who saw their son play with a barbie and decided that it MUST mean he's a girl trapped in a boy's body and immediately has to go on hormone therapy

I'm a huge supporter of transgender rights, I have trans friends, and this shit makes me sick. They give kids WAY too much credit, like they're born with some inherent understanding of how the world works. They aren't. They need to be taught the blacks and whites before they can be taught the grey areas. They need hard concepts with clear contrasts and comparisons. We've known this for decades and the god damn Surgeon General of the US agrees.


here you go

It really makes me think if it's only first world countries who became like this. Do these people have nothing more to fear in their lives and get these deranged ideas because of boredom or something?
I bet if these parents wouldn't point on the kids gender all the time, then these kids wouldn't not even consider a thought about what gender they are or would want to be.

There are people who just love drama. It doesn't matter what culture or country you go to. Even a woman raised up in an abusive household in Yemen can still grow up to be a bitchy drama maker.

The only thing they love more than adversity is showing people they experienced it. It's the same as the syndrome of mother's who beat their children and take them to the emergency ward for attention. It's disgusting.

It really made me think

That we should round up all these pseudo-intellectual halfwit parents and gas them in these giant gassing chambers. We don't even need to build them from scratch, we can manage to air seal rooms old rooms and buildings and dilapidated structures that no one uses anymore or are decrepit (Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson & Chicago have lots to spare and they're just going to waste). While we're at it we can gas the niggers, spics, muslims and Jews which will rightfully make America white again

Yeah, I used to wear my younger sisters dresses when I was a kid and I'm glad my parents saw it just as a having fun kinda deal and didn't enable it.
Kids like the ones in the documentary are too young to be considering stuff like this.

He looks like the 2015 man.

ty. now im repulsed

anyone allowed to transition should at least be allowed to fuck anyone they want

I think this is proof that no matter how liberal and tolerant the nuclear family is tt is an inherently destructive and oppressive institution. And should be completely destroyed.

jesus christ almighty

This was this youtube vid a while back where a mom shows a reaction of her boy getting these hormone pills. And he fucking says "What is it" when it appears.

Holy fuckkkkk
This is actual child abuse

The only one thats upsetting.

unironically this

Any other alternative is MORE destructive and oppressive.

>only first world countries who became like this.


Also happens in a lot of other third world countries.

>They give kids WAY too much credit, like they're born with some inherent understanding of how the world works.

I agree. Kids are fucking dumb and will believe whatever you tell them if you're convincing enough.

I bet you'd like to eat my asshole

>When he asks that trannies partner if it was a tranny too
It must have been a relief when it said yes, imagine how the interview would have gone if it said no and got really offended.

Didn't make it past the first 5 mins.

you think looking like a psychopath is cool?

>parroting life lessons you learned from an anonymous underage cartoon imageboard

Evaluate your existence or your mom will die tonight in her sleep excruciatingly slowly

Yeah it took me a year to watch the whole thing. I ragequit the first time because of the child abuse.

Its the face of a man who is unhappy with his job and tired of all the stupid bullshit he hears on a daily basis

>i saw my son play with a girls toy once so now i have him on hormone pills to delay puberty so he can pass as a female when hes 18

What kind of sick fuck parents ate these?

>Does Louis think it's cool to look like a fucking psychopath in every picture?

There is a reason behind that. It is deliberate.

It's a physical representation of his non-partisan treatment of every topic: he neither approves nor disapproves, he is merely showing it as it is.

I loved drawing dinosaurs as a kid, but never became an artist or paleontologist

Those parents really are stupid cunts

Louis did a book where he got in touch with all of the weird weekends people and saw how they were doing, I would be interested in him doing that for this and seeing how many of the trannies offed themselves.

Just finished watching it and it actually changed my opinion a lot. The kids deserve to have the option of gender, if they really want it.
Now somebody post ETSUBATSU

Just thinking about how cute these little trap sluts are going to be when they reach 18 after starting HRT at 12 or whatever made my dick rock solid desu.

Alright I take back.

>The kids deserve to have the option of gender

It really is a grey area but I'd still learn toward a conservative and socially typified upbringing simply because kids lack the most basic forms of cognizance and forethought that adults have. Most simply can't reason on those levels yet and if they were to be encouraged to take hormones or dress differently when they were younger they would be socially ostracized and psychologically ruined later on in their adult years when they had to deal with the realization that it was just a naive childhood misgiving and adolescent phase.

Not all of them would come to this conclusion, but I think more of them would rather than wouldn't.

>he doesn't want to fuck tight, barely-legal boipussy.

So, maybe it's in our food or something? This shit can't be normal. This type of thinking wasn't as rampant two-hundred years back.

Was this the one that had a tranny kid scoff at the thought of another boy not wanting to date them because that would be gay?

I was sort of turned around on the issue of hormone treatment when, I forgot who it was, but they basically said if they regret it, it's never too late to just stop and go back to being a boy, but if it sticks and you get treatment too late you'll maybe never be comfortable in your own body.

Obviously it's still a complicated issue, but if I spend years with my child and I become fully convinced of the fact that they actually believe themselves to be of the other gender, then I wouldn't rule out treatment at an earlier age.

This. As a kid I played with my Aunt's Barbie car and Sailor Moon castle. My brother used to wear my sister's princess costume just because

Jesus Christ, I'm remembering that one woman that decided her son was.trans when he asked why he had a penis and not a vagina. He was just five dammit

They're just like vegans to give their dogs only vegan food and then be shocked when the dogs fucks up and dies
Just because you believe something, doesn't mean you can impose this idea on something that is mentaly progressive enough
Children are stupid, that's why we don't allow them pretty much anything they want - they don't know better

Children are fashion accessories to these parents

"look how progressive and tolerant I am, I'm like so open-minded, I'm great"

>Obviously it's still a complicated issue, but if I spend years with my child and I become fully convinced of the fact that they actually believe themselves to be of the other gender, then I wouldn't rule out treatment at an earlier age.

Yeah but you need to consider the types of parents who jump on board with this big time. They are the types who love the thought of being on the cusp of progressive movements that are currently in vogue and in some subconscious way love the thought of being very "now" in the victim game so they treat their kids like fashionable designer babies.

This isn't a projection, because of course I don't know for sure, it's just a wager.

So, just because this is how the two of you experienced this, that means it's how everybody else does too?

That's not what happens at all. You think you can just stop the hormones and go back to being normal? Aside from the cancer liklihood skyrocketing you would be a skinny, weak manlet.

The point is kids do stuff withiut any deeper significance, because they're kids. What these parents are doing is gambling with their child's life and sanity over a very stretched suspicion

Well anything else would be a mental illness so yes.

I'm sure those kinds of parents exists that would push this on a child that doesn't yet understand it, and I would agree for that to be deplorable behavior. But there is no doubt in my mind that that is a very low minority of them. You would have to be pretty convinced as a parent of that stuff before you actually go along with anything.

>You would have to be pretty convinced as a parent of that stuff before you actually go along with anything.

In a perfect world, lol. But I think you'd be pretty disillusioned over just how many young parents will elect whatever confirmation bias and poor reasoning they need in order to get them to the route that is more modish and fashionable.

There is a real atmosphere of one-upmanship with modern progressives in this generation and it seeps in and leaks down in odd ways.

I'm sorry, but these words coming from a disillusioned Sup Forums user (we all are, anybody that browses this site) have no weight whatsoever. This site exists in a bubble, and the issues are way overblown here, it's almost easy to convince yourself most young people are as insane as the tumblrites that identify as 16 different genders, because that is all that matters to people on this site. This site gives people like that a spotlight like no other.

You can practically thank Sup Forums alone for Anita Sarkeesian blowing up in the mainstream, without them she'd have been a nobody that nobody paid attention to. That is to say, this site obsesses with these types, they're given a spotlight that the real world does not shine on them.

Is it that the spotlight is not shone on Sup Forums users, or that the spotlight Sup Forums users shine on others has "no weight"?

There's enough evidence out there to support 's claims. If you ignore it you're ignorant, that's all there is to it.

Wish there was more nudity of the cute boy pictured here

You're young and naive - and for the record I'm an oldfag /lit/ type who is very divorced from championing political rhetoric on both sides - but identity politics in general are so beyond the interests of this one lone website. Come on, now.

It has completely captured the modern zeitgeist. These aren't some insular concerns solely thrown about in our hermetic sperg tree club; this is day time conversation for everyday people. There is another thread up right now about a transgender revealing on a Doctor Phil episode.

I'm not saying that these issues aren't worth exploring, I don't fall into alt-right rhetoric with most of this, but it is very obviously larger than the purview of this website. You'd be ignorant to suggest otherwise.

>but it is very obviously larger than the purview of this website. You'd be ignorant to suggest

Oh absolutely, that's not what I'm saying at all. It's just user trying to tell me about the dynamics of modern society and how there exists this "one-upmanship" among parents, that has no weight to me here. Of course you'd find a 4channer with that belief, because everybody has fucked up world views here that are incorrect.

Is he 100% incorrect in his assessment? No I stated as much in my original post, but to imply this is some sort of movement happening with significant amount of cases of child abuse, no.. I don't believe that, at all. Anyways you sound like a reasonable person, for being an oldfag I'm surprised you haven't been poisoned.

>that trans couple talking to the doctor about different surgery options
>the one she picks involves keeping the dick and balls and just slicing a hole in the gooch

I just don't get it

No it was only chopping off the balls. No hole. Dick intact.

Right, I'm sure that was one of the options though unless I'm misremembering.

>one woman that decided her son was.trans when he asked why he had a penis and not a vagina.

Oh my fuck, is that seriously real? That's the kind of shit kids ask all the time. They see differences between themselves and other people and ask why those differences are there, but they don't know how to phrase that kind of hypothetical outside themselves.

>Why do I have a penis instead of a vagina?
>Why am I white and not black?
>Why do I have blue eyes and not brown?

Fucking Christ, man... parents should just answer those questions honestly and stop projecting their own dumb ideas onto their impressionable kids.

>It's just user trying to tell me about the dynamics of modern society and how there exists this "one-upmanship" among parents, that has no weight to me here.

Fair enough, and you're more than entitled to think so because I cannot prove this empirically of course. But ideals and ideologies don't stand alone, they are moved along by undercurrents of the greater human condition that we all share in and a part of. Our fringe desires subsist within them. People very rarely take the time (or even have the thought) to reflect on this. Which is a shame. I see left screaming and right and right screaming at left and it all seems like a bunch of dizzying and dizzy people who don't realise that they are on the same carousel.

People like to covet power. People will find odd ways to go about this. All of us do it. Even I do it.

You and a lot of posters in this thread get it wrong. None of the parents in the documentary were pushing their own agenda. You could say they were normal parents. It was the kids insisting that they're the opposite gender. The parents' reaction to this was different. Some were concerned but ok'd the idea of hormone treatment. One dad forced the kid to act like a boy in some situations, but let them to act like a girl in home.

If there was a problem, it was giving in to the kid's will, even if the kids are hardly capable of handling the responsibility of their own choices.

>None of the parents in the documentary were pushing their own agenda.

You're right. We all know who's agenda they are pushing.

It's not as deep as some as you think.
Most of the normies who are pro trans are just simple minded idiots who don't understand that hardship is a natural learning experience who want to make everyone happy and they don't think long term.
They think they can make people happy by completely coddling them and avoiding anything difficult. And then we end up with this kind of pandering and bullshit and people who are unable to cope with anything.

>no response to this

Sup Forums BTFO?

lol welcome to the real world dummy the shit you see else where is just people pretending or putting up a front. this site is the real voice of humanity unfiltered.

These parents are doing irreparable damage to their kids that will most likely lead to suicides.

How about you put a dress on now big boy? ;)

Wait, rape is legal if you're trans?

With enough surgery/procedures, anything is possible!

t. surgeon specializing in transgenderism

... and what was saying is, to put it in your terms, "the real voice of humanity" is built around obsessive confirmation bias.

I found it weird how the kids act so stereotypically gay/feminine. They strut, dance, make it their entire personality. What I mean is they aren't organically coming up with this, they clearly have some preconceived notions of being trans. I mean, that kid was a "girl" for ONE MONTH so far, and they're already revising his entire life.

>we're realizing she was always a girl

So she did a "Chris Chan"?

oh shit this is a nice site.
Thanks a ton m8


t. gay male

BBC is a notorious pedophile rig since the days of Jimmy Saville.
Getting the young boys to dress as girls is part of their agenda.

In a few years they will outright propagandize for legalization of pedophilia

you sound pretentious as fuck

not that I disagree with you, you just seem like an asshole.

I pity the British that have to finance all this with their taxes.

because people secretly get off on it

When you start on hormones they start you on ones that are completely reversible just in case there's a medical problem, or you aren't ready, or you change your mind, right?

It's not like they go straight from zero to "now you're infertile for life, your dick has shriveled up, and you're weak as shit"

Source: I've been on them for 4 months now.
>inb4 kill yourself, get mental help, etc.

There's no such thing as "completely reversible" when you're talking about delaying a child's puberty/development or switching which brand of puberty/development you want that child to have.

I think the hordes of brainless adolescent spastics that reply to posts like that must be asleep.