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Television and Film #725
Television and Film
ITT: Great Intros
That's right, Slytherin. Gryffindor wins...
ITT: Movies that LITERALLY only you've watched
/got/ general
Can we get a 2000-2007 thread going? I'm feeling extremely nostalgic for that era for some reason
Who is the most evil woman character in the history of Cinéma?
Who is your favorite kaiju?
Black Mirror
ITT: Sup Forums casts a horror movie
You're at the club and this guy slaps your gf's ass
What the fuck does this guy do all day?
Making myself a steak dinner tonight and wanting to watch a super hero flick. What does tv recommend I watch?
We made our parents take us to the movie theater and sit through this
Shin Godzilla OST
All I wanted was to sing to God. He gave me that longing... and then made me mute. Why? Tell me that...
Which movies are essential Cruisekino?
Doctor Who General - /Who/
Times Sup Forums was wrong
I hate you fucks
Why ye always makin' fun o' me weight, user? Ye know I can nay help it
/stg/ - HUSBANDO edition
/baneposting squad/ general
Rank 'em
Now that both Mia Malkova and Jessa Rhodes are confirmed for getting B.L.ACKED in the near future...
/bb/ Big Brother 18
I'm about to watch The Wire for the first time
Film Noir & Detective Stuff
It's funny how Netflix's production values have surpassed anything else on Television
Why don't we see more films and movies about Knights and Chivalry?
ITT: scenes females will NEVER understand
ITT soundtracks
Some final biblical armageddon shit with two of the most powerful beings in the universe
Will you watch a capeshit with a female lead?
What about euro actresses, Sup Forums
Who is you're wew jew?
Jawfu doesn't have instagram
What happened to Mike?
I plan to be stonedAF today all day
So now that DC is basically bulldozing Marvel's """""""""""cinematic"""""""""""" franchises...
Something just doesn't feel right about his portrayal of Daredevil. Too numale-y for me, too cuckish
What would you do to fix the X-Men movies if you were to start over?
Serious question, why does Bane wear the mask? Is it even explained in the movie?
S o p h i e T u r n e r
Is there a good movie about air balloon?
What did they mean by this?
What is his fucking problem?
Paul Feig Slams Removal of Pro-Hillary Tweet
Alright Sup Forums I'm being serious now...
This is a 10/10 in Britain
Yoga Hosers AMA
Star Trek
Was it supposed to be some sort of deconstruction of heist movies?
HBO has confirmed GameofThrones will end with Season 8
How many movies have you seen this year?
What was the best episode?
Check it out - Decker - Absolutely general
Buffy Thread
What are some movies that help deal with an existential crisis?
Anybody see this yet? Is it kino or neo-trash?
Does it hold up?
Will she ever be considered a serious actress?
The Mummy (2017)
Itt: Kinome
Why is he wearing a tatooine sand robe?
How likely is it that a small town like Hawkins has so many niggers and other shitskins living there...
"What was I supposed to do, just let them all die?"
Kong Vs Godzilla
Yfw Chase is the GOAT
Dr. Harleen Quinzel looks hot
Remember when Homer's black ancestor was super smart and invented doughnuts (until the evil white man stole his idea!)?
Things Plebs Say
I'm putting together a list of movies that everyone must watch before they die. Here's what I have so far...
Itt: films that SJWs will literally never stop crying about, even after a hundred years have passed
/bb/ big brother 18
ITT: Simpsons jokes you didn't understand until later
I have an infection in my ear and am in horrible pain
How can we kick our own movie when it's already struggling
I don't get it
She did nothing wrong
Who in the hell watches this show?
Why is Sydney Cole so lewd?
Are we really in the Golden Age of Television?
From someone who is closely linked to the industry, the general consensus for Suicide Squad looks pretty good
Can we all just collectively not support Dr. Strange...
Early Review: Suicide Squad Sucks!!!
Could you tell who she is if you saw her on the street?
Can we have a celebrity meltdown thread?
What's this guy's name again?
Do Americans really do this?
Is this film any good?
MillionDollarExtreme presents: World Peace
The great debate
Best Samurai films?
What's your top 3 TV Shows of all time?
New Star Trek! New Star Trek! TV Show
Wtf i hate jews now
/got/ general
What does Sup Forums think about her?
Marvelcucks are threatened by this movie. They really want it to fail
Its Arnolds birthday
No rape scene
Whedon does it again
ITT: we post shit reddit says
What snacks do you usually get when you go to the cinema?
Can we all just collectively not support Suicide Squad...
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
What does Sup Forums think of Seth MacFarlane?
3 > 6 > 8 > 1 > 2 > 7 > 5 > 4
Twin Peaks
This was fucking terrible
The fuck ew lookin at, move on ye slimely Slytherin cunts
Is this the greatest comedy special ever made?
Duncan Jones and his Asian wife just had a baby boy, six months after his father David Bowie died
The cinematography really makes the scene pop
ITT: We post god-teir SHTF/ happening/ end of the world movies
I don't remember this scene
ITT: Actors who were/are bullied
Find one flaw with this pizza
Ugly am I? Weird looking? You think I look like an Alien...
Scene does not contain a lapdance
What is the best version of the Walking Dead?
Skydiver to jump 25,000 feet with no chute on live TV Saturday
Movie When?
/dmg/ Dark Matter general
Now that the controversy and hysteria has mostly subsided, who should play Iron Girl in the live action MCU adaptation?
Holy christ... holy christ
What was his superpower?
Thoughts on Star Trek Beyond?
Why do girls expect to be taken seriously?
/STG/ Stranger Things General
Why will there never be another good time travel movie like this, Sup Forums?
What the fuck did I just watch?
Diane is a lawyer who went through a divorce a few years ago. After losing her phone...
Get weapons and defense systems from the future that can one-shot Borg cubes
Disability contest votes
Episodes you can't rewatch
That wasn't good. That really wasn't very good...
Please reccomend some horror/thriller movies that are scary or disturbing because of relatively realistic situations...
Can anyone recommend movies like Kill List?
What does Sup Forums think about his body of work?
Why was comedy so bad in the early 00s? Can't believe the whole "America, fuck Yeah" is still a thing
Why isn't her career taking off? who did she piss off?
Knowledgeable hacker
Did balding finally become socially acceptable? Will it be standard for male beauty in a few years?
Foy is going to star in Disney's next film. Are you excited, Sup Forums?
Do people ever stop fucking complaining about race in film?
How long does he have?
Who should play him in thr inevitable biopic
"people" are outraged that Matt Damon is the lead in The Great Wall
Luc Besson Found Guilty of Plagiarizing John Carpenter
Why is this movie compared favourably by anyone to other great films from the same year, let alone decade?
Can we have another cooking with jack thread? the last one was hilarious and I need those awful webms so bad
Eric Andre getting BTFO by alex jones again
Is she perfect?
Actress isn't a virgin
What can we expect for her career next?
Why is this film so forgotten? Is it because directors had already dealt with Big Pharma and pandemics...
They made Barbara into a dirty slut, and we are supposed to care about her now?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Whats some essential /rogancore/?
Something is missing here
Couldn't stand the meme cinematography
He's not wrong you know
Character is trying to log into a locked computer
ITT: We post the most annoying characters in their respective shows
AMA about Jennifer Jason Leigh
Was Doomsday under Lex Luthor's control by blood like he claimed or was it just a rampaging animal?
Well Sup Forums, should he?
Best actor working today?
You could have shaved her, Sup Forums
ITT: Extreme JUSTs
Minimalist Film Posters
What do you call this hair style?
Was this the biggest defeat Sup Forums has ever suffered, being specifically called out like this?
Any good movies?
Watching Calling All Cars
What's the first thing this guy says in Vlll?
Vice Principals
The Great Wall (2017)
What exactly is wrong with Leslie Jones
It's a late night dubs episode
Sup guys. Just found this guy's pic and I was wondering what his name is
I need a chopper to gotham
Why is he so perfect?
What's his endgame?
Honest thoughts on Batman - The Killing Joke?
Does anyone know of a place to watch the new Godzilla movie with English subtitles...
Any one else finds it funny just how many tv shows have timeloop episodes? I mean...
Do you consider Vito Corleone a villain?
Just finished season 3
Bridge to Terabithia
I wonder how he's doing, maybe we should put together a care package for him...
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
I don't watch that many television shows, but I keep seeing this get shilled all over Sup Forums...
He doesnt really believe this does he Sup Forums?
Why did the CW cast a manlet as Superman?
What went wrong?
What is your favorite Halloween besides the first?
What is the final fantasy 7 of movies?
WEBM Thread
/bb/ Big Brother 18
My office. Now
Meanwhile, on female Sup Forums
Is this correct?
What's next, Sup Forums?
Hacksaw Ridge/Mel Gibson is back
Why do we pretend like normal people would actually be able to tell who's a girl or a boy when they look like this?
Hey guys
I never quite understood this joke
Why is this film so fucking boring?
ITT: Characters that solo all capeshit
He doesnt main after the buff
Is anyone actually jealous of this lifestyle ?
Share your waifu
Me on the right
RATINGS: More People Watched Donald Trump’s Acceptance Speech Than Hillary Clinton’s
Do you agree?
Spend days watching a show
What was this movie about?
Babysitting your wife's daughter
Ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one
Reminder that there will never be another ending as good as this
Seth MacFarlane + Adrianne Palicki Live-Action series for Fox
Draw a scene from a movie in paint and others try to guess what it is. I'll start with a hard one
Why didn't Dumbledore just challenge Voldemort to a duel?
What does Sup Forums think of BoJack Horseman...
'Equity' Star Anna Gunn On Unlikable Women, Equal Pay, And 'Breaking Bad' Backlash
What is it with Snyder flicks and having flaming faggots for villains?
500 Greatest Movies of All Time
Uh, you don't get to bring muslims
Try to name a more recent 10/10 car chase scene
50 years old
What did she mean by this?
ITT: Essential pedo-core
If she wasn't wearing a pink coat would you think she was a boy?
Comcast Piracy Warning
Sup Forums cucked by Sup Forums
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The Bourne Masculinity: Matt Damon’s hyper-aggressive, emotionally fragile “good guy with a gun”
Comedy suggestion
So can we just accept this as truely patrician already?
This is an Arnold thread
Nobody will believe me and im okay with that
Is it the best looking Enterprise?
How did 3000 cavalry break the lines of 250,000 infantry
/bb/ Big Brother 18
ITT: Films that show you the true evil nature of white people and why they are pieces of shit that deserve everything...
What kind of wood is that made of, yellow pine? Or could it be ash, maybe?
What do you think of Futurama?
Holy shit, it was bad. It was really bad
/stg/ - CUTE edition
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
Joker undressed her and raped her while she was shot, in great pain and barely conscious...
How did he get so buff?
Supergirl's Superman has a super ass. Goddamn
Why don't you like him?
ITT: Actors/Actresses you would happily apply a forceful fist to face of
If you could fuck any one actor or actress one time who would you pick?
Hey Sup Forums do I like this show
All set for the night bros. What's your favorite Friday night 'za kino or flick?
This was better than the Babadook
What's his superpower?
Does anyone else find it strange that a show this whiney, biased and downright unfunny has near perfect reviews?
Itt: guess the mspainted movie scenes
Marvel Surprise: ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Won’t Be Split Into 2 Movies
Why is she so shit, bros?
Him spending time with his family at dinner hit way to close to home for me...
Give me a good movie title based on this image
A Series of Unfortunate Events
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2
Well Sup Forums?
Games that could be movies
Why was Meadow the worst Soprano?
Name a better historical hero show
So when you turn 10 you can get a license and start collecting pokemon and training them, but it never explains why?
I saw this at an early screening last night as a guest with my friend who's got critic passes
Podcast General
This scene passed through multiple people and was given the okay
Where did it all go so wrong?
Megan Fox
Which Office girl is the hottest?
ITT blatant rip offs
Has any other show in the history of tv started off so high only to end up so low?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Do you have an opinion on this actress and her body of work?
This one’s for you, Kaiser Bill. Special delivery from Uncle Sam and all the boys in D Company. Yeah, Johnny, Harris...
Godzilla Resurgence
that midriff
Help needed!
I insist that you shine my shoes
/got/ general
Emma Stone without makeup
What the fuck were they thinking with this scene?
I'm just curious. Does Sup Forums think that Finland has produced anything worthwhile?
Is this worth watching?
So apparently Netflix has some fuckin Konami code type shit that opens up a new menu
I actually prefer this Superman
8 Episodes
Why did they kill the only good character on the show?
Guess the film from the screencap game
How bad will this flop?
ITT: good fight scenes
Both are the same length, which one should i watch Sup Forums?
Itt: guess the mspainted movie scenes
Rut roh
/lbg/ - LetterboxD General
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Who are the death grips of filmmaking?
Remind me again. why is barry in love with used goods?
Is she the edgiest TV character of all time?
Pick the best actress
Can we at least agree that this has better action scenes than anything in the MCU
What are some good movies to watch while high?
I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse, expelled
The Killing Joke
Why the FUCK did they build a gigantic city with /millions/ of people at the edge of UNEXPLORED space??????????
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Another one
Suicide Squad confirmed for capekino
Just watched this and it was pretty good
Who is your favourite character from Lost?
What will the American film industry be like under President Trump...
What's next for her career?
"I know you. I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, captain...
This guy isn't funny. Prove me wrong Sup Forums
Is this a good film or not?
We burned down the forest
AMA about Jennifer Jason Leigh
What was his fucking problem?
Clooney is right you know, it's just sad is kill
Why is this allowed?
On Cinema General
Why isn't this as popular as GoT? It's way better
So, nothing good (movies, TV shows) have been created in this shithole?
How do you get a thin girl with a big ass that likes watching Movies?
This is basically me when it comes to mobilefags on Sup Forums
Tiny Actress
Wtf I hate white people now
So this movie is going to have serious dark parts right...
How did Gandalf know Gollum ratted on the hobbits...
Fetish: pink unicorns
Is he "our guy?"
ITT Simpsons jokes you still don't get
This meme goes out to all the bojack haters on Sup Forums
Which movie or tv show has the most realistic violence?
Star Trek Beyond
What's your favorite movie of 2016 so far?
So I'm new to anime. recently I watched
Go watch a movie you sons of bitches
What do friends feel like?
Hey user would you mind helping me with my homework?
Will DCucks ever catch a break?
Are there any movies about secretly dying of AIDS?
Hey audience *winks* we misread the reaction to BvS as dark=bad...
RIP Nostalgia Critic Thread #7: The Prepping in the Dislikes edition
/bb/ big brother 18
So I watched this with my boyfriend today. I don't get it why didn't he just surrender? All those men died for nothing
Is anyone else getting really mad by all the cringy pandering to China in nearly all block buster movies over the past...
Why do people worship actors...
Make sure to cum in my mouth user
This piece of shit ruins the show
I'm not from Sup Forums,but I was wondering
Let's have a /comfy/ thread bros
Is it acceptable to go to the theater alone?
Wrote LOST, the GOAT show of the 00s
What did he mean by this?
Look at your keyboard between T and O
Why aren't we talking about this amazing show?
Why did Bill marry a feminist?
BvS among Mark Kermode's top WORST moviest of the year Dcucks BTFO once again...
Wtf i hate christians now
MDE World Peace on Adult Swim
It's time to admit that Attack of the Clones was good
Alright, we need a suggestion from the audience of a big Sup Forums board for you
If you watched four or more of the following, you are a nu-male:
22 years ago...
How do we fix British television?
Protagonist beats some bad guys
It's a "Kate gets mad at Jack and fucks Sawyer for revenge" episode!
Eternal /got/ general
/swg/ - Screenwriting General
Was it autism? Serious question
What are /mental illness/ kino?
The Night Of
"This is Kataaana. She likes mowing her own lawn."
So how is the Demagorgon related to the Upside Down...
What was the best episode of Kitchen Nightmares?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this?
Watching American movie
Who would cast in a Lolita remake?
Drugs expand your mind!
Did they deliberately make him look shitty so that Cavil's Superman could look amazing in comparison and win people's...
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
You ready for the movie of the year?
Rank 'Em
This was better than Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Let's honestly movies women will LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY never understand
Episode 280 of Artie's podcast he says "Howard you're acting like a weirdooo...
This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again
What the f*ck?
What are some other hidden gems only you know about?
>island full of dinosaurs
Is she the one for him?
It's a House ignores basic hygiene procedures by using his cane to move objects and people in a sterile room episode
/stg/ - sad edition
Post films that are CRIMINALLY underrated
I can't figure out if she's hot, or she just knows how to use makeup well
Which actress has the best bow
New Rocketeer
The Tudors
Who's hungry?!
What does Sup Forums think of Good Will Hunting ?
How many cliches can we put into 1 show
I am a sucker for long sequence shots. What directors nail that and where?
Magnificent 7
What is your favorite quote from the prequels
Was he really that good or did he just get lucky?
What kind of pussy finds this hipster leather assbandit scary? he's 100 pounds soaking wet
Who would Sup Forums cast as Samus Aran in a Metroid movie?
Jenna Fischer top quality cringe :
Things Plebs Say
Jason Bourne Armond White
Godzilla thread to celebrate the release of Shin Godzilla?
I liked the action and the special effects in this movie but what I REALLY liked was the dialogue exchanged between the...
What did RLM say to upset him so?
What was Sup Forums's opinion on the new series?
Yes you dumbass did you even watch the fucking show holy shit
Will his performance beat out Heath Ledger as the best Joker of all time?
ITT: extras with massive boobs
Sup Forums's Mosaic Thread: Let's Ruin the Saddest Scene in Cinema History
I'm Rooney Mara
Why is Rome perfect?
Would you share a breakfast with Jay?
The weak should fear the strong
ITT: Ugly actors you find attractive
I-is... is it over??
Strong contender for best nips in Hollywood
90's cartoons that normies forgot about
Find shady newspaper articles
Tfw when you realise ghostbusters is hilarious
/bb/ big brother 18
How in the fuck can one person be so based?
What was the point of this movie? No central plot really...
Will it be good, Sup Forums? I'm worried that WB is not lifting the embargo. Should we start a prayer circle?
Well this isn't going to work
Draw thread
This is sad
Just watched this, it was fucking great
Is this the best scene in the Bourne franchise?
Season 2 is so fucking bad. It's slow and self-indulgent
Did you like my speech?
Go to wikipedia
Driving drunk is alpha. Only beta cucks from Reddit would disagree
Are these muffs age-appropriate?
Is Nancy a whore, Sup Forums?
How do i come up with original ideas
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Anybody else feeling lost without this source of kino?
Halfway through Season 1 of Firefly
Fuck, I just watched Stranger Things and I was really enjoying it but then I saw picture related...
ITT: Actresses that are slowly turning into old men
:ITT characters that did literally nothing wrong
French actresses are the cutest in the world
Is this show worth watching?
Does he have patrician taste?
Are there any other anime movies like akira and ghost in a shell ?
What are the essential homokino?
ITT: essential numale viewing
Cast him
If there were to be a reboot of the Next Generation cast the same way the Original series cast in 2009's Star Trek...
What happened to Katanaposting? It was all the rage earlier today
What are some Sup Forums approved YouTube channels?
It's a Select all images of store fronts episode
Cara Delevingne ASMR: On Getting Into Character For 'Suicide Squad'
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Tfw you never got to take Yolanda to the beach
Misunderstood Horror
Why does Hillary want to bomb Assad and establish a no-fly zone over Syria?
Hey cunt, trim your fucking eyebrows
Celebrity deaths that will destroy you
Actual wonder woman here
Ultimate Zackino?
Recommend some comedy sci-fi/fantasy
How come when a big budget movie comes out that is dark complex and thought provoking it gets shunned by so many people
What are your thoughts on Data?
I'm about to watch this, what am I in for?
Name something you can do in bed with your wife
What the fuck was a big ass cliff doing like this in the middle of iowa?
I stayed up all night making this model of Gromit out of Play-Doh
So is her career over like Ellen DeGenerates?
Holy shit this was awful
I want to start Pawn Stars but I didn't expect so many episodes. Can I skip any or are they all canon?
Why does everyone call Robert Downey Jr a manlet?
I thought this was supposed to be scary?
I can't tell if I love the x files or hate it
Andrew garfield
Who else DROPping celebrities right and left for supporting Shillary?
Why is this ugly frog-faced overage no-name """"actress"""" speaking at a Presidential convention?
Was she just a paranoid murderous cunt?
As far as animated musical kino goes, this is better than anything Disney has ever shit out
Hand over the numnums....and no funny business
What's next for her career?
‘Batman v Superman’ Shoots to Top of Disc Charts
Will they ever make kino about Japanese war crimes?
ITT: post actors who will get Oscars IF they can land the right role
Lore wise, who exactly is Aragorn and what is his power level in comparison to everyone else in the story?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
What went wrong
Is this the most forgettable feature movie in the whole franchise so far...
What's the worst thing you've ever done to someone else?
Flash CONFIRMED for Suicide Squad
Who was in the wrong here?
In all seriousness, meming aside WHAT THE FUCK was sam raimi doing with the section of the film ?
*record scratch*
Is he the biggest bro in the industry?
On Cinema At The Cinema
What's the average height of your everyday 4chaner?
What series should i watch...
Dr Pavel,I'm MIA
Chloë Grace Moretz Addresses Crowd at DNC: 'My First Vote For President Will be For Hillary Clinton'
I love you user
Where do I start with this guy? His lunacy and fearlessness is appealing
Disney is ready to revamp the 1991 cult classic The Rocketeer, The Hollywood Reporter has announced...
Two weeks after its release, Ghostbusters has yet to make back its production budget
Would the alien movies have been better with a male protagonist?
Godzilla Resurgence
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Is the constant lack of creativity and originality a symptom of the rise of Millennials?
What are some god bless america films?
Breaking Bad
Do you pay for your girlfriend's ticket when you take her to the movies?
What do you think the average IQ of this board is, huh?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Why does C3PO have a single silver calf?
ITT:Post characters who are literally you
Suicide Squad
Were nerds really this alpha in the 80s?
What does Sup Forums think of her body of work?
What are Sup Forums thoughts on ANIMATED KINO?
ITT movies/TV shows filmed in your locale
Eternal /got/ general
/bb/ Big Brother 18
There are few things in life that bring me more joy than throwing my fucking trash all over the floor of the movie...
Fuck this bitch
John "crashing this helicopter with no survivors" Landis
Cast the inevitable remake
Why was CIA in Star Wars?
What would happen if this movie was released today?
3x3s, charts, grid threat?
Post shows with 10/10 theme songs
Thoughts on this franchise Sup Forums?
Apparently this movie for kids suck, and the 3 act is a mess. Guess the RT score
/who/ - Doctor Who General
That's... actually a pretty fantastic costume design. It's actually far better than Man of Steel's boring costume
Why are they all so stupid?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Why do we never talk about this
Why didn't he just ask for weaker potions?
AGT 2016
Who was the best character?
South Park movie anyone?
New episode in about 5 minutes
Scream General - the last episode was watchable edition
Another white egg impregnated, wh1t3 b01 :)
Name a funny Lisa Simpson moment where she's the one making the joke
Oh totally. I like rough, animal men. Beasts, basically [laughs]. But it was so funny...
My favorite films are There Will Be Blood, The Godfather, Lord of the Rings, Primer, the list goes on
Was Star Trek: Generations really as bad as people make it out to be?
Who is the qtest actress without makeup?
2017 is going to get the movie industry back on its feet. Mark my words
Anyone getting the feeling that Warner Brothers is intentionally hiding Jared Leto's joker because it's embarrassingly...
Sup Forums's anorexic sweetheart looks like a fucking baboon
Best movie of the year so far
Poor guy
Holy shit. This trailer kicked me in the fucking balls...
Seriously find a flaw in this man
First look at CW's Superman on Supergirl
Who will millenials look up to when these 4 die?
Can we discuss just how based this show is?
ITT: Incontrovertible proof The Simpsons is as good as it ever was
The Ben-Hur Remake May Be Facing Box Office Disaster
Are American cops really like this?
I don't think I've ever been left more upset after watching a movie. This really stuck with me, I couldn't sleep
Say my name
Can anyone stop this madman?
Last line in the movie is the movie's name
Abraham gets the bat followed by Glenn. Daryl gets Glenn killed by interfering when Abe is being Lucille'd...
This movie is underrated. You could easily make a cinegrid with it. It has some god-tier cinematography and music
What's going to get a cinematic universe next?
What's your favorite movie?
What's the best fantasy epic other than LotR, Conan, and Excalibur?
Is he /ourguy/?
Why don't Millennials go to the movies?
You guys ready for ASMR Kino Universe?
General consensus about this guy
Box Office: Dinesh D'Souza's 'Hillary's America' Becomes Top-Grossing Doc of 2016
KAT is dead
Has absolutely no sense of pacing
The "Aliens" Movie Characters Were Stupid
Where were you in 1999?
So how much longer does this show have, honestly?
What are some good Scottish films?
MTV Launches 'Classic' Channel Dedicated to 1990s
Does anything compare to this already god-tier tv show?
How has his career been since he named the Jew?
A-user please recommend me some horrorkino, pls
Did Chloe intentionally post her camel toe on Instagram?
What's the worst movie you ever saw in theaters as a child?
/bb/ Big Brother 18
What the fuck was this even about?
Was it a mistake making her white?
Sup Forums mosaic thread
Dude looks like Pepe
We're supposed to believe steve buscemi is related to Tony
What was his best work?
Is Brazzers the kino of porn paradies?
Hello friends. Am i the only one that thinks that this will be a good movie...
Make a decade old character gratuitously gay with the creator of the character being dead for 25 years and the actor of...
Times Ramsay was wrong
How long before we get the female portrayal of Thor in Marvel films from now on?
What if he has an uncircumcised penis?
Make 20 million for a film
Movies where they say the name of the movie WITHIN the movie
Chris Pine is now the same age as Shatner when Star Trek began. Who's better looking?
Why is this allowed?
Who is the better mom?
Are republicans really this retarded? I thought it was just a meme?
THIS IS _______
This is the most depressing shit i've seen all year
How are white "women" even supposed to compete?
Stranger Things
The Girl With All The Gifts (2016)
Would you wear this shirt in public for 1 day for 100 bucks?
Just started watching, so far it's pretty interesting, except for winona ryder's acting
Say hi to your dad from me
It's a Sup Forums is so desperate to find something to replace baneposting they'll push anything over and over again...
I don't care that the thread archived. I wanted to fucking post in it
Kirk saves the Federation and countless civilizations a number of times
Hack or not?
Whats her endgame?
Would morals seriously go out the window in a hypothetical zombie apocalypse?
User you can start the movie without me, i gotta take this call
Previously on Battlestar Galactica thread
Rob Zombie's 31 (2016)
Rate Shia's pad
Any good?
So what did Sup Forums think to channel 4's new show Naked Attraction...
ITT: Worst films ever made
Was this guy ever funny? I don't believe I ever laughed once at his videos even during his non-sjw phase...
/got/ general
How does a show take such a nose dive in quality
What is the worst Sup Forums fanbase?
Literally Drive: Psychopath Edition
Your a man
What's the best high school movie?
What did they mean by this?
This was really bad
Want to watch this movie
Half in the Bag Episode 113: Star Trek Beyond
RIP Nostalgia Critic Thread #6: The Raise the Flames, Open the Floodgates edition
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Become a Sup Forumsack
/bb/ big brother 18
Tom Cruise on set for Mummy reboot
Low budget movies parodying old school low budget movies
Is Shin Godzilla Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or Sup Forums?
New hitb
Behold. One of the new bond girls
Has a tv show ever made you cry?
Do they ever explain how bond can change his appearance so much so many times?
What are some movies about guys that once made something out of themselves but are now older washed up has beens that...
Movies you regret not watching in movie theaters
Watching movies with parents
Monster is immune to bullets
Goodnight Sweet Prince
Help me finish this
This just in, tim heidecker supports trump
Based Tim
Is Ben our guy?
Disney To Reboot Rocketeer With Black Female Lead
What are these things?
I don't get it
Thoughts on this guy?
So far he talks like fag
What's the name of this stance?
Stupidity in Cube (1997)
Who is a typical Bojack Horseman actor?
Where the fuck do you guys get movies now?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General - Netflix did it right edition
So, the new Mr.Robot episode came out
Efron claims to be nearly 6 feet tall nowadays
The Great Wall
*blocks your path*
Wtf I hate capitalism now
How many actors are known pedophiles?
Is there a better "car accident scene" than the Death Proof one?
Who does Sup Forums think is the most good looking male actor in recent times?
Mr Robot's symbolism
Why are so many celebrities democrats and liberals?
True Crime stories you want to see adapted into a film
Remember when Homer's black ancestor was super smart and invented doughnuts (until the evil white man stole his idea!)?
Is there a country who has made worse movies & tv then Britain?
Drugs expand your mind!
Oh god that hurt
I just saw this for the 5th time. What are some movies like this? Why is this movie so underrated...
ITT : we make Sup Forums fap
Help me tv, I have a girl coming over in an hour to watch a movie, but I dont have no idea what movie to watch
Suicide Squad Movie Clip
What's the film equivalent of this album?
ITT: we explain why people who were born after this year have shit taste
Watching Seinfeld
I used to be in movies y'know
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...