
What was his fucking problem?

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Lore >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arik > Data > B4 > Oftenwrong

He was 2deep4u.


Dr. Soong tried to create an adult android, which didn't have to 'grow' into his emotions and memories, he just 'was.' This instilled him with a dangerous nihilism (surprisingly consistent with TOS era AI).

Then he went all Silver Surfer with the Crystalline Entity because he perceived the colonists were jealous and afraid of him (paranoid delusions).

Dr. Soong says Data and Lore are almost completely identical on a physical / hardware level, it's a software difference. Data was created blank, which emulated childhood. This allowed him to slowly build his neural network and adhere to his ethical subroutines (upbringing).

>(paranoid delusions)
lol, no. Lore was right and did nothing wrong. The colonists were stupid and foolish. They demanded Data wear clothing -- this proves they were primitive and irrational.

Brent Spiner should be lauded for his performance here. It can't be easy playing the world's first gay android in space

So some colonists want Dr. Soong's "fully functional" androids to show basic dignity and not have their syntho-cocks flapping in the breeze in front of their children and they're the assholes?

What have you got against clothes?

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

Lt. Commander, actually. And they're fully functional.

Clothing is fine if you need it for protection but why wear it if it's completely unnecessary? If the only answer has to do with social acceptability or religion, that proves the society's irrationality.

I'm sure the colonists needed their garments but why force Data to wear any? That's extremely stupid.

Having to do that make up everyday would suck dick. I'm pretty sure that's why tv shows don't have characters that require full stuff make up.

Lore pls

Is data " bad" at all. Hes not mean or anything. Is this because he has no emotions?

I thought this was why lore was bad, he had emotions and data did not.

Would data be considered a physcopath? He cant feel guit or feel bad for doing something.

We say those people who feel no emotions like sociopaths are bad so how did data not end up bad?

Soong made him autistic for trolling purposes.

Lore was the first of his kind correct? Datas older brother? Of course they were afraid. And his father thought something was wrong with him and he was just being like he created him. Lore was only a child differnt from everyone else and the towns people didnt make him feel welcomed or like one if them. His feelings are normal and natural.

he didn't have a goatee

Out of all the people who what was their fucking problem, Lore was the most what was his fucking problem of them all.

So if Data was determined to be property and an army of Datas was allowed to be built, you think they would have gone all Skynet?
