Started rewatching this after I found out all the episodes are free online. Forgot how good this show was. Why did it get canceled again?
Started rewatching this after I found out all the episodes are free online. Forgot how good this show was. Why did it get canceled again?
Other urls found in this thread:
pls webm summer panty scene
because it wasnt a good show
It consistently had bad ratings that pretty much got progressively worse as the series went on. It was always on the verge of cancellation, and Fox jerked it around a lot, so I think a lot of people checked out.
I think most people were probably turned off by the first season, which started off pretty slow. John is insufferable and the special effects are kind of cheesy, and that probably turned off casual viewers.
because having literally dozens of terminators running around in the present and pulling strings in the background was retarded.
sexbot glau was too much to handle
>Why did it get canceled again?
afaik it didn't rake in enough viewers
Shame because it's a good TV show.
>She will never come back in time to be your personal terminator
>with benefits
That's a terrible Sarah Connor, her hands don't look like they can support the weight of a gun.
That's not sarah connor
Oh, than great, I'm gonna watch it then, I was looking for something to watch
Are you going to post this shit argument in every thread? How is it """"retarded""""" that Skynet is ensuring its own creation in the past?
here is ur reply m8
Honestly is there a girl with a more godlike body, facial expression and clothing style than glau?
I got a shitload of webms but im on another computer right now fuuck
dumped some in here
do you think she would let John rape her?
Like what would happen? Do female terminators have a cunt? Do they have sensation? Do they feel? Do you think the glaubot would stop John if John was trying to have his way with her? Would glaubot dominate John if he ordered her to?
Delete this
>tfw its my thread
based past me opening all cool threads that i still enjoy a month later
just in case: Hi future me!
What did she mean by this?
she was showing how good she was in infiltrating, using love as his weakness
>tfw she meant it according to the commentary
what commentary
on the DVDs I have
post more glau
see because
still more
why don't you just make your own
"it ain't me"
I think that was she was trying to tell John
idon t know how
download the Blu-rays then use webm for retards on them
bump this question
>webm for retards
wat is dat
Someone tell me ive been replying to bait all this time
it's the perfect software for you to make webms
u do it
The Sarah Connor Chronicles posed some of the most difficult AI questions I've ever seen in filmed media, because they skipped right over all the fluffy "is an AI a real person" crap.
Like a computer command. Cameron has an underlying directive to kill John. When the Resistance reprograms a terminator, they don't have the means to actually erase everything and start over, so they just put a hacky patchwork over the original SkyNet program. When Cameron caught a car's tailpipe through the back of her skull, the Resistance program got scrambled, and possibly even the Resistance mod chip got smashed, so the "Kill John.exe" program restarted.
Except by this point she's self-aware. She's a thinking, learning machine capable of independent thought and action. So what is a "program" to her? When she first reboots, she quite mindlessly and insistently tries to kill John. Later she suppresses it, but it never goes away entirely. Every moment of her life she has to make a conscious effort to *not* kill him, because if she ever "relaxed" she would still immediately act on the program.
What could possibly be the human analogy to this? Hunger? The desire for sleep?
The dead bird, too. She tries to let the bird go because Sarah told her to, instead she crushes it to death. She decides the simple answer is one of the servos in her wrist is broken because she's constantly being shot/run over by cars/thrown out windows, fair enough, right? Except she slices her arm open to examine the pistons and they're pristine. There's nothing wrong with her hand, there's something wrong with her brain. She walked out on the road, lifted up the bird, commanded her body "I'm going to open my fingers and let you go" and instead killed it.
And what is desire? What drives a person to take ANY action whatsoever? We're self-replicating organisms, so we seek to survive and reproduce, simply because organisms that didn't seek to survive and reproduce died out eons ago.
In SkyNet's case, it's the same survival instinct. In the case of terminators with directives, it's an ever more intricate web of actions that SkyNet believes will, in aggregate, improve it's survival probability.
But why would a terminator without a directive have a desire to *do* anything? We see two examples of terminators who have no immediately persuable objective and so they enter an idle state, potentially for decades on end. They are completely without meaning if they don't have an assigned objective.
But Cameron practices ballet (in spite of the fact that she has perfect movement control) and even expresses a bizarre desire to find the exact center of a house. It's played for humor, because it's so arbitrary and awkward, but there's something enormously significant about why would a robot ever want to do something so... frivolous? Why do we seek to amuse or occupy ourselves at all?
That some hot Summer.
sure is summer in here
Man, I forgot how this show actually had good moments.
Thats a big hat
She would let him if it was conducive to him defeating Skynet. If he just wanted to unload some frustration so he could focus on training she probably would.
You know cameron was actually in love right?
post more
>She would let him if it was conducive to him defeating Skynet
So she wouldn't let him if it was "just for fun" ?
Depends on what point in the series we're talking about. She probably would, as long as it was harmless to his cause.
Yeah but "love" would mean something different to a terminator than it does to a human. She'd have no reproductive urges, so her feelings for John would be very different from those a human woman would have.
do you think she would do it if he ordered her to rape him?
She'd probably be confused by the request.
Whatever love means for her is still love, so...
We're not talking about firefly here
but do you think she would know how?
>mfw I would ask Glaubot to lay on top of me while I sleep to make sure I don't get killed by stray gunfire
She actually has an exchange with Sarah on this topic. Quoting from memory here, but
>You love him.
>You don't even know what love is.
>He is your primary objective. Without him, your life is meaningless.
>*sideways glare and then silently sulk away to do angry pull-ups in the front yard*
Robots don't have feelings.
>>mfw I would ask Glaubot to lay on top of me while I sleep to make sure I don't get killed by stray gunfire
isnt she very heavy? I always thought a terminator would weigh something
but i think the glaubot is some ultra light alloy or something, especially compared to a cyberdyne systems model 101
In a realistic scenario, anyone would be fucking glaubot on the regular. It'd help with morale.
they do though
I don't really see how that's relevant.
she would literally never get tired
>mfw get fucked 24/7
>mfw order her to browse the web and find similar shit you are into based on your last request
>mfw can just lay there and get fucked all day everyday
John was a pretty chill kid to have, Sarah could've had a neet basement dweller instead of this guy
I just realized this. that'll teach me. actually no it wont
She could prop herself up on her elbows
Also all skeleton-based terminators are definitely heavier than people - notice Sarah and John together struggle to even get Cameron into a chair, and when she lands on a car she practically flattens it.
The 101s are even heavier though, half a dozen firefighters working in concert could barely lift one.
i think i could take her
>The most sophisticated cyborg computer chip on earth designed to emulate real human behavior doesnt have the capability to evolve
Maybe not like we do, but they can make their own choices and feel, it's unthinkable that they cant
>there will never be a high school comedy about John Connor and his robot gf trying to fit in
What would you let your own Glaubot do to you Sup Forums ?
I'd let her give me raspberries on my tummy :3
Just be friends initially and let time do its magic
Also note that all the way back to James Cameron's notes on Terminator 2:
SkyNet locks its Terminators in a "read only" mode, but the Resistance deactivates this limitation, which is why "bad" Terminators always seem even more stilted than "good" ones. The exception to this is the T-1000, who has no identifiable CPU chip to lock down in the first place, which means it will always learn and grow, which is why SkyNet dreaded releasing it in the first place and did so only as a last resort.
whata re raspberries
>cucking yourself even with an obedient robot
you sick fuck
Pin me down and put her forearm across my windpipe until I die while gently touching my face, looking into my eyes and reassuring me that everything is OK and she loves me.
thats some weird shit right there
Its not like shes gonna go fuck some other dude
They almost did that in that brief aborted arc with the suicidal girl.
When you fill your cheeks with air, then press your lips against somebody and go PBBBBBBBT letting all the air out.
Yeah it was pretty funny
I wish this show had run for like 6-7 seasons and been able to give all the plots like this time to breathe.
If it had, we might not have had to endure the horror of Salvation and Genisys. Or we would at least have gotten cool movie tie-in storylines.
good one
Whatever happened to the summer glau tripfag who thought Summer might be a lesbian and was super bummed when she found out Summer wasn't? Anybody have any updates?
>Why did it get canceled again?
Bad ratings, which was understandable given the circumstances surrounding the show. It came out a few years after Terminator 3's relative failure, so people had already started writing the franchise off, and make a TV show seemed kind of ridiculous and like a desperate move. Everything about the idea made it seem like Fox was desperately trying to salvage money from a dying franchise. Later on, Fox also consistently screwed with airing times, and the second season happening during the writer's strike really didn't help anything.
Basically, a bunch of real-world situations made it very hard for the show to keep going, or for people to take it seriously. The show also got a lot of stupid criticism from people who were willing to criticize the dumber parts of the show and ignore the smarter moments.
The show tried to do it a few times, but Fox probably insisted on it being more action oriented.
Fuck off
jk u can stay
>caring about a tripfag
Your life sucks
>Dat soundtrack
Why is Bear McReary BOSS?
I'd glau her summer if you know what I mean
ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ᵈᵒᵘᵇᵗ ˢʰᵉ'ˡˡ ˡᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ
>It's a "Cromartie is portrayed sympathetically" episode
What was up with those?
First, she was a lot of fun back in the day as were many other insane trips back before this place went to shit circa 2011-12 before the waifu wars.
Second, wishing to satisfy a mild curiosity is nothing. Being so antagonistic to consider anything remotely related to a trip as pathetic is ironically pretty pathetic.
Victim of the waifucaust
it was either give tscc another season or give dollhouse another season to see if it'll catch on with viewers. fox went with SJWhedon's dollhouse and it got the heads-up midseason that it was getting shitcanned so he fuckin recycles the circle of the blackthorn gimmick and gives the show a makeshift finale. fox friday death slot has been a thing for as long as i can remember.
So many great, interesting posters were lost in those times...takes me back. Now, we have nothing but Sup Forumsermin, Sup Forumstards and reddit shills. This place is dead.
How in fuck did you write that on miniature ?