Drugs expand your mind!

>Drugs expand your mind!
>The US government is fascist/full of nazis!
>Oswald didn't kill JFK, M-MUH GRASSY KNOLL!
>Has literally said "WAKE UP AMERICA"

Bill Hicks: The Edgy Teenager of the Internet, But For Comedy

Other urls found in this thread:


He's right on every point you mentioned

simply epic :D

I've never found him funny. Him and Kinison do nothing but scream all their punchlines, killing even the good material.

he's pretty good for his time period, however I cant help but think of him as a proto-SJW

Everything he says was right, he was a prophet and a visionary comedian

how the fuck is your life going so far besides making the shittiest threads on tv asshole?

Obviously shit isn't funny but like Carlin his shit was new at the time. Good to watch if you're a teenager desu.

You haven't watched anything from him.

please, enlighten me with examples then

I really dont get how he was ever that popular. He wasnt funny and would pretty much just say his "controversial" opinions. And maybe that was the appeal, his views were so unorthodox, but then you realize Carlin was saying all the same shit to basically.

I think its just some shitty thing 20 something edge lords liked in the early 90s. Bill Burr said everyone, including him, had a cringy point in their career where they tried to be like him. Go on stage with a cigarette, leather jacket, and just "riff on society"

different user but i don't think the guy that did graphic routines about jimi hendrix raping an underage pop star lines up with the sjw boogeyman

>I really dont get how he was ever that popular.

he wasn't.

so how is that different from all the SJWs jumping on Bill Cosby for the alleged rapes?

Doubt it. He seems like one of those liberals who would hate SJW/political correctness, just like Carlin did.

Todd Glass is the only somewhat famous comedian thats SJW tier. He said on Norms show that the moment something becomes taboo, or some word becomes a no-no word, he immediately complies with not saying it without question. Then he questioned if "cock sucker" was an offensive slur that shouldnt be said anymore after Norm called the fictional character Charlie Brown a cock sucker

It's pretty obvious that the government disappeared him, fried his brain with LSD, and returned him to public life in his new identity as Alex Jones.

>Drugs expand your mind
Some drugs expand your perspective, this is true. Get out of the house, meet people, and do drugs socially. You'll discover this fact.
>The US government is fascist/full of nazis!
He never said that. But are you denying that our govt. is corrupt and somewhat authoritarian?
>Oswald didn't kill JFK
Why haven't the files been released? I personally believe Oswald acted alone, but what is the govt. hiding by sealing away the investigations for so long? Why is so much of the Warren Report redacted?
There are a lot of stupid people in this country. Do you deny that?
Meh, I laugh at that

I don't understand your post. Why are you riding govt. dick to besmirch a dead comedian?

I bet if he was still alive even he would cringe at his terribly dated material.

I lol'd recently when he joked about how funny it would be if he died from cancer though. Because he did in fact die from cancer!

it's edgy tryhard now but at the time it was some pretty sick shit.

>confirmed for not knowing the material, or at the very least not understanding it

This is why Sup Forums is such a shit board. This board has turned into fucking Sup Forums. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Mummy, mummy, I posted it again!

>OP posts this every day, multiple times a day
>thinking your response will be the one to get him to stop

>take a dose of posion that has a hallucinogenic effect on your brain

>"ooga booga! magic plant show me spirit in sky! me take more to talk to magic man!"

I dont understand how you plebs can repeat this caveman tier primitive bullshit and also act like smug assholes about it

t. 2007


What an ape.

>watch a conspiracy video
>this starts playing

There's some pretty immense value to be gleaned from having all your preconceptions and semi-hardwired behaviour completely shattered by a small tab of paper you put on your tongue.

You seem to have no idea what the effect of psychedelics are.

see, you have no idea what you're talking about. the joke was that he was annoyed with some teenage girl popstar and wanted hendrix to come back from the grave and rape her as she screamed for her mother. he graphically pantomimed the rape on stage. you can find him funny or not but fuck off with the sjw meme.

Wasn't popular? Check your facts kiddo

>ranting and raving on stage about your political opinions

In the UK he was. In his own country he played to dumpy clubs with shitty audiences.

He was right. Rick Astley is a banal incubus.

>The Edgy Teenager of the Internet

It temporarily reworks your brain chemistry allowing you to view the world through a different prism.

There is some value in that experience, even if hippies wrongly labeled it as some sort of transcendent or deifying practice.

fuck off randy you fat faggot.

>It temporarily reworks your brain chemistry allowing you to view the world through a different prism.

its essentially the same thing as someone putting on their grandmothers big coke bottle glasses and laughing at how fucked up everything is. If you take drugs then have fun, but stop acting like this holier than though asshole because you think it gives you insight into "how the world really is man!"

Synthetic Psychadelic were developet through research into brainwashing techinques. They must have fucked massively for it to expand your mind.

>implying LSD is synthetic
LSD is derived from the ergot fungi. You're obivously ignorant about psychedelics.

Shrooms are literally mushrooms you can pick and eat. Doesnt get more natural than that.

Todd Glass is awful. How can someone whose job is to tell jokes not get humor as much as him?

>there is nothing to be learned from altering on a fundamental level how your brain works


Furthermore, LSD wasnt 'developet through research into brainwashing techniques'. It was accidentally made by Alnert Hoffman in the 1930s then subsequently used in the 1950s in 'brainwashing experiments', such as MK-ULTRA.

You really need to look this stuff up and not form 'knowledge' from bits and pieces you pick up.

bill hicks is far better known now that when he was alive and touring. he was never a big star.

Scientists who took LSD and other hallucinogenics went on to discover groundbreaking discoveries.

Yeah, jokes about fags being disgusting, but lesbians being ok. Persistent racist impersonations, jokes about blinding his girlfriend with a cum dart, pro-gun, hated commies, loved America.

The alt-right flinches at another shadow.

1. name five
2. for each of the five, show a definite link between lsd ingestion and work performance. cite relevant research.

"Crude! Crass! I love it! But you have to be crude and crass about the right things."
- some literal faggot named Todd glass


when hicks was saying it it wasn't edgy you fucking newfag.

Imagine how many more discoveries they would have made had they not poisoned their mind with toxic chemicals.

You're not even trying

Calling LSD poison doesn't make it so

I bet this thread was made by the anti-Buddha from /r9k/.

If you've only had weird visuals and never had psychedelic thoughts then you are taking that shit 25i that the kids call acid these days. Psychedelics are far more a psychological experience than a visual one, but your TV shows can't portray that so dopes go around thinking it's all about making shit seem wavey and hallucinating giant mice and whatever.

Read the book 'What the Doormouse Said' to see how the psychedelic counterculture of the 60a impacted comp sci development

Let's add Jobs and Gates to the list because their scale of vision is impressive and that's what psychedelics do, widen your perspective.

>1. a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed.

LSD is capable of causing depression and psychosis (mental illnesses) when absorbed. LSD is a poison.

>staring at a screen
>thinking this (you) is real

By this logic the vast majority of medicines are poisons.

Expect medicines are capable of curing illnesses where are drugs are only capable of causing them and dulling minds.

You know jack shit about the active components of the pills you're popping there.

LSD has been used as a medicine.

so is the point that "lsd expands your mind, causing discoveries" or is it that "psychedelic counterculture impacted the comp sci community" because one is a specific scientific claim and the other is a vague and obvious statement.

Wow, what a compelling argument. I love drugs now!

There are no conclusive evidence that it has any clinical value.

You're right OP. I'd rather be so much of a contrarian that you couldn't tell the difference between me and a fucking retard.


Thank you for proving my point.

What point?

>arguing with the anti-Buddha



That's why "sage" exists.

A stinky pile of autistic shit that forever haunts /r9k/ waiting for someone to mention meditation, psychedelic drugs, or anything similar. It's pretty obvious he made this thread so he could continue his crusade on another board less aware of his shtick. Just google anti-Buddha r9k and you can find countless mentions of him from r9k threads, and some descriptions sometimes.

This is his life user. This is what he does full time.

That there is no conclusive evidence that LSD has clinical value. Your article proves.

It's has clinical value, though.
There's no evidence for plenty of things we take for granted.

Back to /r9k/ you stinking rotten maggot filled vagina.

fucking nerd faggot get fucked you gay faggot kid

I know you are but what am I?

a reply with sage in the email field is still a reply


Sticks and stones may breakk my bones, but words cut through me like nippon folded steel.

It will never happen. Sup Forums mods these days won't ban you for simply shitposting, needs to be off topic or nsfw on blue boards, etc...

He's pretty dated desu. The 90s was weird because people weren't post-edge yet.

Seriously what the fuck has happened to Sup Forums lately?

/r9k/ is invading


>used to think like OP
>actually tried psychedelics
>it actually does expand your mind

>expand your mind
>still shitpost on Sup Forums

Couldn't have been all that beneficial.

>LSD is a poison

Now you're just being childish. LSD is less toxic than aspirin. Applied in small doses it has cognitive effect, raises your heart rate, constricts your blood vessels, dilates your eyes, that's about it. When taken in larger doses it does all of the above, but the effects are obviously acute. The worst thing that can happen to you phiscally from ingesting LSD is your heart rate goes up. What you do when you're intoixcated isn't LSD's fault. You only lose control if you relinquish it.

If you take an insane amount of it, it IS possible to have a heart attack or forget to hydrate a suffer from some manner of exhaustion or heatstroke. Other than that, it's a pretty harmless drug. Stop being a baby.

You can thanks LSD for things like The Beatles, the DNA helix, and Apple computers.

Joe rogan plz leave

>bill hicks

lol, you funny OP

more like bill hick lmao

he's preachy as fuck desu, can't find anything funny on his rants

He was a pretty funny dude but I don't think I'm gonna go back to his specials and whatnot again. I watched Totally Bill Hicks a bunch as a teen.

also: since I've been thinking about this for fuck know's how long: what should I watch by Lewis Black?
