Is she perfect?

Is she perfect?

>the least attractive one is a model
how does that work

Nepotism, she comes from a family with money that pulls strings to get her these things
Or did you think the fridge that can't act is a model and in movies on her own merit



dafuq is kstew wearing

Emu bird camouflage

what the fuck? even my 50yo mother doesn't have white pictures of herself, is she 70 or something?



Nobody's perfect user :^)

Cara is a cool kid 7/10. People think she's hotter because of her personality and aura.

>tfw no Kristen gf

fuck kill fuck fuckthenkill marry

>tfw no kristen and dakota couple to watch from afar
>tfw no love triangle with them and elle

Is it true that Johnny Depp was hit Amber Heard because she was fucking Cara on the side?

strangely misshapen when taken as a group

Cara is stunning

>5 girls
>4 options
you're missing kill then fuck.


t. neckbeard

oh so I am
yes as you said

being attractive != being a sought after model

go and leaf through a fashion magazine. none of them are conventionally attractive, they're just kind of weird or they have something about them that grabs you.

that's what's desirable for modelling because it gets you to look at the ad, the name and the clothes.


fugg I meant


third from the left is Katty Perry

they have to be somewhat conventionally attractive enough to make the product look desirable

Tess Munster is no longer signed.


Who's the demon on the far right? She's staring into my soul.

Is there a Crazy Eyes filter in photoshop? All of them look fucking crazy.