Monster is immune to bullets

>Monster is immune to bullets

Is there a worse monster trope?

the monster has psychic powers, it can read minds and shield itself from attacks
that is why the bear trap injured it, chad wasn't sure where the traps were, so the monster had no clue and did not have time to protect itself

It's a psychic manifestation of hate and aggression.
Bullets powered by hate and aggression cannot hurt it.

Only love can.

Fucking stupid overrated show

>sychic manifestation of hate and aggression.
Where did you get that from?

>cloverfield monster

I still hated that bullshit monster taking 120mm shells and not even flinching. and then proceeds to survive bombs and a nuke going off.

stupid ass movie.

It's from the bottom of the ocean/space

It can handle a little pressure

Is that the Avatar monster, or the The Host monster?

>no politically correct characters
>no gays
>no trannies
>no racial statements
>no feminist nonsense
>no progressive crap artificially infused into an earlier era
>AKA no leftist dogma garbage

>Classic '80s American white town actually reflectively reminiscent of what America used to be like before every 1 in 5 American was a batshit insane faggot foxkin demiqueer transgender vegan feminist non binary neurotypical asocial communist xir or 3rd world beaner, and things were objectively better because there was none of that leftist trash

It's easy to see why lefties like you would hate a show full of normal, healthy people which doesn't pander to your faggot mental illness

if it's from the bottom of the ocean it would die from the bends.

if it's from a planet that has a heavily varied atmospheric pressure it would die due to the change in earths pressure compared to their home planet.

who the hell cares about any of that shit

Are you underage or something?

Its not as much a trope as it is a necessary storytelling narrative. Modern firearms are too damn advanced and powerful. The only alternative is to give monster other hacks - invisibility, superspeed etc

>Monster blindly consumes/attacks humans

I hate this trope

Both of those where quad(+)rupeds.
This is humanoid.

It's fine if they go the supernatural route, or they have vaguely realistic abilities like being very fast and strong. But having bullets bounce off something biological just makes no sense. It feels like such a lazy way to get around the issue you mentioned

>if it's from the bottom of the ocean it would die from the bends.
That's not how the bends works.

The bends is caused by breathing air containing nitrogen while under pressure, then leaving that pressure really quick.

What happens is that there is a normal amount of nitrogen dissolved in our blood. If we keep breathing air with nitrogen while we're pressurized, more nitrogen will dissolve in our blood. Going from a gas in the air, do being "liquid".
This is fine.

The problem arises when you remove that pressure too fast. The nitrogen that was in the blood is no longer under pressure and now tries to go back to being a gas, but it's stuck in your body and causes all kinds of problems as bubbles form in places they shouldn't.

It's not inherent to coming out of the deep.
It's a matter of how fast you go so you can breathe out the nitrogen turning back into gas.

Besides, if it's from the bottom of the ocean, it's not going to have a lot of nitrogen in its blood anyways.

This guy is correct.

source: i am a scuba diver

You know your irrational obsession with such meaningless shit is also a sign of mental illness, right?

Seems to me like you're just looking for reason to justify why you like such a generic and poorly made horror show.

Fucking idiot.

>It feels like such a lazy way to get around the issue

Congratulations, you just described %90 of the story telling decisions in this pathetic excuse of a show.

stupid-a fackin game!

My asshole

that thing came out of the ocean in less than a day. the satellite hit the ocean and then the monster came out at night.

even if it has only minor issues with nitrogen in the blood the thing would have died before it came to the surface because of the change in pressure between the bottom of the ocean and the surface.

it would have expanded a fuck ton and died due to injuries from that before hitting the surface.

stupid Sup Forums poster

yeah that was a bit dumb
comfy show though, I liked it

>no politically correct characters
token black kid
>no gays
will byers, noted homosexual
>no trannies
uh, did you forget about eleven?
>no racial statements
pretty sure there was a jew comment in there somewhere
>no feminist nonsense
implying winona and nancy werent strong independent wimmin
>no progressive crap artificially infused into an earlier era
literally all of the above
>AKA no leftist dogma garbage
batting 0.000 champ

So your opinion on shows is based on whether they offend you politically or not