Can we all just collectively not support Suicide Squad...

Can we all just collectively not support Suicide Squad? Like I know it’s kinda presumptuous to assume the quality of a movie before it’s out, but I think there’s something to be said about the bad (and on a lesser note, clichéd) portrayal of neurodivergent people. And I know if this post gets any traction whatsoever, I’ll probably get a bunch of whiny “anti-sjw” dc fans coming up with half-assed excuses to defend the movie. But, I think it still legitimately hurt people and continued the perpetration of common stereotypes of neurodivergent people (or at the very least provided some cringe-fodder (see: “that’s not what the voices said *winku face*)). I’m probably not necessarily qualified to say much about this as I only have OCD (and maybe something on the schizoid spectrum, but I’m not sure), but I’ve heard similar feelings echoed in people who do have disorders on the schizoid spectrum so I don’t think it’s just me being "overly sensitive”.

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I'm bipolar and I'm seeing this on the Thursday night early showing. It might be bad, and I've tempered my hopes, but I'm not gonna cry about every movie that uses the word "crazy".

Yeh im not reading all of that

i heard voices and was put on risperdol. mental ward twice maybe three times its all a blur. im gonna torrent it like everything else.

if it's shit im not buying it.


Sup Forums should form a movement in opposition to shitty corporatized profit-driven movies

we could call it "moviegate"

and by buy it i mean dvd because to my knowledge im dont have agoraphobia or whatever its called but fuck going outside it scares the living shit out of me.

im not also spelling good well

no, in fact im gonna go see it twice now because you made me read all that shit

>I'm bipolar

What are the symptomps of that? Because I alternate cheery modes with depression every few weeks. I almost commited suicide while drunk recently. I'd like to know if it's a mental issue.

are there any characters with autism in it?

asking for a friend

who's me

since I don't have any real friends

How many times a day do you post this? It only brings more attention to the movie, now I even know exactly when it's out because of this thread.

if you really want the movie to fail miserably just ignore it really

I know this is a joke, but I'm sick of seeing shit for this film. My brother was pretty fucked up and killed his wife and kid before shooting himself. The people in this movie are supposed to be murderers. Murderers and psychopaths aren't cool or funny or edgy, they're disgusting monsters. This bullshit glorifies how horrible these people are to satisfy the edgy teenager "LOL I'M SO BAD XDDD" mentality. I hope this piece of garbage bombs.

what turns me of is the marketing/overall movie design, the complementary neon colors, the obnoxious twitter/fb campaigns also just look at the joker design this is embarrassing. Modeled for a generation they don't understand so they just go 110% with every aspect. If the movie will be successful this will be just the beginning

Are all the "leaked" stories about the cast "acting like psychopaths" actually getting posted online or is it just a Sup Forums meme?

all? no, but there was a lot of shit about leto sending people condoms and dead rats and shit

Someone post that cigarette Leto meme

this movie is just a symptom of an overall problem. hollywood is run by sheltered, out of touch jews. they've had some commercial successes with edgy countercultural films and they're going to keep shitting them out for the next decade or more until one of them goes bankrupt doing it.

I sincerely hope this movie flops.

I can't tell at this point if they just went with Leto's method acting and fabricated this whole ridiculous campaign around some of his actual behavior or this is just one big marketing goof. Probably the last because it seems all so fucking fake, I mean obviously the internet stuff like the twitter take over is bullshit but also every actor has coincidentally his own le random joker goof story in interviews

Might wanna get it checked if I'm being honest

>my brother killed his wife


Hi Disney Presents a Marvel Studio Flick

Stop being such a goddamn faggot.

>I think it still legitimately hurt people and continued the perpetration of common stereotypes of neurodivergent people
What does that more is you posting all this bullshit and using words made up by fat teenage girls who think being sad every once in a while is clinical depression.

Following the standards of people who use words like neurodivergent and who 'think' they have maybe something on the schizoid spectrum, absolutely everyone in the fucking world is on some mentalist spectrum therefore the whole thing stops being an issue entirely.

Have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

>I almost commited suicide while drunk recently.
What do you define as almost committed?

Is that what they're calling it these days?


It never really ocurred to me that calling a film Suicide Squad might offend some people.
Looks like a romp though.

fuck off

>I think there’s something to be said about the bad (and on a lesser note, clichéd) portrayal of neurodivergent people.

You wanna really shit yourself at clichés? Check out "The Road Within" on Netflix. Literally every stereotype about Tourette's/Anorexia/OCD rolled into a road trip movie about people escaping from a mental hospital.

Suicide Squad is downright sensitive by comparison.

Well, we wer all drunk and I contemplated throwing myself in front of traffic when I was alone, but my friends found me and I abandoned my plan. I havent had alcohol since then

Can we all just collectively not support Dr. Strange? Like I know it’s kinda presumptuous to assume the quality of a movie before it’s out, but I think there’s something to be said about the bad (and on a lesser note, clichéd) portrayal of asian people. And I know if this post gets any traction whatsoever, I’ll probably get a bunch of whiny “anti-sjw” Marlel fans coming up with half-assed excuses to defend the movie. But, I think it still legitimately apropiating a culture and continued the perpetration of common stereotypes of asian people (or at the very least provided some cringe-fodder).

Fuck you I need to see how shitty it is. That is the only reason I see movies, so bad they're good

That's not almost committed, user. You thought about it. You've probably also thought about punching someone you don't like or robbing a bank or some shit, but you didn't do it. Fucking kids these days.

I think there's something to be said about "neurodivergence" but the way the SJWs bandy it about you'd think "neurotypicality" was actually the odd one out.

>t. Diagnosed clinical depressive and recovering SJW

>It's a post-ghostbusters newfriends take the memes seriously thread

What the fuck, I like suicide squad now

Why do you niggers want this to fail? Surely there are more deserving movies and things you assholes can waste your time on.

That's not how my bipolar works. I have extremely high highs and low lows, and before I was medicated I was very violent and destructive at my manic highs. My lows were rough but usually mellow. My highs and lows are still there now, but much more manageable.

>Implying I'm going to read that autsim
Fuck you dude, seeing it next weekend.

Oh no, they don't care about the film. It's popular and being advertised heavily therefore it is pure and total shit.

>I think there's something to be said about "neurodivergence"
There's also something to be said for mental illness, since when it makes a person a danger to themselves or others it's not something that should be viewed as an acceptable form of self-expression. It's all good if you're just some harmless autist but for every couple of thousand harmless people and fakers you'll have three or four sons of Sam who'll buy into that bullshit before going off the rails and a handful of genuinely depressed people hanging themselves with scarves they made in communal knitting therapy.

I think this movie would have been good as a serious drama. Go and watch the teaser trailer. It looked like it had so much potential.
Seriously this trailer is brilliant with the dark tone and music.

If it was a thriller about mentally insane people deciding to work together, being able to feel more comfortable with another which causes them to be less crazy: then it would have had a great message instead of this quipfest immoral thing as the other trailers and clips made it out to be after the reshoots.

I have a friend who is a hypochondriac who claims to be bipolar, have thyroid issues and various (got pills for thyroid problems, and behold, still fat as a fuck since he eats a lot) amongst other things. He's now a qualified nurse and still thinks of a new "disease/condition/whatever" that is wrong with him even though he is perfectly fucking healthy and is just looking for excuses.

You're correct but
>handful of genuinely depressed people hanging themselves with scarves they made in communal knitting therapy.

I gotta admit I kek'd

>My brother was pretty fucked up and killed his wife and her kid before shooting himself.

>can we

Fuck off reddit

It's not from Disney

>mentally insane people deciding to work together

Waller literally says "Getting people to act against their own self interest is what I do for a living". No decision about it, you do it or you die. Incidentally, Slipknot does in fact die

And anyway, it's probably gonna be about the squad growing more comfortable together as a team anyway.

Mental diseases are just labels normie people put on extraordinary people because they aren't "normal".

You're basically being labeled by a normalfag who think not buying the latest iphone is a mental defect, yet you are supposed to take these idiots seriously.

I'm in IT and I don't trust my co-workers to get shit done in a correct way without fucking something up, nor could I trust my previous fellow students (all with high grades).

I know 7 medschool students whom only 2 I would consider intelligent.

Why the fuck would I trust these dumb lowest grade percentage med-students to label my personality as some sort of defect?

Fuck them. You're above them intellectually and "spiritually" since they can't see past their normalfag lives where having 2 kids, a husband and going out every other week is the epitome of life.

Why would you ever let someone else tell you what you are? Fucking evolve. I know you are capable to transcend basic "I am here therefore I exist". Join the rest of us in enlightened land, fucking child.

>it aint me is part of the soundtrack

>I'm bipolar
your mom must have freaked!

I've been in the mental health system for almost 25 years. I've had several psychotic breaks and have experienced delusions, hallucinations, etc. I've spent years of my life in "care facilities", and countless hours in therapy. It never even occurred to me to be offended by this movie. It's a fictional story about fictional characters doing fictional shit in a fictional universe. Is it going to change how people perceive the mentally ill? Maybe. A ripple in the pond of ignorance and misunderstanding.

People who get diagnosed bi-polar are people who just can't handle having a bad day.

Do you think life is a fucking cakewalk, you self-centered piece of shit? We all have bad days, the only difference is that the rest of us doesn't try to kill ourselves or blame it on something external like "oh noo, I'm bi-polar. That's why I'm an asshole, haha! DONT BLAME ME! JUST MY CONDITION!".

Fucking hypochondriacs getting diagnosed by sub-tier doctors who are too dumb or simply do not care about rightly diagnosing patients.


shut the fuck up.

Do whatever you want, dude.
The movie is going to do great.

This. I grew up with a hypochondriac friend so I'm so fucking tired of people claiming to have diseases and the doctors that support them.

doctor are jews for the farmaceuticals, they love people who invent being sick.

Most people that are diagnosed bi-polar never get their chemical balance checked so I bet over 95% people who are diagnosed "bi-polar" aren't really bi-polar, just self-obsessed and not able to deal with the world hence why they blame it on an external factor. It's up to us doctors to help, so we help just by saying they are bi-polar so that they get something to blame it on something external and are able to live with themselves being complete fucking assholes.

I didnt do it because I wasnt alone. I've punched plenty of people when I was mad, by the way. Almost got fired from my last job because I beat up a guy. Anyway, I didnt say I was bipolar, I'm just curious. I've had agressive and depressive episodes for years and they get worse the older I get.

I have a bipolar mother, it exists, she tried to turn our house into a circus once (not a metaphor) and made me practice flips with her and spent days calling around various pet shops and zoos to see if she could buy an elephant before someone called the police on her for threatening to steal an elephant which led to her being sectioned. But you are right that a lot of people self-diagnose or convince doctors who're just trying to sell drugs that they're bipolar for being a bit moody, just fucks it all up for the genuine cases.

>I've punched plenty of people when I was mad, by the way.
You've also not punched plenty of people despite thinking about it. You've also not killed or raped anyone despite thinking about it. You're alone a lot of the time yet you've not killed yourself or attempted it (beyond giving it a passing thought). You're just over-emotional and a crybaby.

Sounds like you're curious