Who /smoking here?

Who /smoking here?

I am

I smoke 1/2 cigarettes a day, in the weekend sometimes a whole pack.
Came down from smoking a pack a day. Not enjoying as i used to

I have like 2 left of the pack I bought today.


I quit and got fat

I stopped smoking cigs a few weeks back and switched to vaping. It's not too bad...

Self-making masterrace
quit paying for packs like 15 years ago


Common dont worry

i'm trying to stop smoking as i noticed it's having a noticeable effect on my singing. Trying to get into vaping instead.

1 or 1/2 a pack of Marb red or luckies a day.

Smoked since I was 14. Want to quit, don't know how.


You never will


Take control. Who's in charge?

Up in the night smoker fag reporting in

I am, but I'm not in control.

Cigar man here, currently quitting pipe-smoking cold turkey because it's creeping in on controlling my life. Currently day 2, withdrawal is taking hold but there's fucking way I'm going back to tongue burn just to satisfy cravings.

10 year smoker here.

Lately I've started to gag 2/3 into my smoke.

Also, I've started noticing the stench again.

*no fucking way

started when i was 11,smokes minimum 20 a day im 33 now ,got an e zig but also smoking zigarettes.Its just another addiction,scared to stop in case im getting fat

holy shit are you from Cuba or something?

I switched to vaping too. not too bad... but really not enjoyable as smoking. more like stopping a fix as apposed to enjoying a cig with a beer or coffee or whenever you do it.

Also I'm weirdly ashamed more as a vapedouche than a smoker. But hey I don't wake up hacking shit in the shower, and I can breath easier now. but still I miss smoking but I probably wont go back to it

Around the time he started; the ability to smoke in fucking WalMart & grocery stores was still being phased out in the US.


Crofag hier. Brand of choice?

Mine are either Davidoff, Dunhill or Camel Turkish Royal

Marlboro ,smuggled west,smuggled jin ling and chesterfield now and winston tobacco


Smoking right now.
Slowly been moving up from a pack a day to a pack and a half + due to increasing stress.

I really want to fucking quit.

Even Big Boss has a vape now :(


Now that I've pleased the ants, here's a full sized.

I was just so high on benzedrex like 2 hours ago. I just puked a bunch and feel like shit now. great high but idk if it's worth how I feel now. I feel like I'm having a stroke

Me too, I always get self conscious and apologize if I accidently exhale towards someone, but I haven't had a complaint about it.

Wrong thread, filthy druggy.

I am pretty hot, if I say so myself

Outside smoking a yellow American spirit because this dumb state doesn't sell export As

Smoked through most of my late teens and 20's, i vape now. Honestly I like it much better, doesn't make your hair, breath, and hands stink, doesn't yellow your teeth, no coughing up black shit, and it tastes so much better. My 42 year old borther also smoked most of his life and switched to vape a couple years ago and is happy, keeps him off cigs. Albeit I do still feel like a bit of a douche when I blow huge clouds in public : /

does anyone get stains at the back of bottom teet? i only noticed them recently

Yes. Caffeine and nicotine do that to you.

A dentist can polish that off in 10 mins

yea brush ur mouth

Smoking cigarettes? This isnt 1995

I'm smoking l&m red shorts yiu pussy boi

>vaping fat clouds mane
This isn't 2000Gay

Look at all these redpilled faggots smoking the dried leaf Jew

I know I am.

I'd smoke nonstop if the things weren't so goddamn terrible for you. Stick to smoking cigars on special occasions.

I just want some dope.

>he believes in Jewish conspiracy

This is Sup Forums everything is a Jewish conspiracy. It's the goto for when you don't actually have an argument or a point.

I'm aware of that, but it's the equivalent to a high-schooler's "illuminati did it."

Just exercise and eat healthier and when you quit it won't be a weight gain. I started working out a bit before quitting smoking and using my vape and will not be gaining weight from quitting because I am getting in shape at the same time.

People who have bad diets and who don't exercise regularly will gain weight when quitting smoking.

Smokers don't usually care about their general health, that's kind of why those that smoke do; they don't care in the first place.

It all stems from the same issues Having to be in charge of yourself but not being in control of yourself, it just takes some dedication and an openness to try new things.

You can always go back to not caring if you don't like the results from changing things up.

That's just what the Jews want you to think

i smoke paint everyday bruh

Drunk and having a smoke, should I drink more though? Even though it's about 7 am.

You're good dude, just enjoy yourself.

gotta quit, been smoking for 10 years and started to get cronic broch. not only that but drink alot. i have fucked up.