He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie

>He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie

Name me something better than a Coke Zero while enjoying a movie at the cinema.

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it's just inferior
the only reason to ever drink it is dietary

Drinking a Black Cherry Vanilla coke.


Are coca cola also shilling on Sup Forums now?

i actually remember me and a friend had an argument about coke zero and we ended up doing a blind test, i could tell the difference between regular cola and pepsi, or pepsi max, or coke light, but i couldnt tell coke zero apart from regular

>drinking any kind of fizzy drink
Fucking hell are you 14? Grow up


Doctor pepper without ice

>you will never be a corporate shill

why live?

I drink nothing but cough syrup and pussy juice.

The only people who like coke products are soccer moms and spastic retards who think drinking rust remover with sugar mixed in is a good idea

>drinking any diet/zero sugar variants of any drink ever
They all taste like shit, just don't bother at all if you don't want the normal stuff.

Dr. Pepper is a Coke product. Literally bought out and bottled by Coke now.

So are you a soccer mom or spastic retard?

i'd go with vanilla coke or dr pepper
why drink it if it has no kick bro?

My mane right hur.


Barq's is better than dr.p


pepsi max

why do people indulge this stupid fucking thread?


Me? I like crab's legs

Water and some chocolate.

Have a pint or two before the film and bring a few cans to maintain the buzz. This is the best way to watch a movie

Why would they shill one of their products by trashing another one of their products?

WHo is wearing a jacket while watching a movie?

Probably my least favourite Sup Forums forced meme

Literally this
Bring a juicebox, it's way healthier

Cleaning up your girlfriend's bull after he's done ravaging her.

>drinking fizzy pop drinks

hope you like kidney stones

>He likes Coke Zero

>sugary pop drinks
now i know none of you faggots lift, you're all dyel or fat.

>Name me something better than a Coke Zero
Room temperature cat piss.

Come on Opening Poster! Don't tell me you can drink this inferior brand !!?! Real cinema go-er know that Pepsiā„¢ NEXT is the new sensation. It even has 30% less sugar than the leading regular cola!! It's almost TOO GOOD to be true!

whats your favourite?

An actual alcoholic beverage at a Luxury Cinema you plebs.

I drink only distilled water, or rainwater, and only pure-grain alcohol.

>Friend in hs used to literally drink only dews
>Would get a headache if he didnt have one by 2nd period
>Had 4 kidney stones by the time he was 24