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Television and Film
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Television and Film #728
Television and Film
Movies you feel bad for dragging your dad to see
Name a better movie
Don't mind me, just pirating this wallet
What the FUCK is this guy's problem?
/bb/ big brother 18
Ok what the fuck Im on this episode and have to pause it here why the fuck is he doing this I cant take the cringe what...
So do we all agree this was fucking great?
Signs a movie is going to be good
Is New Flash really necessary?
/got/ general
All meming aside, is the DCEU done?
That'll be $19.95 plus tip
Who is the most obese actor currently acting in Hollywood? What about of all time?
What's the most hilarious movie scene you ever watched, Sup Forums? I'm talking about crying from laughter
Meesa back!
Can I download movies from the pirate bay or will they come after me?
Was this good
Dr Pavel, I'm SIO
So, as a Christian (and in particular, a Protestant), I'll be the first to admit that our movies fucking suck...
Thanks for the burger user it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's *swallows* really *burps* good *farts loudly*
Diane, it's 12:18 in the morning, and there haven't been any Twin Peaks threads on Sup Forums yet
Name a better mommy in anything Sup Forums-related
Pfft... nothing personnel kid
Republicans = bad
Why does this series have such high ratings? It's kind of shit
Is she the most well-written Disney villain?
I need NOS
This is the last good James Bond movie. Prove me wrong
Is this kino?
ITT Propaganda flicks Sup Forums loves
That scene where he contemplates leaving her to die but realizes he's in love with her and goes back for her
If my daughter's grades start slippin or she can't get into Harvard, imma need you to white people that shit
Find a flaw
Let me get this straight
Came back from watching Suicide Squad with gf
It's an Eva Green gets topless episode
Should I be worried?
Post an image and someone suggests a movie based on the image
Why did they push this faggot so hard in the trailers if he was only going to be in the movie for five minutes?
/bb/ big brother 18
What are you guys expecting?
What's next for miranda cosgrove now that they cancelled Crowded? Does she still have a contract with NBC?
What happened?
What did you think of Star Trek Beyond...
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Why is Jay so small?
What a fucking asshole
Battlestation Thread
Who is the absolute BEST South Park Character?
Claim your husbando
This is an 11/10 in bongland
What were your thoughts of the 1994 Stargate movie? Do you prefer the SG-1 series?
Did anyone catch the pilot?
/lbg/ letterboxd generale
Characters who were based off real celebrities
"What is it, what do you smell?"
Tfw no BF who likes DC movies and watches old episodes of Dr. Who with me
The main char from the last movie you watched will save you from this guy
Thoughts on these actresses?
Why did his career die?
One of the only movies I've desired to see a second time in theaters in a long time
Is tire changing kino? What are some tirecore films?
How will they justify bashing his brains in next episode to the fans
Most fucked up movie scene you've ever seen?
Were the fuck were they while Enchantress was destroying a half of Midway City and killing countless life with his blue...
Name a movie as complex as this
Where will you be when Based Gal BTFO's of Marvel? I cant wait!!
Avengers featured Loki creating a portal to bring his army to this world
Why do so many famous people die in plane crashes?
What am I in for?
ITT anons describe a TV series vaguely in one line and other anons try to guess it. My one is easy to start it off
Is he the first one to point this out?
What are the best WHAT THE FUCK moments in movies?
Be married 36 year old
Legolas, what do your elf eyes see?
Fuck this is looking actually good
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Just finished the Office. I was crying. The Finale was too heartfelt. What do I watch now...
Why does he live so frugally like such a normal person
You wanna get to him you gotta get through me
What the fuck are they watching?
How do save Sup Forums?
Clerks 3
Was I the only one who felt the urge to impregnate Cara Delevigne whenever she girated her hips during the movie?
Shin Godzilla
Is it any good?
ITT: Characters yelling
Is Leslie Jones sparking the same reaction as John Boyega?
All crime is legal for a night
Can someone explain to me the obsession Sup Forums has for this scene? as far as I recall...
What's next for her career?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Well guys, it's Saturday night so it's time to watch some movies and have a snack or two
What would you like to see done in Gotham, Here's hoping the Mad Hatter episode is good
Can someone explain to me the obsession Sup Forums has for this scene?
Why do DC movies perform horribly in terms of box office and reviews compared to Marvel?
What are some good joakino?
Favorite scene in Batman v Superman
You were right about one thing, master. The negotiations were short
Why was Chigurh being such an asshole to this guy?
Ok Sup Forums, as seen on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Anyone also think its funny how Affleck just sleepwalks through BvS and delivers the best Batman incarnation...
So when do we start calling it Kino?
Favorite uses of songs in tv and movies
Suicide Squad Conspiracy Theory
So what's the verdict on season 3 Sup Forums?
Does Sup Forums like Trey Parker and Matt Stone?
If dubs Trump wins
How can a woman be this perfect?
What the fuck? why is he such a fucking cunt?
What happened?
Did vader ever learn to use force lightning? If not why not?
Makes you think
ITT: Times the "critics" were wrong
Are there any movies where the characters suddently realize they are in a movie / fictional world?
The only true Superman
Ask a guy who just went to publix after watching Suicide Squad anything
Comfy Sup Forums credits
Why did he marry Kitty if he was gay?
So Jason Reitman just tweeted this and later deleted it
Looks like a big movie
Wtf I love Scarjo now
Should I bother?
You rather be famous and middle class or a billionaire and anonymous
What is Emma Stone up to these days?
Patrician choice: The Searchers
*glass breaks*
What's the best high school movie?
Post the moment you lost it in the theater
Why is good sci-fi so hard to do?
Batman franchise at lowest point in History after Batman and Robin
We need this
Thoughts about this movie?
Which tv show has the best opening theme?
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2
ITT: movies where the women are the bad guys
Will it be any good?
It's a meme you've seen for years pops out of the fucking blue completely out of context episode
Worst movie you've seen this year (not necessarily from this year)?
Name a show with a better soundtrack
Can someone explain how this faggot is any different than Filthy Frank?
Connery > Dalton > Brosnan > Moore > Craig > Lazenby
Is this worth watching? Also is it SJW shit or does it make fun of it?
Scott Pilgrim sequels and spinoffs announced
He's truly our guy
Anybody feel kinda sorry for him?
Well congratulations! The third poster got his dubs!
If Liv ate your brain, what would her personality and actions be like for the next week?
Reporting MDE World Peace to feminist media
What's your favorite BBC program? my wife is looking for a new show to watch
/bb/ Big Brother 18
I've got the mayor breathing down my neck
Begins was the best Superhero Movie DC's put out in the past 2 decades, and the best Batman movie
Hey Jay i'll tell ya i hated this movie, it was just stupid. Too silly for me
Suicide Squad sucked
ITT: Actors that no one likes
How can human bois even compete?
What are some movies about goddesses?
Just came back from Suicide Squad. It was fucking awful. One of the worst comic book movies I've ever seen
She racemixed
Tom Hanks as Neil Peart
So what's the general consensus on this film?
Who shit themselves watching this? I slept with the lights on, and I'm 24 year old male
Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
Why does Hollywood continue to give him work?
This scene bummedd me out because i think it's how it is in real life...
ITT: Criminally Underrated Shows
Best animated series of all time
What's the best movie to watch stoned?
It's treason, then
Last movie you were impressed by
Conservashits, watch out, we're coming for you
The epic magician esque cool man or the akward beta gay sociopath?
American movie
Watch Passion of the Christ
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
Daddy, meet my boyfriend. Can we go into your room for a bit?
Why do the girls in the Olympics wear such slutty clothing?
Which TV show?
What does his actually voice sound like? His American accent sounds like he has a speech impediment
You kids really love Heath's Joker but he too would have been fucking cringe without his death
When they make the 'bad guy' so fucking right the good guys seem evil
Your guilty pleasure shows
Is he /ourguy/?
That's Josie Packard, one of the most beautiful women in the state
Movies about father vs son
Can somebody explain why Jupiter is on the Seinfeld logo?
He would have saved Suicide Squad
Maybe if he didn't spend 5 hours a day streaming video games with unfunny commentary he would put out more than 2-3 YMS...
Describe his character without saying what he looks like or what role he serves in the movie
A communications disruption could mean only one thing
What will the RT score be?
What's his endgame?
Is he our boy?
Now that the dust has settled, can we at least agree it was better than Memepool?
Why is flash wearing bulky body armour?
Just finished Fargo. Thought it was excellent. But can someone explain to me what this guy did wrong exactly?
Why did no one ever talk about Harry Kim being replaced by a duplicate?
Who is your favorite comedian right now?
Who will play the 45th President in the inevitable biopic?
I thought he was one of the coolest dudes, despite his limited screen time. why'd they have to off him
Is he seriously only in the movie for 10 minutes?
Didn't laugh once, not even a chuckle
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Californication?
There's Toooootally no Bias Against DC, Guys!
How can Wonder Woman escape the trashfire that is the DCEU?
Now that the JUST has settled, what went wrong with the robocop remake?
I was really excited for Leto's Joker. The guy's a pretty good actor and at times can absolutely wreck a role...
What would you do, if you could be RoboCop for one day?
Strong sales reported for female "Ghostbusters" action figures
Is this out fit age-appropriate?
ITT: Films for smart people
Do you think normies understand that it's about the Clintons?
Sacrifice the lives of hundreds of innocent war boys
Wtf i love cara delevingne now
Is Monk detective kino?
Is this Kino?
Eric Andre Season 4 premier
Outcast fans?
Suicide Squad receives poor reviews when it was actually a really good movie
What will she do once Girls ends?
Sup Forums Is The Best Board On Sup Forums
Let's all take a moment to appreciate the best Skwad member
How will he be remembered?
Go to cinema
Who is your least favorite Youtuber?
Mfw daily DCEU threads, but literally no one has talked about Civil War since the week it came out
Who played the best retard?
Saoirse Ronan
It's a my mom and dad are fighting episode
Weird, innit?
What are some movies where the female love interest is a pure maiden?
Mr normie
Was it rape?
Who do I have to fuck to get to fuck Tina Fey?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General:
"what did she mean by this ?
Episode 2 is space kino
It's another henry cavill wears a poorly tailored suit episode
Just got this bad boy at the swap meet. What am I in for?
Why did they think it was a good idea to make the first half an hour of this Sex and the City with Capes?
Ghostbusters 2016 makes Sony huge profit
What went wrong?
Sup Forums are there any good current tv shows that have good jerk off material? Nudity not required
Movie has two directors
Anyone exited for this?
How can i trust you?
Quick! You're being held hostage by some people over in Hollywood and they're demanding rights for a specific book to...
Where were you when Turkish Kino happened?
Is height the kino measure of actress attractiveness
Does this resonate with anyone else?
They actually made a sequel?! What the fuck America?
They Live
The Dark Tower
Movie is too dark. 2/10
Was there ever a director who was more BTFO than Nolan after this trailer?
Is it worth seeing Shitfest Squad for this qt?
And your other gun
What are some other movies where people fuck zombies?
Post best TV Show Songs
What's your comfiest sci-fi show? I like Stargate Atlantis...
Captain: we're receiving a transmission from Botox 3
Is this breakfast kino?
Is your refrigerator running?
Is this kino?
Classic TV
Khan's family are the best people, hardworking humble Muslims
ITT: bulkcore actors
Eternal /got/ general
How much influence does Satan have in hollywood?
What was his fucking problem?
What does Sup Forums think of Crazy Ex girlfriend ?
How Warner Bros. Opened ‘Suicide Squad’ To $140M+ – Late Friday B.O. Update
What's for dinner, lads?
Will this horrible, sexist pay gap in Hollywood ever end Sup Forums?
Everyone agrees that this is the only good show netflix has produced, right?
Who can replace them?
Actors who are technologically illiterate
Shut it down, or we'll shut it down for you
What's a good movie to watch when you're feeling lonely?
Do you think they'll make a third movie or are they getting too old?
Liberals will unironically vote for someone with brain damage
Suicide Skwad
Even Heath Ledger thinks Jared Leto did a great job in Suicide Squad. Why don't you Sup Forums?
So did anyone watch his new show? was it good?
Any more mature animated films like this?
You know, it's sad that he died and all, but I honestly get the feeling he was kinda' tired of these movies anyway
Post dead waifus
What was he doing that left his pants undone on the red carpet?
Why was this movie so panned? As far as pure film goes it was mesmerizing
How many jobs have you created recently?
Jared Leto talks about missing Joker scenes
I am unsure where to post this thread, as I could have taken it to /trv/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or here...
BBC to deploy detection vans to snoop on internet users who watch TV online
Do Americans really do this?
Actors confirmed to having huge cock
User, have you penetrated anyone yet?
“I think Selina is always exploring that without even knowing, because she has a genuine heart, she’s very loyal...
Aquaman V Superman
"This is Katana. She's got mah back"
The names bond, James Bond
Is he the definition of Over Acting?
He will have his revenge?
Which one?
Is it just me, or is Big Trouble in Little China a terrible, terrible movie?
First he ripped off Akira, and now he's ripping off Cowboy Bebop
MDE Insider Shill: Fielding questions, comments, criticism, sharing more info etc
Tfw your wife is way more successful
Suicide Squad Blu Ray deleted scenes
It's an Eva Green gets topless episode
Suicide Squad is the definitive proof that critics are biased as fuck against DC
Honestly, don't you niggers read?
This isn't funny
Wtf I hate twitch now
What did he do during all those years alone?
Why is it that threads about actors and actresses are immediately deleted but e-celeb and youtubeshit threads are...
If her grades aren't good enough for ivy league, white people that shit
Actresses who still actually look pretty good without makeup
"The critics have been absolutely horrific, they're really, really horrible,"
What does lgf stand for anyways?
Has Nolan made the next Saving Private Ryan?
Million Dollar Extreme presents World Peace on Adult Swim, 12:15 A.M...
Why aren't you fags watching the best TV series of 2016
Was anyone else taken aback by the random gay propaganda? I mean...
Characters you were unexpectedly attracted to
Filthy Frank "Human Cake"
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT: We examine Zombie Simpsons
A Message from Tim Heidecker
So how is she half-human? Isn't this movie the first time Orcs and Humans encountered each other?
What does RLM stand for anyways?
Camgirl general
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Star Trek Beyond Thread
Just finished watching The Dark Knight for the first time (got the trilogy set on blu-ray as a gift)...
Is this the most authentic feeling film?
Huh? Why did this happen?
Fuck that was horrible
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
This is Sup Forums
Steve was a good guy
Just dropped acid, what kino should I watch?
Why the fuck did he married this landwhale? Being a e-celeb shouldn't be enough to bang at least a 7/10...
Is this meme magic?
Our guy just uploaded his review of Sewsci Skwad
What the fuck was her problem?
Why the fuck did he come back...
Fictional characters from film and television which you would marry
August 6th, 2016
We need a team to protect us from metahuman threats
Did anyone else find it cringey when she was dancing for the ritual while talking to the main characters?
How do we get rid of Sup Forums?
Wtf i missed this scene
What did he mean by this
WYF I hate Matt Damon now
If DC is the conservative comic-book universe to Marvel’s pseudo-progressivism...
What kino should I watch while I eat this kino?
ITT: 10/10 patrician films only
DOCTOR STRANGE Test-Screenings
Woah! Calm down, Legolas!
102 days of Freedom
Bystanders Just Watch Little Girl Get Abducted - Black Men Step up and challenger would be kidnapper
What made House the comfiest show ever?
Is the 2005 version of King Kong one of the best movies ever made?
Is she ready for a serious acting role?
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
ITT: Post an image and someone suggests a movie based on the image
Make the main villain a debut Poison Ivy
This is playing near me tonight. A weeaboo friend says I should see it because it's "the real Inception...
Name a better comedy from the past decade
What went wrong?
5 minutes into frozen and chill she gives you this look
Fassbender and Momoa
Plebs on suicide watch - based armond does it again
How do we fix this and why is the only acceptable answer /film/?
Credits will do fine
I want to ____ the _____ out of Hila's _____ _____ ______ while her cuck husband Ethan watches in the corner
What are some movies?
Tim Heidecker
Will Marvel ever make a movie that will even come close to this?
Who's hype for Rogue one?
What was his end game?
Just watched this film
Imagine being an actress...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Hey you! Yeah, you! Come here!
Wayne's World
/stg/ - PROMISE edition
Melbourne Film Festival
I'M ACTING!!!!!!!!!!
Impossible to hate Actors
ITT, Excellent actresses who are also LITERAL Semen demons
How is the DCU going to fuck up the best anti-hero?
I've only seen a clip of this film, Does the bee fuck the mom or what? What the hell was Jerry thinking?
Fast and Furious Movies
Suicide Squad won't get approval for Chinese theaters
FRIDAY AM UPDATE #2: Internationally, Suicide Squad is now up to $29...
Twin Peaks
Why does Sup Forums hate Nolan so much?
I thought we could do butt-stuff tonight
New Suicide Squad Music video
Why was this even on Adult Swim?
So I decided to watch this movie with my girlfriend and I glance over at here and she is drooling, literally DROOLING...
/bb/ big brother 18
/lbg/ - Letterbo xD general
Wtf, i love DC now
What are some of the most memorable meltdowns Hollywood has ever suffered?
Shows that you enjoyed but if your friends ask you will say that you didn't watch it
Me drum fast. that make me good. no time for girl only time for drum
RIP career
Is this reddit core
Can we discuss this film rationally?
Tfw Sup Forums isn't funny anymore
Man of Steel is still being discussed today while Civil War is already forgotten
Has a film ever been so bad that it actually made you angry?
After Suicide Squad, what's next for her career?
David Cross - Netflix Special
ITT: We guess the Dr. Strange RT score
MDE Presents: World Peace
The Olympic Opening Ceremony is television, yiu nerds gonna watch it, right?
CIVIL WAR has already been forgetten, whilst BvS is still being discussed and will be discussed for months to come
You want door fix, Man of Spiders? Yes, I know these things you do, I learn how to find many secrets in old country...
Claim your vampire waifu
Watching stupid spymovie whatever
Wouldn't the feminist thing be to let her, a lady of the female variety, decide that for herself??
Suicide Squad expected to have the greatest opening ever
Whats some essential vin kino?
Favorite Movie Quotes
''You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble...
ITT: most realistic fight scenes in cinema
What went wrong?
Be Jonathan
Is Stranger Things as good as the internet and reddit are making it out to be, Sup Forums?
Eternal /got/ general
Phone call scene
Was it rape ?
Is Gal's husband okay with this?
Serious questions
ITT underacted supporting characters
ITT: The 2 best capeshit of all time
Rate my purchase!
Thought this would be an appropriate place to leave this...
This happens to you
This movie is pretty FUCKING overrated
Well done WB! suicide squad cuts
ITT: Shit and lazy memes
Why did Roy strip naked to chase Deckard?
Thoughts on The Crow?
Relax favreau, it's just a grilled cheese
Jared Leto responds to cut Joker scenes
Are you ready for all the Halloween costumes?
I don't understand... What was he shooting at?
What movie were you watching when you first got to feel boob?
Who would cast in a Lolita remake?
So now, when the dust has settled can we all agree that he was pretty good as a Joker?
Is this funny?
Shameless (US)
What do you think of her body of work?
How do you want your suit, famantha?
ITT: actors so wooden it hurts
Worth watching?
Meanwhile, at Mexico
I thought this movie was going to have a soundtrack of rap and punk? Instead;
How come these 4 movies essentially get a free pass, with decent-to-great reviews?
World Peace
Best Pokemon movie?
Stranger Things Season 1
Suicide is officially worse than BvS. Evansposting for life
So Jay, what did you think about Suicide Squad?
Why is this so common in the movie indutr?
Goblet of Fire is the best directed harry potter film
We need someone who could be severly beaten up by the main character
Leave Marvel to me
Forget Suicide Squad for a second
What was their fucking problem?
Ghost Dog
Sup Forums is making fun of us again
Watching a movie/tv show
Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars?
Does it hold up?
Never let a girl decide what movie you see
What is the best cinema snack?
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Hurr durr, lets carve the Swastika in the forehead of innocent Wehrmacht soldiers
Take off the nostalgia goggles and rate this shit
Did any of you even watch this fucking movie?
Now just what in the world did he mean by this?
Moviebob : "Sucide Squad is excrement.. and the DC Universe is completely unsalvageable"
DC turned a bunch of no name villains into characters more likable and interesting than all the marvel characters
Why is this shit a meme on here and why do you people post about it every day?
Oh shit, our boy Max Landis bringing the heat to reviewers
Donald Trump is
Fuck this bitch
Israeli film recommendations?
Check her Twitter. They're expecting
Armond's Suicide Squad review
Leto was complete shit
So did anyone watch his new show. What was it like?
Reminder that this movies is doing well and THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH THIS ACTING AND EDITING
What drew the loudest cheer/applause/laugh in your theater?
How, and i mean HOW in the flying fuck did this man never made a career after Lost?
Looks like he ate that 'za behind the scenes
Mr Fagbot
Was Anger Management the last time Jack Nicholson did a good role?
How come Sup Forums never talks about Mustang?
Dr Pavel I'm CIA
/bb/ Big Brother 18
26 years old
Hey, you know what this KID'S CARTOON needs in the FINAL SCENE?
/swg/ - Screen Writer Swag
Tim heidecker
When did HBO die for you?
Bravo, Hollywood!
Just got back. It's really bad
Now that the dubst has settled, was his card really the best?
Is there anything else remotely like this?
Why is he in charge of the DC universe? Who thought it would be a good idea?
What does Sup Forums think of reddit's top 250?
Eric Andre Show Season 4
Why do people get so mad at Rotten Tomatoes when it's just a review aggregator?
What is the greatest love story in the last 10 years?
Batfleck solo movie ideas lads?
They told the designer to Fix the Enterprise and he actually did it!
What went wrong?
Yes, yes, well done, Orlando Bloom. Well done
This was fucking great
ITT shit tier openings
Has there ever been such a huge disparity between what the critics and the general public think?
The only review that matters
So what's the consensus anons, is Self Harm Syndicate worth watching?
‘Suicide Squad’ Obliterates Box Office Competition With $20 Million Thursday
The Wachowski Brothers turned into MtF transwomen
Does she have a future in acting?
It's the Luftwaffe!!!
Flashback: RLM talk SW Prequels in 2002
Hitler kills hundreds of Jews
Watch joker go bonkers in this new music video for his favorite song
Computer, create one million fully self-aware copies of Adolf Hitler
Women you'd want leading your squad into battle with
Sup Forumserdict is out
Another box office smash, incoming!
Best Sup Forums memes of 2016 so far, go
What happened to James Deen?
Oh boy here they come
What did she mean by this?
Will she rightfully dethrone JLaw as the reigning queen of Hollywood?
ITT: Fedoracore
This show is such fucking garbage. It's the exact same bullshit tactics Lost used to keep you watching...
Why didn't they just shoot Pyramid head with a gun?
Kevin Smith is watching the last movie you've watched. At what point does he start crying?
Literally 50 seconds of screentime before he gets killed
I truly believe that Batman v Superman will be this generation's Bladerunner
Edgar Wright Wants Anna Kendrick To Play Marvel's Squirrel Girl
What does Sup Forums think of the Alien vs Predator movies?
Greatest moment in super hero movie history
I bet my anal virginity that she'll get her solo movie
Why is she so perfect, bros?
What's Sup Forumss consensus of this film? It came out today where i live so i couldn't participate in previous threads
ITT:Promising careers
Big Lebowski is overrated, Coen brothers too
Name one flaw without mentioning DC or "LE DAMAGED JARED LETO MEME"
Is John Green one of the worst writers in modern art and cinema?
ITT: Assumptions about celebrities
Times you've acted like the Joker
The only verdict that matters is in
"I'm telling your right now, it is a FANTASTIC movie, and you should go out and see it in theaters. Support it."
White People in Chinese Movies
ITT: Actor's everybody likes
Angry Jose Suicide Squad review
"The critics have been absolutely horrific, they’re really, really horrible. You know...
Have you noticed how movies and sitcoms produced in the last ~20 years seem to follow roughly similar pattern...
Who are the most well-endowed actors of our generation?
Reminder that this is the only good film Wes "hackmeister" Anderson has ever made
1 is greater than 5
‘Ghostbusters’ Director Says Movie Is A Success
Any more like this?
What did she mean by this?
Film begins
Horror series
I unironically find family guy funny
Suicide Squad "Purple Lamborghini" video
Based Armond
ITT you post THAT ugly actress who,despite being ugly, makes your dick hard as a stone
Is this kino?
I didn't hate it
I can't believe how bad this was
ITT: Times you acted like a bad mom
Its a "Chandler's weight goes up and down like a yo-yo" season
Pan's Labyrinth
ITT: movies with predictable twists
Name a british surreal comedy better than this
Celebrities you could beat in a fight thread?
Who's going today?
Saw Suicide Squad and when this came up I was totatlly hit with the biggest
This was considered super hot in the 2000s
Do you remember your first movie boner?
That scene
Which Ghostbuster is the sexiest?
Just saw Soundtrack: The Movie. AMA
It's a ''Louis gets kicked off a house when interviewer sees through his bullshit'' episode
He drinks a regular Coca Cola while watching a movie
Name a movie that uses more real science than Interstellar
Best joker
First day at work, feeling nervous
What were his thoughts?
The early 2000s were the best time to be a kid in terms of shows and cartoons
DC please just fucking scrap Snyder. The tone he set for this universe just isnt working
Take this however you'd like
In this thread we creat the next episode of suits, ill start:
Gary Oldman sucks, and his accents are fucking annoying
Why did Janeway kill him?
What did he mean by this ?
HBO is owned by Time Warner. Do you think we will ever get any good tv show set in the DCEU? Teen Titans maybe?
What was the deal with the pedo vibe between her and Clooney in Tomorrowland?
Hello sir what can I get y......hey weren't you just here a couple hours ago?
Look how proud he is
Best movies of 2016 so far, go
Literally the best thing ever
ITT: TV series only for the intelligent
What's her superpower?
DC canon has three Jokers. Should the movies do the same to save themselves from Suicide Squad?
What movies make you cry?
Claim your OITNB prison-fu
ITT: 10/10 Disney girls
Were people tricked into watching Jessica Jones because of the Marvel tag or did it "succeed" the way Ghostbusters...
Cast Tomoko
Prometheus is the worst thing ever made by a human
Godzilla Resurgence
Is World Peace gonna suck?
I have only loved one person
First one to get dubs gets to stay on my aircraft!
Has anime finally surpassed western films in cinematography?
When did 'comedy' stop being funny and start being a 24/7 shillfest for the establishment?
'Suicide Squad' Unlikely to Get China Release
Any movie featuring native Americans
What are some movies where Chad loses?
What's his super power?
This is pathetic
Is he "our guy"?
Okay. This film is Kino
Camgirl general
Does it really feel like warm Apple Pie?
What do you guys think of this guy?
ITT: We write Seinfeld
Suicide Squad is the definitive proof that critics are biased towards Marvel
Mfw Sup Forums doesnt like feet anymore
Check it out
Romulans or Cardassians?
Is she /ourgirl ?
Is this considered average?
Just saw SS
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Meanwhile at Marvel
Honestly dying scares the fuck out of me
It's time to stop. You have a problem
Mfw the tribe has spoken
So, what did this movie teach us?
Eternal /got/ general
Let's get one of these threads going
Will the distaste for DC outweigh the need to suck feminist clits when it comes time to review this next summer?
Do you feel at least a tiny pang of guilt when you realize all of the energy and expense that goes into making a movie...
Where were you when RLM became great again?
Review Brah Zaxby's Wings and Things
Actors you'd chill out with
Reccomend Weird/Offbeat/Obscure Films
It's a lisa episode
Why do so many actresses adopt black babies? Do they think it will help their careers?
KOTH Thread
Quick Flash
Miss me yet Sup Forums?
What movie has the comfiest atmosphere?
Cast a black actor
Tfw you're the oldest regular on Sup Forums
Mfw retarded pol users don't understand that Sam Hyde isn't actually a racist alt righter like them but is actually a...
/stg/ - MIDNIGHT edition
Conan > Kimmel > Fallon > Maher > Colbert > Oliver > Cordon > Noah > Wilmore > Meyers
Blue is the warmest color
/bb/ Big Brother 18
Suicide Kino? (1/48)
This was considered busty in the 90's
Who else hates this prick? Honestly he is the fakest and shittiest critic out there...
Who should play her in the inevitable biopic?
Just saw it. It was a piece of shit. Ask me anything
How many times have you masturbated to KATAAAAAAAAANAAA today? I'm up to 6
Haha this pic crakcs me up every time, Jim is hysterical
Stranger Things was rejected 15 to 20 times by various networks before getting accepted by Netlix
Suicide Squad/ AMA
Will we ever get /film/?
I know people are busy with suicide squad shit but I need to cast this
I'm sure someone has already made a thread of this, but I just watched it
Get on
Tfw 28 year old waste of space and air
/bb/ - Big Brother 18
What is this technique called?
/bb/ Big Brother General
What does Sup Forums think about the BBC (Big Black Cock)?
I need some black comedy kino, can you guys help a nigga out?
Characters with the shittiest lives
Is John Carter kino? Pretty underrated imho senpai
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Nolan: One more time
Goodnight, Sweet Prince
Scream - I can't believe this is the #1 TV show I look forward to these days edition
/bb/ Big Brother 18
What's her fucking problem?
ITT: Memes you fell for:
Why are girls on Reddit such sluts?
ITT: Times the critics were wrong
Film begins
Pick one and only one
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...