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what site?
leto is too beautiful to be an addict
Based Goddard
>47. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/04 **#1**
This actor turned politician turned actor turned director is getting up there in years. It does not appear to have slowed down his drive for college age students that allow him to spank them. All of the women have to be as young as his youngest daughter. Creepy. Clint Eastwood
The 90's is leaking.
Nice filename
I laffin
guy's like 90. would you expect him to be interested in chicks his age?
I see the Jews are trying to besmirch Clint's name.
what... the hell
Kek true
There is something else going on with this one.
the original darker version would have had the same reviews, or even worst.
Holy fuck this site looks like it was designed in 1998 and never got a single facelift.
This. Making it a quipfest it'll make bank at least
It's literally been like this since late 90s lol.
Nope, I suspect it would have fared better.
What do you mean?
who writes this stuff tho
Anything on Dan "The Man" Schneider?
>31. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/03 **#3**
All is not well in north of the border land similar to Shondaland. Apparently there is huge trouble brewing and staffers from LA sent to help with damage control. Greg Berlanti/Executive Producer of "Arrow", "The Flash" and "Legends of Tomorrow" all filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (cast members are upset that Katie Cassidy is returning and will be on all 3 shows)
I thought it was Berlanti that had beef with Cassidy cause the studio forced her on him
Jared Leto played the most disturbed and psychotic character ever on screen. He has to return as the Joker in another film!
>TEEN CHOICE AWARDS: I can’t even pronounce her name, but this well underage teen who stars on a reality show was trashing these two sisters from the same show. The language coming from this teen was crazy. JV was shocked at the nastiness.
Chloe Lukasiak ("Dance Moms")
Sisters: Maddie & Mackenzie Ziegler
That site is fuckin pure gold.
Bull fucking shit. All credibility lost with this one
He's a beautiful addict.
and it doesnt say which cast members, im guessing arrow, cause i cant believe that members of all 3 shows hate her
as the husband of someone who has struggled with anorexia her whole life i can tell you that actress definitely has it, it's easy to see if you look at the skin around her nose/cheeks
Your wifes pussy still skinny?
If Fassbender is beating my waifu I will kill him
Probably not. Panabaker was her housemate during production so I doubt she hates her. If anything, I bet it's Rickards
And she's got that skinny body, huge head look going on. Definitely true.
Hope your wife's okay now.
It's Felicity.
Well, Natalia is extremely skinny. I wouldn't be surprised if she's anorexic.
She looks like a fucking bobblehead mate, the fuck are you going on about?
what I don't get about a lot of these is how are people doing drugs and getting drunk when they have public appearances? I get so paranoid of anyone knowing i'm drunk or high I can't imagine doing it in front of millions
>that long ass venessa lengies post
i feel so sad for her, if i had a twitter id tell her its all going to be ok
thanks, she's recovering but it is a life long struggle
Yeah based on this picture, that quote is definately credible.
summarize it
gee whiz it's almost like these tall stories and imagined anecdotes are entirely made up
This is one I actually believe. In the Sony hack emails, the CCO of Marvel Ike Perlmutter warned people at Sony that they were getting ready to litigate against Goddard because of some issue he was avoiding all contact about. It was really bizarre. I guess that's just how he deals with pressure.
Because they're over 18
>he doesn't know about the ones that were confirmed
When you're always drunk/high, nobody knows when your not.
It's like 8 posts long man
>everything is a fucking conspiracy
>no relationships are real
>they are all on drugs
yeah okay
Because Hollywood is fucked up.
Welcome to the real world, shut-in.
kek looks like that dude from the warriors
I know what you mean. I once did shrooms and went to a street fair. I saw a fucking UFO watching the crowd from the side of a building. When it noticed I saw it, it did a jaggy kinda "double-take" and shot behind the building.
That was enough for me.
These are from afterparties. Not at the actual event.
Jared leave.
Nah shes got it
>I think at this point we are going to need a birth certificate. A few months ago, this foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress went through a huge to do about her age. After I did a blind, others did it more publicly. So, she won her argument but in interviews for her new movie, it seems the she is older by a lot crowd are winning again. Our actress keeps screwing up her timeline. Margot Robbie ("Suicide Squad")
how old is margot robbie Sup Forums?
because they're celebrities and they can get away with it
>This A-/B+ list mostly movie actress/celebrity offspring almost passed out doing press for her new film. She is eating once every couple of days in order to slim down even though she doesn’t need to lose weight at all. Bryce Dallas Howard "Pete's Dragon"
Dont mess with my mommy you fuckin bastards.
This is like perez hilton for autists
29-32. Somewhere in there.
late 20s, early 30s
I remember her playing a teenager on neighbours but still looking like she was in her 20s
Fass better not touch alicia.
During my stoner years.
>come home straight
>father looks at me strangely
>mother asks me if I am on drugs
>come home stoned
>no one notices anything
because these people are sheltered degenerates. It's why they tend to get into shit when they travel out of LA.
It's almost as if they have some acting skill.
lmao fuck off
That's how it usually is
>Cara DelCumdumpster.png
man this website is really shilling this gay kanye angle
>go out to dinner, drink nothing
>come home
>get 20 questions on how many drinks I had
>get completely shit faced
>somehow managed to drive home
>spend like half an hour having a shower
>walk into everything on the walk to my room
>no one notices anything
I miss being young
actors are good at acting
I dont think I've ever seen anyone on the site that was ever confirmed straight up 100% false.
>actors doing drugs
>actors dating being serious
These aren't even far fetched in the least
C'mon, son
I don't really buy 90% of the closeted claims.
Kanye has sucked a thousand fish dicks.
You don't drink/do drugs enough.
That makes sense, in the beginning of the Conan episode all the crew are dancing and having a good time together and he's just kinda on the sidelines not a part of it
This prolific actor is probably A- list. He starred in his own show once but his latest efforts have all crashed and burned. He is doing a different kind of acting right now and got himself in a bit of trouble because he used a homophobic slur while in the vicinity of his co-workers, several of whom happen to be gay.
Actor: Zachary Levi
Show: "Chuck"
Latest efforts: "The Commando", "Heroes Reborn", "Telenovela"
Different kind of acting: Broadway "She Loves Me"
oh chuck you idiot
i always thought he came off as a little gay himself
C-list actress doesn't have steady work, so she goes yachting. Feels objectified, but doesn't actually have to sleep with anyone, makes 25k. Doesn't sound that bad, desu.
The part where Ryan Reynolds told her he was going to fire her off Waiting if she didn't fuck him was kind of shitty, though.
It makes sense, he's a hardcore christian
Chuck is cool.
Fuck her for hating on body hair.
This A- list mostly television actor has had a lot of success with television. His luck in movies has been way worse than his actress wife who seems to never make a wrong move. Anyway, our actor was spotted using not that long ago which is very troublesome. John Krasinski/Emily Blunt
Using what!?
>A- list mostly television actor
>John Krasinski
Cocaine or heroin
Exactly what I said.
> The actress pro beard who actually makes a lot more money acting than bearding has reached her limit. There is no way she will get her name dragged through the mud as some kind of scapegoat for family drama. She will walk away in a second and let everyone deal with the fallout. Oh, and by the way, she never signed any confidentiality agreement so I would be really nice to her. Olivia Munn/Aaron Rodgers (brother Jordan winner of "The Bachelorette")
If his PR team can come up with something as bulletproof as "I really really like women", I'm sure they could handle that just fine
> The booze was flowing for this former superhero the other night. The married actor tried to hook up with multiple women the other night but failed miserably each time because of his booze ingestion. Tobey Maguire (Leonardo DiCaprio’s yacht party)
what hope do we have if tobey can't get laid
You've seen his dance moves, he had no chance to start with
This former A- list movie actress doesn’t act much any longer. Well, except for the being straight thing. Anyhoo, even though it seems like it was just a second ago she had a baby, she is pregnant again. Jessica Biel
shes a dyke? wat
Yeah that rumor has been around for a long time
Isn't she married to Justin Timberlake? He's the member of his boy band that was apparently the fuck-toy of that creepy older exec. It's a lavender marriage.
>gays are drawn to the arts
Yeah, that's just ridiculous.
I doubt it. If anyone actually bothered to read the reviews instead of bitching about it's percentage on a review aggregate site, they'd see that a huge problem most critics have with it is it's structure, which is a fucking mess because of all the reshoots and studio notes.