What happened?

>Most promising young actor in hollywood
>In everything from horror films to comedies to record breaking blockbusters
>The most gorgeous women in the world all over him
>Unlimited money and fame
>Straight edge
>No drug induced collapse or fall from grace
>suddenly goes insane and disappears

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, I feel sad about Macaulay Culkin too

He's not insane, he just does whatever he feels like.

He's got fuck you money.

I'm pretty jealous tbqh

That's Justin Bieber you fucking retard.

He thought that being a badass in movies translated to being a badass in the real world

This. He's operating from a lifetime position of fuck you.


>Leaves the dream with no explanation while doing shit like this
>Not insane asylum tier


no drugs? really?

>No drug induced collapse or fall from grace
the guy is surrounded by meth/heroin rumours.

>child actor
>obviously still traumatised by his molestation

>World Famous Wealthy Jewish Elite
>Balls Deep in Hollywood
>Goes off the deepend and disappears out of the blue

Wait a minute I suddenly don't fucking understand this either...

He had a fucked-up childhood, his dad was an abusive heroin-addicted Vietnam vet

And I'm sure this is gonna get the usual Sup Forums response of "boo hoo I'm rich and famous," but living in the public eye and putting your face on high-stakes high-risk business ventures can be extremely stressful.

I feel like that would have made the news as an explanation rather than him popping up as a meme

Did I miss something?

Ok so why didn't he crash and burn like the other burnouts who couldn't handle it?

He just changed overnight like he got possessed or something.


Wait, let me take a look here.. hmmm..
>>Unlimited money and fame
>>Straight edge

Considering that I know SLIGHTLY MORE about him in his personal life, yeah it all makes sense. He's a millionaire and he doesn't do anything for fun. He's what happens when a straight edge kid who never knew what he was getting into, realizes he was up to his eyes in everything at once.

He use to live in the town north of where I live. He doesn't live there any more. His property was right up against a huge run of "the woods" where people would go with their ATVs and just party like hick idiots (not as rare for California as you might think) and because there was no fence, and it was the goddamn forest, people would cross his property line all the time. He just wanted to be left alone. He wanted absolute solitude, to bring calm to his mind. And he could not get it. So he started walking his property line with a shotgun (or rifle) and firing into the sky whenever he saw somebody even close. It was a bit of a row in the local community and he eventually moved under the pressure.

He is some kind of borderline autistic, and wants to be left alone when he isn't working, and he doesn't even know what working is; He's been doing it since he was a kid. He went crazy because being a big shot hollywood actor precludes the whole "leave me alone" thing.

probably did dmt, ayahuasca or mind changing drugs


What did he mean by this?

>shot at annoying people because he was sick of their shit and wanted to be left alone

Wtf I love Shia Leboof now

Is this kid a meme yet?

Any proof for this or just bullshit speculation based on nothing?


Just do it.

What did he mean by this?

It actually seriously, like not memeing, is really making me think.

what are you talking about, this is literally kino

>>No drug induced collapse or fall from grace
>>suddenly goes insane and disappears
>No drug induced collapse or fall from grace

What the fuck is Kino?

>inb4 newfag
CTR moved us here from Sup Forums

Just tell me and we can move on

According to this
He just manned up and said "fuck you guys stop bugging me" and left his entire life

No idea why but that isn't the usual coke binge, child molestation, DUI, Suicide by overdose, fail as an actor etc end that is to be expected.

He just changed

>yfw he was the original meme magician and unlocked the powers of kek



Wait, is that from the strangely accurate card game about taking over the world?



>abandoning Sup Forums
>not knowing the memes of boards before posting
Fuck off back to Sup Forums faggots like you leaving only lets the shills win

Whoa, he sounds awesome.

>you will never be this alpha



shia is based
leave him be



He's a total twat.

Wait Shia got molested?

Who poofed Lebeuof?

>being this jealous because ya just cant DO IT
Kys loser

He was always a fuck-up, or just DAMAGED, just happened to be Jewish and have a spark of potential so he had a string of powerful benefactors that grew to hate him until he had no one and that "potential" was thirty years old.

Why didn't he just build a fence?

Go back to Sup Forums tinfoil hatter and stop shitposting on Sup Forums

He plagiarized some guy's movie, was publicly called out for it, issued an apology which hilariously, turned out to be plagiarized as well.

In order to avoid being labelled as a thief plagiarizing cunt for the rest of his life, he went full retard to divert attention. It worked.

>implying this alpha male
>Would build a fence when he can

Has anti-Sup Forums posting gone so far to the point of being comically naive to counterpoint extreme cynicism?

>things that never happened

>I swear guys I'm not a neo-nazi I just like Trump and hate jews for no reason
Kys stormfront racist

What the fuck? It was big news when it happened.

David Lynch and Spilberg

>manned up
He didn't, he was always like that even when he was younger. Likely comes from having a PTSD dad who would pull guns on him as a kid while having Vietnam flash-backs. There have been stories about him having a very short temper and getting violent with people that go back decades.

>In February 2005, LaBeouf was arrested by police in Los Angeles and charged with assault with a deadly weapon after threatening his neighbor by driving into his car. A bystander claimed that LaBeouf "lost his cool" after he had to wait to get access to his garage while the neighbor, who was blocking his path, chatted to his girlfriend. The onlooker said: "Shia began honking his horn and yelling at the guy, but the neighbor told him to wait a minute, and carried on talking to his girlfriend. Then Shia rammed his car into the back of the other guy's car. Words were exchanged and Shia jumped out and threatened the neighbor." LaBeouf allegedly appeared at his neighbor's front door hours later, waving a kitchen knife. The two fought, someone called the police, and LaBeouf was led off in handcuffs.

O shit
Is Kek coming for us, Sup Forums?

>mira that little joven from Boy Meets World with mi la waifu, Megan Fox, grabbing his peñor
>No control el jealousy
>Starts talking smack like a big muchacho
>El Confidencé es risiando
>Start putting el charmo on his Novia
>this was el mistako
>Get el shitto beatando out of me
Pinche juden

Do you think his Chosen One status saved him from that or do jews really rape other jews?

Yeah zoolander 2 was amazing

Come on guys

Just do it